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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I can see those lights, ever so faintly from my front yard tonight.
  2. With the way Peyton choked in the playoffs and Eli whined about where he was drafted, they should be referred to as SISTERS.
  3. OK...I HAD to come out of hiding for this one...yes...I still lurk from time to time. Did Debbie just equate U.S. soldiers to suicide bombers? Debbie...please clarify. Im praying you can do so.
  4. The same Frenchmen who today is whining about this World Cup "incident" and is all "offended" will be on the sidelines of the Tour de France tomorrow calling Americans Leipheimer, Landis and Hincapie such vile things, it will make what Materazzi said look like something that came from the mouths of babes.
  5. There is no bigger con job being fed to the American Public right now than the benefits of "wind power." Read up: http://www.aweo.org/ProblemWithWind.html http://www.savejonesbeach.org/
  6. Saw a "No Blood for Oil" bumper sticker on an SUV this morning.
  7. I swear, if I ever somehow get busted and hauled to court, my defense would be "if they can do it (break the law), so can I". I wonder if that would work.
  8. Bill in NYC and olivier are right on point on this one. How DARE we critiscise the French for "surrendering" when our government and press is doing the exact same thing in regards to the immigration issue, and under much LESS duress than the French Government is?
  9. Hey, it worked for Ronnie. On more than one occasion. !@#$ this problem...Im still trying to figure out why the geniuses at Trek outfit George Hincapie's bike at Paris-Roubaix with a substandard fork which snapped and ruined the big man's season. Thats probably Bush's fault too. No..wait.....HALLIBURTON!
  10. American white, heterosexual, Christian males are the root cause of all evil in the universe and responsible for "everything bad" in the world today. Everyone else is 1,000% innocent and incapable of wrongdoing of any kind. Didnt you get the memo?
  11. "We" commited such atrocities centuries ago. But nice try. BTW...there are religions doing such things right now. But dont want to rank on THEM, though. Ya know...for the sake of "diversity" and all. Gotta keep the "hate" where it belongs...on those terrible white, heterosexual Christian folks!
  12. The balance of power allows the Administration free reign to conduct illegal activity? What about past Administration who had serious funny business going on? How did Bill and Hillary get away with all of their misgivings back in the day? Surely their party didnt hold sway over everything when they were in the WH. As usual...always back to "Bush bad"...the one trick pony. Everything was peechy keen and "done right" until the terrible Bush got in office.
  13. Ah, so it was "only the bad ones" protesting, huh? See....youre part of the problem!
  14. Watching CNN cover the protests last night, it sure was heartwarming watching all the MS-13 and other gang hand signals being flashed to the cameras, pretty much to a man.
  15. For 360 or for 1st Gen Xbox?
  16. Saying "they do it too" is....by nature....NOTING THAT THE PRACTICE IS COMMON. So basically, weve learned today that its not whats said, its how its said. Ya gotta love getting debate/posting instructions from someone who uses "Im right because youre an idiot" as the basis for everything he puts forth, even when he agrees with you.
  17. I dont see that. I dont see anyone called an anti-Semite when they bash the U.S.' relationship with Israel. What I do see is a lot of people, myself included, saying its typical for lots of folks to "blame the Jews" as a fallback.
  18. Funny....some 'idiot' said the same thing a few posts up.
  19. Absolutely. Its what makes Force so awesome. They are as "big money" as you can get, but still run that team and drive that car like they are running a street Camaro at a local Chevy meet out in the sticks.
  20. Hey, SnR....we share a birthday. I knew I liked you for some reason.
  21. When its a minority-centric left leaning group pulling this type of sh-- to forqward their agenda, it goes unnoticed as Status Quo and even validated by the media. But becuase a more-right leaning group is taking this tact....a JEWISH right-leaning group, its suddenly a problem. Shocker.
  22. Not for nothing, but IMO, Force has that "look" year after year. In the pits, and at the line, there is NO crew more intense than his. When Force lost in the finals in FL on Sunday, Austin Coil looked like he was going to kill someone...like he cannot imagine NOT winning. He cant fathom it. And he has that look whenever Force goes down. OTOH, its what makes Force so much FUN to watch. The man will break traction at the 60 foot mark and peddle than frickin' Ford all the way down the track until he finally gets the other man, sees the win-light in the other lane or he blows the engine sky- high. He NEVER gives in. Ever. Force fuggin rules.
  23. Figures....MY B-day is tomorrow. Always a day late........
  24. Way to nitpick, guys. Chevez is not an enemy of the U.S.? Sheehan has also met with leaders of the Communist Party and other groups who are an Anti-US as one can get.
  25. This is why Pro Stock remains my favorite class. A lot of what you see is still backed by technology provided direct from the manufacturers. Its still Chevy vs. Ford vs. Mopar. A lot of it is still cobbled together by the drivers and their local speed shops, too. When MOPAR got back into PS a few years back with Cokehead Alderman and Geffrion, they were pulling old Hemi big blocks out of junk cars and working them for racing. Plus, its more consistent racing. The Fuel cars are intense, but its rare you get through a whole round without at least one delay due to dropped cylinders, blower explosions, etc.
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