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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I dunno...read the transcript of his interview. I say if I was Bush, Id pull a Vito Corleone. You know the scene....."if Micheal is hung in his jail cell..or gets shot unexpectedly...then Im going to blame of the people in this room." So Id say "Ok...have your nuclear power. You wanna be a 'peaceful nation unto itself'? Have at it. But ANYONE in the Middle East, including your minions in Southern Lebanon, make even a small move against Israel...or a NATO country...or the USA and youre fine little country will become a parking lot from one end to the other quicker than you can say "Allah Akbar." I know..pie in the sky...but sometimes the "street" way of doing things works. Best part about this scheme is that if it comes true, we can get all those F-14s we sold them back and return them all to service here where they belong...instead of that "Super Hornet" bull sh--.
  2. Here is what happens to Free thinkers in Indonesia. But dont worry...its only a "fringe element." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=319Q4lDyNWI Look forward to someone posting the Christian equivalent to this....that didnt take place 500 years ago.
  3. With all due (??) respect, how the !@#$ are you making the assumption that I complain about every play and Im a bad fan and that I should be a "wearing teal and orange" because I said Id leave a blowout game (which is what it was despite the score) in uncomfortable weather conditions? Quite a stretch there. But since we are playing "who is a better fan", I froze my ass off a few years back and stayed till the whistle blew while my beer froze solid and the Bills were getting waxed by the Fins something like 23-0. Can you beat that....tuff guy?
  4. GAH! No way! I was thinking more Giants under George Young.
  5. You can always use good linemen. And they are hard to find. When they are there, you grab them, IMO. I dunno....lots of teams take a single philosophy going into the draft and see it yeild success. Take for example, going with "take best player on the doard, regardless of position.", which a lot of teams employ.
  6. Im feeling like the Asian grounds keeps in Major League..."They are still sh-------y"
  7. IMHO, the top picks always go to linemen and skill positions exclusively. Im only taking a secondary guy if he's rated super high. Like...Ronnie Lott high. But thats me....and Im closer to dating Chrissy Moran than I am to being an NFL GM.
  8. ROTFL. Youre right...Im "bandwagon". Be careful painting your face there, Puddy. "Bills" starts with a B, not a D.
  9. I know...its not like during some..many...games in the SUPER BOWL YEARS, Mr. Wilson had to buy out the last several thousand tixx to guarantee the sellout...yawn, yourself.
  10. I love it when 'we' who usually wont put more than 65K in RWS if the team is less than 8-8 get on the fans on other teams. I have to say...I cant get on them for this one. The 'fags did NOTHING all day and it looked brutally hot. I probably would have left too.
  11. All season long, baby. All I know is that Im seeing a team thats organized and playing well...sticking to a well-designed game plan. Good stuff. The sun is shining.....the Bills trounced the fish...and I got two tixx to the (hopefully) Mets clincher at Shea tonight. Life is good.
  12. Whitner may play well....but it was still a stretch to take him, especially when the lines needed so much work. If I pay $30,000 for a $20,000 car, no matter how good that car treats me, I STILL overpaid for it.
  13. Nice to see we have a coach who is in shape, too. Id rather look at Jauron than Man-breasts Mangini.
  14. Dont worry...SOMEone will come up with the "moral equivalent" to excuse it.
  15. "Hey Flutie....the 80s called and they want their haircut back"
  16. Im failing to see why Im on a "high horse" here. If you dont want to discuss things and see a different POV, dont post. Back to the issue at hand....... Whether or not Takeo Spikes right now is the face of the franchise, in the grand scheme of things, hes not even close to Kelly in terms of stature, both as a Bills player and as an NFL player as a whole. Now...back to your comparison (not metaphor) between what was said. First of all, why would Kelly ever say "we are rebuilding" back then? He wouldnt. So I cant possibly get pissed over something that would never happen. If you want to argue that Kelly would have gotten a free pass over any rant, in general, then youre probably right. But that plays right into my initial point that you have to be careful here. You cant say [paraphrasing] "leave Spikes alone becuase Kelly would get away with it" when as Ive pointed out, Kelly would have gotten away with (and have a right to say) a lot more than most, if not all players given his stature as an all time great Bill and as an NFL superstar, something Spikes is neither.
  17. Be careful.......comparing Spikes (very good free agent player who has been here for a few years) to Kelly (often considered the face of the franchise and basically OWNED Buffalo during his career) is a bit of a stretch. Throw in the fact youre talking about companing different situations..one being a 'rebuilding' situation and the other a historic Super Bowl run. Fan's general attitudes tend to be juuuust a bit different between the two scenarios.
  18. Not crazy about what Spikes said. IMO, players should not vent like this to the media. It does no good and does affect the team's psyche. For example, if youve got a respected senior guy or gal in your office popping off like this while walking the hallways, it affects everyone's morale. Same thing here. But with that said, I can completely understand why he would feel this way and this should be something that like any good rant, should be forgotten by...er.....lunch. Now...if hes going to pop off like this regularly, thats a problem.
  19. I can see those lights, ever so faintly from my front yard tonight.
  20. With the way Peyton choked in the playoffs and Eli whined about where he was drafted, they should be referred to as SISTERS.
  21. OK...I HAD to come out of hiding for this one...yes...I still lurk from time to time. Did Debbie just equate U.S. soldiers to suicide bombers? Debbie...please clarify. Im praying you can do so.
  22. The same Frenchmen who today is whining about this World Cup "incident" and is all "offended" will be on the sidelines of the Tour de France tomorrow calling Americans Leipheimer, Landis and Hincapie such vile things, it will make what Materazzi said look like something that came from the mouths of babes.
  23. There is no bigger con job being fed to the American Public right now than the benefits of "wind power." Read up: http://www.aweo.org/ProblemWithWind.html http://www.savejonesbeach.org/
  24. Saw a "No Blood for Oil" bumper sticker on an SUV this morning.
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