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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I hear there will be lots of good placekickers, cornerbacks and long snappers available with that #10 pick.
  2. Oh, this is rich....its the "loyal" fans that us doubters have to thank for keeping the team in Buffalo and dammit...even allowing us scrods to be able to watch it! Why dont you take credit for inventing the damn game while youre at it?
  3. OK...since the casinos have opened, is it safe to assume that all the finer dancers went to the places over there? Last time in Fort Erie was fun, but just seem to be of the same caliber as in years past.
  4. Im going to go root for the Patriots. They NEVER make mistakes. They are all just PERFECT. And dreamy.
  5. NE on the way down....at 5-1? Otherwise, I agree..."have patience." After all, its only been six years since they made the playoffs. I know, I know...."Im a bad fan."
  6. Tell us? Did you recycle this quote from a Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, Doug Flutie, or Todd Collins thread from years ago?
  7. Im tired of being patient. Ive been patient for almost a decade now. As a fan, is it too much to ask for a half-way decent, competitive team? Is it too high an expecation to be able to sit down with a few friends and family on a Sunday afternoon, have some nice food and drink and watch some good football? I dont think so. Im getting tired of this.
  8. The Flutie thing I cant argue too much. That was weird. But a lot of what led to that decision was Wade Phillips' doing. So how can you say "what they did to Flutie was wrong", but then say that the guy who did it too him "shouldnt have been fired"? That doesnt make sense. Thurman, Reed, et al. Those guys were done as Bills. What did the organization "do" to them that was wrong?
  9. Looking on the back of my tickets right now...not seeing any "Stay till the end no matter what and if you dont youre a "BAD FAN" clauses.
  10. Fine. But you made it sound like you didnt understand WHY it was being shut. My bad........
  11. Yeah....."WTF"...its only the former President of the United States and the State Senator...
  12. Thanks for the info. Wow...an answer to a simple question without juvenile bull sh--. Very nice!
  13. Gee...I wonder if I criticise the team this week if Ill be a) accused of "not being a 'real' fan", whatever the !@#$ that means b) told to "get off my high horse" c) just yelled at in general ...all things that took place when I had the audacity to not walk around in my Bills PJs with my little "pencil box" like so many around here last week.
  14. My point is that libreals are wrapping their arms around a man who is guilty of nefariously controlling the country's oil interests and rigging elections, two of the "rallying cries" and accusations of the left against the right.
  15. So the left LOOOOOVE Chavez, right? Lets see... We got "election fraud" covered....one of the "hard-on" issues and accusations ofthe left being leveled against GWB. and check this out: Chavez Repeats 'Devil' Comment at Harlem Event Thursday, September 21, 2006 AP NEW YORK — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, appearing Thursday at a Harlem Church for an oil-for-poor event, repeated his 'devil' reference hurled a day earlier at President Bush during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Chavez, dressed in his signature red shirt, was introduced at the podium by activist actor Danny Glover. At one point Chavez told the crowd, "sometimes the devil takes human form," a comment that drew some boos — and applause — from the crowd who interpreted the reference to mean President Bush. Chavez was visiting the church as part of ceremonies to announce the sale of discounted home heating oil to qualified low-income families. The appearance came after reports circulated early Thursday morning that the Venezuelan president had left the country overnight after delivering an insult-riddled speech at the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday in which he called President Bush the 'devil.' The crowd chanted "Chavez, Chavez, the people are with you" in Spanish as he walked into the Mount Olivet Baptist Church on Lenox Ave. in Harlem. He spoke of an alliance with Cuba, a country he said had "been choked." The event, one of a series designed to boost the Venezuelan leader's popularity in the U.S., was organized by Citgo, a Houston-based energy company that is owned and controlled by the Venezuelan government. Under a Citgo program, and in partnership with Citizens Energy, a program started and run by former Congressman Joe Kennedy II, families from low-income neighborhoods in New York, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia have the ability to purchase discounted home heating oil over winter months. Whats was the left saying about GWB and his oil cronies...and "Halliburton" and "No Blood for Oil"? Unmitigated gall...thy name is 'liberals'.
  16. So the left LOOOOOVE Chavez, right? Lets see... We got "election fraud" covered....one of the "hard-on" issues and accusations ofthe left being leveled against GWB. and check this out: Chavez Repeats 'Devil' Comment at Harlem Event Thursday, September 21, 2006 AP NEW YORK — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, appearing Thursday at a Harlem Church for an oil-for-poor event, repeated his 'devil' reference hurled a day earlier at President Bush during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Chavez, dressed in his signature red shirt, was introduced at the podium by activist actor Danny Glover. At one point Chavez told the crowd, "sometimes the devil takes human form," a comment that drew some boos — and applause — from the crowd who interpreted the reference to mean President Bush. Chavez was visiting the church as part of ceremonies to announce the sale of discounted home heating oil to qualified low-income families. The appearance came after reports circulated early Thursday morning that the Venezuelan president had left the country overnight after delivering an insult-riddled speech at the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday in which he called President Bush the 'devil.' The crowd chanted "Chavez, Chavez, the people are with you" in Spanish as he walked into the Mount Olivet Baptist Church on Lenox Ave. in Harlem. He spoke of an alliance with Cuba, a country he said had "been choked." The event, one of a series designed to boost the Venezuelan leader's popularity in the U.S., was organized by Citgo, a Houston-based energy company that is owned and controlled by the Venezuelan government. Under a Citgo program, and in partnership with Citizens Energy, a program started and run by former Congressman Joe Kennedy II, families from low-income neighborhoods in New York, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia have the ability to purchase discounted home heating oil over winter months.
  17. You, of all people CTM should take exception to allowing Chavez to go on like this not INSIDE the UN, but outside of it, which is what he is doing now. Chavez is not just another tinhorn. The guy runs OPEC for chrissakes. He primary agenda is to align himself with other hostile countries such as Cuba and Iran for the sole purpose of undermining the United States across the globe. And his initial efforts in this effort are going swimmingly. This is a very powerful man with a high Q Factor right now doing all he can to bring the US down. And hes riding around Harlem right now spewing his garbage. Thats not something to be taken lightly.
  18. http://www.lolloosechange.co.nr/ http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com/ http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-65...140276&hl=en-CA
  19. Well......good to see Tom's sense of humor is still intact. We're just playin' around monk...a little bit of levity.....no need to get all freaky. FWIW, there's not a Super Hornet jock alive who doesnt admit the Tomcat was a superior fighter. Saw the Blue Angels this past May and the PR dude who flew the F-18 and previously the F-14 was going on and on about the '18's superior avionics and how its much easier to maintain, on and on. So I go "Yeah....but what about when the wheels are UP"? Without flinching he goes "oh...the Tomcat kicks the Hornets ass." This weekend ends it all with the "Tomcat Sunset" down in Oceana with VF-31 (Tomcatters) beginning their transition. The last F-14 squadron to do so. Sad. "Hornets by Mandate, Tomcats by Choice" What I was referring to was the fact that with several Tomcats still owned by the Iranian Air Force, ALL flyable Tomcats here that are being retired pretty much have to be dismantled to prevent spare parts from making their way over to Iran. Its been a pretty controversial topic.
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