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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. LOL...three step drop...yeah....THAT will solve it all. Whats next? Youre going to speculate that he needs a headband?
  2. Good to see someone who is a victim of intolerance fighting it with......intolerance. Shut up and sing, Elton.
  3. Thats not what this is about...but nice soundbyte. None of us are senior members of Congress, last time I checked. Since when is whats said in political ads carry the same weight as whats said by actual members of Congress? Says the moonbat who spends her time holding teaparties for Moveon.org members and fits herself for a new tinfoil hats at Kos conventions.
  4. Force is the Lord of the Track. Always will be. The guy is just an amazing driver and is right up there with Richard Petty and Mario Andretti.
  5. Ill NEVER get over the kick against PIT. And I am NO fan of Lindell on ANY day. But with that said, game winning kicks are NOT easy. For ANY kicker...EVER. Thats why Adam Vinitieri probably goes to Canton one day, for all the big kicks he made while in NE. Lindell still shoulda made that one today. 41 yards, indoors?
  6. Heres my thoughts... They suck...and Im glad I didnt waste my time watching them. Looking forward to the Giants and the Bears tonight......
  7. Come on, JDG...you KNOW around here that if you have a different opinion that marching in lockstep with the company line, youre a "bad fan."
  8. I was shocked to find out this is a very normal occurance. The 6th year election for Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and now Bush II ALL had massive turnover like this in Congress. This is hardly new.
  9. Excuse me if I dont take kindly to a bloke taking hypocritical potshots at my Country. Especially when HIS motherland has been the posterchild since man can remember for what he's giving us sh-- for.
  10. A Brit...pontificating to US about an "overbearing military". TE HE!!!!!!!! And please dont forget it saved your tea drinking ass TWICE in one Century.
  11. A Brit...pontificating to US about an "overbearing military". TE HE!!!!!!!!
  12. As if elections in other parts of the world are completely bereft of difficulty....intentional or accidental? Give us a break.
  13. He's comparing JP to some all time greats and WE are "stupid"? Good Lord
  14. Frankly I want a woman's right to choose to be legal as well, albiet in a more resticted form. Abortions for all, on demand is borderline genocide, IMO. Legal and regulated, within reason is better than a black market. I used this example only to point out the hypocrisy of the original post. But the more I read the thread and the posters comments, the more I realized this guy is just full of crap. Completely.
  15. Very well said. And its a shame that those who think like this are labeled as "bad fans" and as the "hot pocket crowd" of little patience. As if eight years of devotion before frustration sets in is not reasonable. Is it not reasonable to expect this organization to finally show me something.....anything...before I invest thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into them? Why is blind faith the only way to go?
  16. Its not about this year. Its about last year. Its about Gregg Williams. Its about Rob Johnson. Its about Tom Donohoe. Its about the fact the rest of the NFL have been to and from the postseason since the last time the Bills have. Its about hearing the same thing year after year..."we are rebuilding", "the QB needs [this or that]", "they just have to jell."
  17. On the contrary. Id just like to have a team that I can sit down, have a few beers and wings and expect to see a worthwhile football game played in ernest. I dont need the 92 Bills every year. I just need something worth watching.
  18. The Bills won yesterday? About time. Call me when they can win more than 6 a year.
  19. If cutting cancer research by 1% makes the Republicans "pure evil", then whats that make the Democrats, who look to increase speding public tax dollars on abortions? Oh...I forgot...everyone say it with me... "BUT THATS DIFFERENT!!!!!!"
  20. Ah...typo...sorry. Thanks for the info.
  21. I defer to the military experts here for the final word, but I would think that overall, disregarding intelligence thats 14 years old is a GOOD thing.
  22. The two worst teams in the NFL...they shouldnt have spent THAT long.
  23. If these dimwits try to milk this thing any more, their breasts will fall off.
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