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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Of course, when trying to radically change the social structure of the Country, it really isnt "change" when it fits your agenda, is it? Hows the Kool-Aid?
  2. ESPN suits have come right out and said "nobody wants to watch three hours of football." Can you beleive that? Holy cripes! There are also rumors that NFL owners, themselves are as pissed as "we" are about that disgrace ESPN is puking up week to week.
  3. I cant buy the Leaf comparison, but DO NOT feel bad about still being skepical about JP. He has shown improvement and the ability to make the tough play. That last throw of his is proof of that. But hes not 'there' yet. But hes getting close....
  4. One things fer sure...hes DRUNK on Molson Golden.
  5. OK, we are NOT DRAFTING A LINEMAN and NOT DRAFTING A QB. Who ARE "we" drafting?
  6. You mean two parents want their kids to go to college and opt out of a....VOLUNTARY....military? How dare them. The DUMBEST libitard talking point is "if you support the war you MUST give your children up for the fight." If thats the case Deb, then I want ALL liberal and Democrat women to get at least one abortion. After all...how DARE you support something you either havent gone through or are willing to go through, yourself? Right?
  7. The last time MTV played music was when they had "Unchained" by Van Halen in regular rotation. There is NOTHING that gets your day off on the right foot like watching Alex Van Halen pound on a gong set on fire, while eating your corn flakes.
  8. Pretty much my point. Thanks. Ill repeat again, because for some reason its not sinking in. I have NEVER said that "my guys" havent resorted to playing dirty pool. But the way the left acted last week is laughable. You see it right here too. "Maybe there werent any voting irregularities." Crying voter fraud was a documented strategy by the left BEFORE the election! But they won, so hey....forget it. Ill drop a kid out a window if the left DOESNT cry "voter fraud" when they lose in 08.
  9. Methinks you overuse try a Maybe a And to look REALLY smart, use a
  10. Im sorry, did Byrd ever apoligize? When did he use the term 'white!@#$'? I beleive it was only a few years ago. And come on Wacka...only us Conservatives can be racist. Lott is evil incarnate. Byrd is just "misunderstood." He's really a swell guy. Really.
  11. Wow. You found one from "my" side. Like.....You won.
  12. Good start. Who wants to bet that if the GOP won, the front cover of CNN and all your favorite "Blame America" blogs would be loaded...LOADED with stories of voter fraud, manipulation, etc. Id bet Halliburton would even get a few plugs. As I just pointed out to that other half-tard, I never said they "always" take the "high road". I said they are handing it better that you lefttards would. At the very least, we act like adults when we lose. Not spoiled children who lost at kickball. they at least have the decency and temerity to not go "WHHHHAAAAA...Its everyone elses fault we lost" like you 'tards would have. So what youre saying is that any time a black man "loses" its due to racism? Is THAT what youre implying? So typical. I suppose I could throw a few to prove Im a real free thinker like you.
  13. Never said they were 'graceful'. I said they were handling it BETTER. Dont put works in my mouth, douche. Second, OF COURSE they were going to comment on it, dimwit. Oh my GAWD...Rush Limbagh, a man whose job is to provide opinion....provided opinion! How dare him! What Im pointing out is that the only one crying and whining like a little girl...is a little girl. Meanwhile, you !@#$ing morons were screaming "voter fraud" before the election even took place! Where did all those accusasions and all those lawyers go, anyway? Did they finally go to Canada? HMMMM.
  14. Abscram? Im not a big fan of Genesis, anyways. Im more worried about putting a man in power who thinks our military is worthless, cant win (his words), and wants to run out or Iraq so fast, its gonna make the withdrawal from Vietnam seem like a well-planned out and honerable affair.
  15. Hey, I never have not acknowledged that both parties excel at sucktitude to one degree or another. But NOBODY can deny the venom of the left and their general attitude is much worse than the right.
  16. Show me a Republican crying like a B word that hes moving to Canada or blaming the loss on Diebold. Even the red meat throwers in the base are blaming members of the GEE OHHH PEA for the loss, you !@#$ing dolt.
  17. Right...the Jets are no better than the Bills. Thats why they just did something the current Buffalo organization cant even DREAM of. I hate the Jest as much as the next Bills fan, but lets get real.
  18. Lets negotiate with the like of Iran and Syria...sounds great....who we sending? Neville Chamberlain's grandkids?
  19. I think this thing rasies a broader issue here. Look at how the left is acting and how the right is over over this election. I dont hear any accusations of voter fraud or manipulation, no crying "IM MOVING TO CANADA!!!", no labeling the Country as "stupid" or "morons". Nothing. All Im hearing from the Right is introspection and talk of what THEY did wrong to lose the election and what they are gonna do do within their own ranks to fix things, get back to their roots and win in 08. And the Left? Not only did we hear all that negative stuff when they lost, now that they have won, they have taken to acting like Deion Sanders on a bad day. And even the races they did lose, they still cant help themselves and B word, throwing around the race card because Harold Ford Jr. lost in TN. VERY telling. Very.
  20. I was thinking more of the "Cut and Run NOW!!!" yelps that have already begun from your boys, before they even grab power. But nice try.
  21. Because after your boys and girls carry out their plan of quitting on iraq and disgracing our military, and they appease and kowtow to every whim and desire of the rest of the world, we are all going to be clamoring for a man like Rudy Guiliani to make things right again, regardless of whether or not he has a girlfriend or not.
  22. John Murtha, soon to be Senate Manjority Leader said as much as well. Id say this Country is really going to be !@#$ed up over the next two years, but since Murtha fought in the American Civil War or the War of 1812, I was told by the media we are not allowed to say such things.
  23. Yer point is that there are no absolutes and no perfect formula for building a team? No schitt.
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