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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Come on...how can you not understand the need to not "offend" people. Ya know..like those of a different faith who see a Christmas Tree! Frankly, I cant wait for Chinese New Year. If I dont see a Nativity Scene or a Christmas tree dangling from one of those dragon floats, Im going to raise hell.
  2. Damn...okay, youre a bit over my head here...Im just a novice with this stuff but I get what youre saying, for the most part. Thanks. So my next question is, why not both? With the emergence of the truly organized terrorist threat and the very real possibility of a Cold War II with the likes of China, North Korea and Iran, cant the military have both kinds of a forc and the ability to fight both wars? Or is it not possible to do that? And sorry about the F-14 stuff. Im a Long Island Grumman boy who grew up watching brand new E2s, A6s and F14s scream overhead, along with A-10s from Republic-Fairchild, too. And FWIW, I dont dispute what youre saying about the Super Hornet. But all I know is, not ONE jock who flew both both the Rhino and the 'Cat that I have spoken to (about five now) say the Rhino is truly better where it really matters...wheels up. The 'Cat, especially the "D", was a muscle car. Hard to work on, hard to keep nice, but once you close the hood and turn the key....oooohhh boy. The Rhino is nice, feels new, is easy to keep nice, but it feels (and flies) like a new Honda Accord. Im truly concerned that the Navy will get its ass kicked if it does find itself going against superior Russian technology in air to air combat during some confict in the future. Im reading an interesting book by Admiral Gilchrist about the Tomcat program. What a cluster!@#$ that was, from Day One! Sad state of affairs when the new premier air superiority fighter needs to be "saved" by the Shah of Iran. And then when it is, is stuck with inferior powerplants and confusing avionics. And when they finally got the damn thing right, Cheney goes and kills the whole program.
  3. While our military can still be considered such, one thing the Government has been proactive on and done RIGHT is realizing this and re-sizing the military as needed, away from that of a Cold War mentality. Its no longer about biggestest, mostest and stongerest, but about efficiency, speed and agility. Sure, most of that is cost-driven and NOT borne out of realization of a changing threat matrix. But IMO, this transformation (or at least work towards it) is one thing the Govt. has actually hit the mark on. Except for the phase out of the F-14 and its replacement by that POS F/A-18 "bug". Darin/Tom....am I close here?
  4. Dropping from Iraq RIGHT NOW and running home like scared dogs represents "common sense"?
  5. Wow...Another leftard classy statement. If there is one thing that pisses me off about this, is that Senator Johnson's health has become the afterthought and the whole story is about the power shift. Every story you hear goes like this: "Senator's Status is [blank]...and the power in the Sentate hangs in the balance" Just goes to show how drunk on power those in DC are.
  6. I understand the sentiment, but it doesnt wash. The US is held to a higher standard by the World, but not against the likes of Luxemborg. But against China, India, the EU and other VERY powerful nations. If we pulled HALF the sh-- that these other Nations/communities are....especially China and India.....we'd get killed for it.
  7. I HATE this proposed ban because its shortsighted and takes aim at the wrong target. The average person who actually consumes alcohol ON the train is the daily commuter who picks up a tall boy for the ride home or drinks on the way IN to NYC for a night out. People do NOT get on trains for the express purpose of drinking. Riding the LIRR all my life, I can say with utmost confidence that the people who are drunk and disruptive on the trains got all loaded up BEFORE they stepped on board. Here is another reason why I think this is stupid. Banning alcohol on the commuter trains, IMO will lead to MORE drunk driving and INCREASE traffic on the roads. That's right....here's why. We are looking for alternatives for people to use their car when going to NYC, right? Well, the more perks they take away and the less attractive it is, then the less people will use it and go back to driving. If they want to halt drunk driving, then give us frequent trains, make them confortable, and allow people, especially going IN to NYC, to bring a six pack with them for the trip, to enjoy with friends. Take that away, especially the scedules, and guess what Im going to do to get to NYC? Thats right....drive. The schedule thing is what galls me more than the alcohol ban. All we hear from the MTA, Pataki, MADD, etc is "use mass transportation....dont drink and drive...blah blah". Well, guess what, azzholes? There is ONE TRAIN that leaves NYC after 12:30 to get me home on a weekend night. If Im going to NYC, its virtually imposible to catch that train. How can I use what isnt available to me?
  8. Pretty funny coming from someone like you, consideing the trend these days is for the US to be outcast FOR ANY effort that falls under "acting in self-interest", while the rest of the world wouldnt spit in someone else's mouths if they were dying of thirst. There is most definitety a double standard here...and its comes from OUTside the US, not from within. How the rest of the World expects the US to act is quite differnet than how that World acts, itself.
  9. So the two big lib talking points from this thread are comprised of "American Occupation leads to poverty" and another back-handed jab at soldier's intelligence. Very nice...keep it up.
  10. Holy Crap...Juan Williams doesnt agree with Brit Hume!!!! Shocker, that is!
  11. And who do you suggest he "dump it" on? The Queen of France? You get better every day.
  12. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi...PELOSI...if getting heat from the left-base for...get this...being too centrist. But.....thats different.
  13. Funny....the ONLY people I hear "wringing their hands" over this and keep mentioning her sexuality are those tolerant, progressive, enlightened liberals. OTOH, all accounts are that Mary Cheney is an accepted, loved member of the Cheney family. Its the left that keep saying all the "horrible" things Cheney will now have to endure. Ya know...disparaging comments like ".... I love you and I just want you to be happy.", which is what Dick Cheney said when she initally came out to him.
  14. Perhaps. But its happenning NOW with Islam...and they arent even in control yet. Therein lies the difference. From an Article by Larry Elder, "War is not the answer." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (not pictured) during an official meeting in Tehran December 3, 2006. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl (IRAN) Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa urged Muslims to target American civilians as "a religious duty." Michael Scheuer, who created and ran the CIA's bin Laden unit, says that in 2003 bin Laden got a Saudi sheik to issue a fatwa authorizing the use of nuclear weapons against Americans, to retaliate for Muslims killed in the "holy war." Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein, for his book "Al-Zarqawi: Al-Qaeda's Second Generation," interviewed several of bin Laden's top lieutenants, including the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Hussein outlines al-Qaeda's strategy of seven phases -- the first one beginning as an "awakening" for Muslims worldwide following the September 11 attacks. The plan culminates with the "definitive victory" of "one-and-a-half billion Muslims" and the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate by 2020.
  15. I challenge that assertion. Do you really thing Judiasm and Christianity is looking to force non-beleivers into submission (and would) the way Islam is right now? Is the Vatican looking to militarize? Yes, other religions are forced to stay "in check", as you say. But NONE is going as far as Islam is right now. All you need to do is listen to Muslim leaders, many of whom are calling for this very Country to become an Islamic one.
  16. You dont need to go to the Middle East or Africa to see Islam's very real attempt to force us ALL into Dhimmitude.
  17. Building going up across from my buddy on 2nd Ave...1.5 for a one bedroom.
  18. Not liking how things are working at a clearly disfunctional organization and wanting to make change is not a bad thing. Thats a GOOD thing, especially when hiring someone new. Its also a philosophy that ushered your party into power a few weeks back. So Im confused as to why you claim being against the status quo is suddenly bad. Or does that philosophy only work with things that fit in YOUR neat, little box?
  19. Nice statement. And if you libs who want to appease and bend over for every terrorist sympathiser and continue to give THEM the benefit of the doubt before you give it to US, you just might get that chance!
  20. Please state WHY he is an "assclown", a "loss" to Bush foreign policy and how this is a "black eye". Why? Becuase he has a brusque style? Even Annan has decent words about Bolton. Something a little deeper than "Bush Bad", please.
  21. Call me nuts, but this DOES bother me. The chic thing to bash America, the people in it and everything about it is getting to be a little much. I guess we kind of deserve it, given the war, but its still a bit much. Being called an "Ugly American" and the like...while most people around the world dont even have the class and ability to bathe and wipe their asses properly. Please. Mind you, Im not losing sleep over it, but I wont spend a red cent to see one of her POS film anymore, either. Hopefully those Brits can keep her living high on the hog.
  22. I would have loved it if Webb slugged him. Seeing him hauled off to do time in Federal prison and doing the perp walk would be the campaign poster across the Country to return the Republicans to power. Very classy Molson...Wanting to see the President "slugged." Youre probably part of that "assasination chic" the unhinged left has taken so kildly too, as well. Youre a great Patriot.
  23. Pelosi's doing a bang up job of cracking down on corruption so far. First Alcee Hastings and Murtha and the baggage they brought. And now, lookee who she got to run the Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes! http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A...anguage=printer The investigation focuses in part on IMC's employment of the daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), a former Border Patrol official and key backer of the system of 12,000 sensors and several hundred cameras installed for the Border Patrol between 1998 and last year, officials said.
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