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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Pul,led this from an article on MSNBC, Pilots giving tips for flying: Q: SO what are some insider tricks for surviving airport security? A: It's common sense. Show up early and leave your suicidal tendencies at home. Indeed.
  2. Government as a positive force to be used for Nation building? Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah...from a certain rancher from Crawford.
  3. Im not offended, no need to apologize. Im just pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Glad to see you recognized it.
  4. Wow. This who thread ranks up there with the other questions from the press corps over the last few days. That is, their "outrage" that the WH didnt announce Laura Bush's surgery beforehand and why shes now not doing an advocate to prevent skin cancer. In essence, the press corps now L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y gets in a tizzy when someone get has an odd mole removed from their ass. What are these fools going to be "outraged" about next? The consistency of the dump Condoleeza Rice left back in Beiging after eating some kim chee?
  5. Its all the "famous" dogfights throughout history. Duke Cunningham going up agaisnt Tomb, some famous Crusader stuff, Hellcats against Zeroes, etc. Im waiting for two more: 1. Boyington vs. the Japanese 2. Kleeman vs. the Libyans
  6. Very nice. Okay, since we are going down THIS road, who has seen "Dogfights" on the History Channel? Great stuff.
  7. Yeah...the Rhino blows. "HORNETS BY MANDATE, TOMCATS BY CHOICE"
  8. And the team is technically out of it...I get it. But still...a half-empty stadium? Not good.
  9. Sorry, Lori.....your "show up then" thingy doesnt wash with me. I dont live in the area, but I can tell you that I DO attend at least 30 games a year for my favorite baseball team that I do live close enough to go to regularly. I sat in a sh-------, empty Shea for five years waiting for them to get good again, twice a week, April through September. I put my money where my mouth is. All I know is almost 20K tixx left for a hot Bills team thats got a good record? Thats not something Bills Nation should be proud of. I dont care if its a holiday. Baseball games are played on Holidays several times a Summer. Fottball games on Thankgiving? Hello? Basketball on Christmas is virtually an institution in America. All these games sell out or draw very, very well. But for us its "Im busy"? "We" are special? Dont buy it. I understand lack of a big advance for the game, but its a bad job by Bills fans if they cant get at least 65K in that place by Sunday. Perhaps it is a big picture type of thing, since the Bills do well overall with attendance. I dunno. It will be interesting to see what the rest of the league draws next week.
  10. Very nice. Very "tolerant" of you. Your expression of "acceptance" of all people from "diverse" backgrounds of different faiths is very "enlightened" and "progressive."
  11. Yeah...well that would work...except for the fact.....again.... that the problem is not people drinking ON the train, its those that show up TO them already drunk. That girl who died wasnt even ON the train, she was trying to board . So unless you plan to check for people drinking before they even step onto MTA property, your idea hold no water.
  12. How dare ESPN not pick the Bills to win it all? They sure looked like worldbeaters back in week 3, didnt they?!?
  13. "Best fans in the World" ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Im glad you didnt take the bait. Youre better than I thought and Im glad for that. YES, people bring their own booze, bought in delis and what not located around the train stations. They also buy beer and drinks ON the platforms and bring them aboard. But again....the "problem" is not people who buy a beer in Penn Station for their ride home..or the crew of fellas who pick yp a twelve for the ride in to NYC on a Sat. night. Its the people who show up at Penn blitzed from a long night out. So this "ban" is to stop those who are NOT the problem, those who are usually sober and bring a drink or two aboard for their ride! And frankly, although annoying, I dont have a huge problem with those who are tanked on the trains from drinking elsewhere. Thats where they SHOULD be...on a train. NOT on the roads. Its people "doing the right thing"....those who cose to get lit and take a train home, not drive. Yeah...they are loud...and sloppy. but they are also something else... Harmless.
  15. Ah yes...the "haters"...those who, when JP was awful and the Bills were losing to the likes of the Detroit effing Lions, had the AUDACITY to say JP might not be all that. How DARE they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess Im a hater, then...so be it. I dont mind being "forced" to change my mind.
  16. I dont where to start with that DRIVEL....the state park thingy, comparing this to a law that affects National Security (wow!!!) or just the ranting style of the whole thing. And I looooove the whole "do it behind closed doors" thing. Ah yes. Ya know, the thought process that if some like me tried to apply to some of the favorite causes of EiI's party, such as teaching about homosexuality to 13 year olds, youre called all kinds of names, none of them too kind. Hypocrisy???? Of course not!
  17. Bingo. The problem is NOT the people, mostly communters, who pick up a tall-boy for the ride home at 6PM on a Tuesday. The disruptive azzholes are those who got tanked ELSEWHERE in NYC and then stumbled to the train. And frankly, thats fine by me. Id rather tolerate drunk !@#$s in a train car than driving next to me on the Grand Central Parkway. Isnt that the whole point?
  18. Sure is. Exiled has no problems pontificating morality to us, meanwhile people who LIVE HERE know there has been zero incidents over this issue and that the majority of "problems" with drunks on trains in due to people who BOARDED the train ALREADY blitzed. Gotta love Eurotrash Olivier's typical "US bad" elitist jab, too. Eff him.
  19. Somewhat lacking? Lacking by a lot. From what Im reading, the term was "fly the engines, not the plane." Those old TF-30s had massive problems when fitted to the Tomcats and pilots had to be extremelty careful with their throttle decisions. Pilots literally could only use certain pwoer settings during certain maneuvers, which took a huge chunk out of the aircraft's ability. I definitely hear you about maintainence and need to keep the fleet ready to fly. Also, the Super Hornat's ability for future expansion and upgrades is a terrific feature. One thing Im learning from this book is like you said...that the Tomcat was a maintainence hog and a very complex aircraft from the get go. Way too much, so. But as an old Grummanite recently told me, they had the utmost confidence they would fix all those problems if the D program wasnt killed and if the planned "Tomcat 21" program got off the ground. I wouldnt expect a different comment from him. If you get a chance, check it out..its called 'Tomcat!' by Paul T. Gillchrist who is a retired Rear Admiral. I think youll like it becuase a lot of it is about the not just the aircraft, but about the whole Program and all the decisions that went into it.
  20. Hate to burst your bubble, but they have already started to ban tailgating by limiting it to specific hours. And in some towns, there are motions to make cigarettes completely illegal. Anywhere. The "slippery slope" of erosion of rights, no matter how trivial that first step down the slope, is very well documented.
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