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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. Found this: http://www.scardraft...anHybrid46.html


    "Rex Ryan's defense isn't really a 4-3, nor is it really a 3-4. He runs a 46 hybrid like his father. The main difference in his 46 hybrid and his father's is the coverage responsibilities, and the amount of blitzing. Ryan's 46 package is one of the most complex schemes in the NFL."



    Sounds good and there is going to be a ton of pressure on Gilmore to be our Revis. Very interesting that they list 2 of our guys as ideal fits for the system.


    Gilmore couldnt hold Revis' jock.

  2. Ill say it again, I dont think this is a good hire. I think the superior defensive coaches in the division will eat this kid's lunch, especially with what the Bills have at QB.


    I also dont like at all the impression Morrone gave about hiring experienced guys and less than 24 hours later, he goes against that.


    Just my opinion and we know opinions are like [you know what] so there you go.

  3. I'm a little discouraged to hear that it sounds like they have no idea who the DC and other coaches will be. Isn't that something they should have been working on in the back channels for a couple of days now? It sounds like they just said let's sign this HC and figure the rest out later. Picking the right DC is going to be HUGE in this process


    They selected him Sat night late.

    They did the contract all day yesterday

    Its noon Monday and they spent the AM setting up the presser.


    When were they supposed to work on coordinators?

  4. The PDA is OK. Who cares?


    Whats silly and hypocritical is what goes on at those "pride" events. Nudity, absolutely insane costumes and often obscene behavior.


    Then its..."youre against these events becuase youre...a HOMOPHOBE!!!!"


    No...Im "against those events" becuase half the crowd is acting and looking like a vulgar disgusting piece of trash while walking down the main drag of the town, regardless of who they !@#$.

  5. I love it when sports writers complain about their jobs, or when Schopp complains about having to do a Bills post game show. Boo-frickin' hoo! The people who actually do work for a living feel bad for you. These guys sit around and complain about the free buffet they get in the press box.




    Marv Albert wrote a book about it....how he pretty much lost his entire life becuase he had to work. I beleive its called "Id Love to, but I have a game." Thing is, he wrote it not to complain, but just to just outline the life of a sports journalist/announcer.


    Dont get me wrong, Im sure its a tough gig sometimes and a drag on your time. But jeez...dont B word about it in public. So unprofessional.

  6. This is precisely why I'm not on Twitter. I think my IQ would drop 80 points if I was on there for any more than an hour.


    Actually, I think the opposite. Twitter is a great info feed. You get to pick and choose who to follow and can make it a true one stop shop for all the info you need. I follow players, fan clubs and the press for all my teams and sports, plus other personal interest stuff, political pundits, news sources, entertainers/muscians I like, comediennes, hosts of radio and TV shows I like, on and on. "I Like Girls Daily" is also on there. You know...for diversity of content ;).

  7. I hear you. With recognition, comes power. We don't have to be a total welfare state for the numbers to be steep and staggering.


    Honestly... What are the issues that conservative republicans can loosen up on socially? The LGBT, abortion, and immigration. That's dreaming if one says there won't be steep bills to be paid there.


    Im sorry, I dont see liberals chaning their social views. In fact they have gotten more extreme, if anything.

  8. I am sorry





    The guy was really bad in Pittsburgh by the end.


    if you didn't like Gailey's 5 WR 3rd and 1 offense, then you'll like Arians less.


    It's amazing what a pro-bowl stud QB QB like Andrew Luck can do for a coach.


    Luck's been very good...for a rookie. Hes hardly been a "stud pro-bowl QB."




    How did his coaching benefit from Chuck Pagano's sickness? That only gave him an opportunity to show what he could do.


    This is zero question Pagano's illness has been THE motivating factor for the Colts this year.

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