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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Ill say it again, I dont think this is a good hire. I think the superior defensive coaches in the division will eat this kid's lunch, especially with what the Bills have at QB. I also dont like at all the impression Morrone gave about hiring experienced guys and less than 24 hours later, he goes against that. Just my opinion and we know opinions are like [you know what] so there you go.
  2. I am shocked people are so accepting of this hire. A 33 year old kid with a few years as a low level assistant in the NFL and TWO years in college is going to go up against a Bill Belichick and Rex Ryan defenses with either Fitz or a project rookie QB and succeed? ON WHAT !@#$ING PLANET??!!!!???
  3. If I was Sanchez, my reply would go like this... "Katie...youre a Big Mac away from doing Lane Bryant catalogues...Shut your trap."
  4. +1 Theres a link on the post and proper citation. The OP probably shouldnt have copied the entire blog post in the thread, but its not like this is some huge infringement on the bloggers rights here. Take it easy.
  5. Alex Jones !@#$ing RULES. You dont even have to agree with what he says. I dont on much. But he still !@#$ing RULES.
  6. Lets see... Less than 90 Doesnt appear dead. Works for me. Attn Mods: Those are shots at our last two coaches, not our owner.
  7. They selected him Sat night late. They did the contract all day yesterday Its noon Monday and they spent the AM setting up the presser. When were they supposed to work on coordinators?
  8. So far, everything Im reading about the man, the referrals and "reviews" hes gotten from his peers, plus what he's saying so far in this presser, is VERY impressive. We may have a good one here. I hope so....we deserve it.
  9. You think "clunker" and you picture a 30 year old rustbucket with two cylinders not firing. The TRUTH is, most cars turned in under the program were not even halfway into their life cycle. Cars maybe ten years old or so with plenty of service life left. The images of perfectly good cars being destroyed, as mandated under the program, was an infamnia.
  10. Did the Milwaukee Series tarning the Packers' brand? Dont get me wrong, I hate the Toronto game....but if you think a coach is turning down a job becuase one game is in Toronto, youre nuts.
  11. Bills fans... The expert judge of the OC. How's Kevin Gilbride doing these days?
  12. The PDA is OK. Who cares? Whats silly and hypocritical is what goes on at those "pride" events. Nudity, absolutely insane costumes and often obscene behavior. Then its..."youre against these events becuase youre...a HOMOPHOBE!!!!" No...Im "against those events" becuase half the crowd is acting and looking like a vulgar disgusting piece of trash while walking down the main drag of the town, regardless of who they !@#$.
  13. Why do I have to "root" for gays, again? They seem to be doing OK. True....as a group they seem to have issues and burdens to deal with (societal, financial, etc.). Welcome to the club, gays.
  14. Marv Albert wrote a book about it....how he pretty much lost his entire life becuase he had to work. I beleive its called "Id Love to, but I have a game." Thing is, he wrote it not to complain, but just to just outline the life of a sports journalist/announcer. Dont get me wrong, Im sure its a tough gig sometimes and a drag on your time. But jeez...dont B word about it in public. So unprofessional.
  15. Actually, I think the opposite. Twitter is a great info feed. You get to pick and choose who to follow and can make it a true one stop shop for all the info you need. I follow players, fan clubs and the press for all my teams and sports, plus other personal interest stuff, political pundits, news sources, entertainers/muscians I like, comediennes, hosts of radio and TV shows I like, on and on. "I Like Girls Daily" is also on there. You know...for diversity of content .
  16. Not his, nor Sal M.'s On Tuesday he was complaining on Twitter he had to work and cover the Brandon presser. I tweeted him back....."youre a sports journalist for HOW LONG and STILL dont realize its a 24/7 deal?"
  17. Its called SOCIAL Media. If you post stuff on a platform with the name SOCIAL in it and are shocked(!!!) when you find out lots of other people can see that stuff, please stop breathing.
  18. Im sorry, I dont see liberals chaning their social views. In fact they have gotten more extreme, if anything.
  19. Luck's been very good...for a rookie. Hes hardly been a "stud pro-bowl QB." http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1421706-andrew-luck-colts-qb-continues-to-win-despite-lackluster-stats This is zero question Pagano's illness has been THE motivating factor for the Colts this year.
  20. Republicans are !@#$ing inept. Instead of pointing out why he did it, Boehner tables the bill and hands the press, the public and now people in his own party a cache of weapons to attack him so big, Al Qaeda is envious. And stop with the RINO stuff, already. Christie and King dont care about pork. Those things are what party leadership is supposed to deal with. Boehner has said a word about it and doesnt even take Christies calls? Pathetic. These guys have consituents who need aid. NOW. Some post on this board, for chrissakes.
  21. Right, becuase Florida isnt known for Republicans who later swung left. Charlie Crist ring a bell?
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