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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Changing laws and this-or-that as not to offend Muslims or atheists or whoever....no problem. Changing something as not to offend Christians.....PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing to see here...just hypocrisy as usual. ------------------------------------------------------------ FWIW, Im sick and tired of ANYTHING being changed as not to offend. Weve become the biggest bunch of whining pussies on the planet.
  2. More on this issue. Ellison needs to explain his position....clearly. Ellison said these words at a convention hosted by the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America. According to a 2004 Chicago Tribune article, “A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America,” the Muslim American Society was founded in 1993 as the United States arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian based terror group that has spawned both Hamas and Al-Qaeda. MAS members now maintain that the group has no ties to the Brotherhood, but there are indications that many in the group want to see the U.S. Constitution replaced by Islamic law. “We may all feel emotionally attached to the goal of an Islamic state” in America, said a speaker at a 2002 MAS conference, but “we mustn’t cross hurdles we can’t jump yet.” The Muslim American Society’s chapter for Ellison’s home state of Minnesota hosts a website that offers in an “Online Library” texts by the jihad theorists Syed Abul Ala Maududi and Sayyid Qutb. Qutb in his jihad manifesto Milestones asserts that “Islam is the way of life ordained by God for all mankind, and this way establishes the Lordship of God alone -- that is, the sovereignty of God – and orders practical life in all its daily details. Jihaad in Islam is simply a name for striving to make this system of life dominant in the world.” Likewise, according to terror expert Steven Emerson, the Islamic Circle of North America “is a Jamad Islamia group, which is on record as calling for jihad in the United States, to promote the notion of an Islamic world. ICNA also published something very recently saying that they are against suicide bombings, except when it comes to killing Israelis.” http://www.jihadwatch.org/
  3. What a great video. But it means nothing! Tasker, becuase as an ANALYIST he had praise for another team playing well and for a top-flite young player like Vince Young, is "dead to us." Not all the smileys in the !@#$ing WORLD could illustrate how moronic and absolutley ridiculous such a notion is.
  4. Mr. Mohra: So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund and Swedlin's last Tuesday and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, "So where can a guy find some action? I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." And I says, "What kinda action?" and he says, "Woman action, what do I look like?" And I says, "Well, what do I look like, I don't arrange that kinda thing," and he says, "I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake," and I says, "Well, this ain't that kinda place." Officer Olson: Uh-huh. Mr. Mohra: So he says, "So I get it, so you think I'm some kinda jerk for askin'," only he doesn't use the word jerk. Officer Olson: I understand. Mr. Mohra: And then he calls me a jerk and says the last guy who thought he was a jerk was dead now. So I don't say nothin' and he says, "What do ya think about that?" So I says, "Well, that don't sound like too good a deal for him then." Officer Olson: Ya got that right. Mr. Mohra: And he says, "Yah, that guy's dead and I don't mean of old age." And then he says, "Geez, I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." Officer Olson: White Bear Lake? Mr. Mohra: Well, Ecklund & Swedlin's, that's closer ta Moose Lake, so I made that assumption. Officer Olson: Oh sure. Mr. Mohra: So, ya know, he's drinkin', so I don't think a whole great deal of it, but Mrs. Mohra heard about the homicides down here and she thought I should call it in, so I called it in. End o' story.
  5. The ACLU WAS a good organization. Now, its got a radical agenda and will wield its power and bully people and local municipalities and organizations such as school districts that dont go along with it. When they go to a town like Hazleton, PA and go to the mayor and say "we will BANKRUPT you if you dont go along with us", thats downright chilling. The l;ast group to use tactics like that all had names which eneded in vowels and hung out in coffee houses in downtown NYC. And when such a group is funded by completely anonymous sources? Wow.
  6. I really cant stand the guy as an announcer, either. hes poor, at best and not becuase hes not a homer. Hes just BAD. But that MUST be seperated from him as a player and as a Bill. To say hes "dead to us" and to marginalize what he meant to this franchise because he wont be a Bills homer in his second career? My God...thats just the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Well...for today it is...Im sure SOMEONE will top it soon.
  7. Good post. I accept that. Goode is a schmuck. But like we all get the jitters when Tommy Dobson rubs elbows with the GOP, we all should have serious concerns when the AOU tries to muscle its way into politics. The ACLU is even worse. The bulk of ACLU funding is completely anonymous. So there are totally anonymous sources funing an ogranization that is hugely powerful and is working HARD to change the American culture and landscape. Call me nuts, but Id like to know WHO these people are who are doing this. Its bad enough the lobbyists and trade unions and professional organizations have the power they do in DC. But when radical organizations of ANY stripe and shadowdy groups of "anonymous" people get in through the back door and weild influence and power, we got a problem on our hands.
  8. Im a "bigot" and a "paranoid hyper-nationalist" because Im concerned about a group of people whose agenda includes undermining the United States Constitution. Whatever, dude.....whatever.
  9. So Tasker is dead to us becuase he tries hard not to be a homer? His entrie tenure as a Bill is for naught....because he wont give the Bills a ball-washing and shake pom poms? A have some dirty windows that need cleaning. Guys?
  10. Whats nine FEET in football? Its nuttin, I tell ya! Nuttin!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. But when the left gets in a whole-hog panic over Bush shaking hands with someone from A Christian group, thats "different"? Thanks for clarifying the "swearing in" procedure for me. However, youve got you hear WAY up your ass if you think those "peaceful Muslims" from places like the America Open University are innocent people. And QUITE funny and hypocitical (as usual) that the left gets in a total tizzy because Bush and many on the right run with their Christian base. But when one of their own does the exact same thing...and with grouops MUCH worse than Robertson and Dobson...its "ok." And...as usual....those who point it out the hypocirisy are "racist" and "intolerant."
  12. So you just skimmed over the crux of the whole thing....Ellison's involvement with a radical anti-American group looking to turn the USA into an Islamic state....and then spin that to......George Allen. Very nice...Go read Daily Kos.
  13. Nice to paint the whole GOP with one brush! Maybe I should look at someone like Ted Kennedy and say the entire left is a bunch of half-Communist, drunken losers who down Chivas by the gallon? On the issue, while I think Virgil is getting off track here, his argument to stop Ellison has some SERIOUS weight behind it. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=53241 The first Muslim member of Congress is linked to a radical Islamic school of thought that requires loyalty to the Quran over the U.S. Constitution, WND has learned. Rep.-elect Keith (Hakim-Mohammed) Ellison, D-Minn., has drawn fire for asking to take the constitutional oath on the Quran rather than the Bible at a swearing-in ceremony next month. The Constitution specifies that members of Congress shall be bound by an oath to support the constitutional law of the land. In the oath, Ellison will be required to swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ... without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion." Critics argue he has conflicting loyalties, while Ellison insists he's a patriot. But within days of being elected, Ellison held a workshop on politics for a group closely affiliated with a radical Islamic school that preaches no Muslim can pledge loyalty to the Constitution or make laws outside the laws of the Quran, which the school's leaders assert is the "supreme law" of the land, trumping all man-made laws including the U.S. Constitution........................ ......American Open University supports Sharia, or Islamic law. And its founder and chairman, Jaafar Sheikh Idris, has denounced the U.S system of democracy as "the antithesis of Islam" and argued no man has the right to make laws outside Allah's laws expressed in the Quran. "There is a basic difference between Islam and this form of democracy," he says. "The basic difference is that in Islam it is [Allah's] law as expressed in the Quran and the Sunna that is the supreme law within the limits of which people have the right to legislate. "No one can be a Muslim who makes or freely accepts or believes that anyone has the right to make or accept legislation that is contrary to that divine law," Idris adds. "Examples of such violations include the legalization of alcoholic drinks, gambling, homosexuality, usury or interest, and even adoption." Conversely, laws prohibiting polygamy and domestic violence also violate the Quran. Further, he maintains that no Muslim elected to Congress or the White House can swear to uphold the U.S. Constitution and still be a Muslim. THOSE are the guys Ellison is in bed with. People with those beliefs. So dont come here with your "racist" placard and sream without reading WHY people might fear what Ellison is up to. NOW...word is that Ellison's swearing with the Quran is ceremonial ONLY and he will take his "REAL" oath with the Holy bible. Fine. That ends that. Either way, you have to wonder what a member of Congress is doing rubbing elbows with people who seek to turn the USA into an Islamic State and a Caliphate.
  14. Even a blind squirrel nails one once in a while. I mean...the hurdles jimmah's throwing up there arent exactly a mile high.
  15. http://espn.go.com/nfl/columns/garber_greg/1453717.html "Teams should be a lot more aggressive on fourth down," Romer says with the precise air of a scientist. "On average, you'd be better off going for it, essentially, in any short-yardage situation, and then there are some cases even in longer yardage when you're in that position where neither punting nor a field goal looks very attractive. Those "idiots" Mariucci, Belichick and Walsh also subscribe to the theory. Methinks this argument's going to go on for a few days.
  16. Thinking more about it now, its pretty clear that there was NO WAY that kick would have made it. A 45 yarder to win is tough with ZERO wind. With the way things were today, it was virtually impossible. Still weird the way it all went down.
  17. Call collect and keep you on the phone to run up your Verizon bill? No response from the originator of this thread, huh? Oh...I forgot...those "better fans" are at the game.
  18. Who the !@#$ made YOU, the judge and jury of who gets to be a Bills fan and who doesnt? I, as an out of towner have EVERY GOD-DAMNED-RIGHT to post on this board and call out WHOEVER THE !@#$ I WANT WHENEVER THE !@#$ I WANT ABOUT WHATEVER THE !@#$ I WANT. GOT IT? Last I checked, those who dont live in the city or even near it can make claim to this team as our own for whatever damned reason we like. And just becuase you and your "crew" get to attend all the games, that doesnt make you "more" of a fan or a "better" fan or show that you "care more" about this team and its' future. You dont own this team and how many times you go proves NOTHING. Fan attendance and especially how it relates to the Bills vis a vis their future in Buffalo is a HUGE issue. One strong flu bug gets a hold of Ralph Wilson and the future of this team is in serious jeopardy. The future of this team is at stake and whether or not they stay in Buffalo is DIRECTLY related to how many seats get filled week to week. So I, and every other fan has a RIGHT and even the DUTY to bring up this issue and discuss it. And while I cannot be a season ticket holder and be there week in and week out, I STILL CARE about this team JUST AS MUCH AS YOU and worry that more powerful people than me will ALSO take note of 25,000 empty seats and look to move this franchise to "so called" greener pastures as soon as the ink dries on Mr. Wilson's death certificate. So Im going to post about that and raise the issue. And as I stated in the thread you are referring to, I DO "put my money where my mouth is" when it comes to doleing out cashola for teams I am fortunate enough to live close to and support regularly. You acutally squeezed out some good points about WHY the attendance is what is the last few weeks before you went into that bull sh--, childish, immature "Im a better fan than you" bull sh--. The future of this team is something we are all concerned with. Stick to the pertinent points and leave the dick measuring contests to the clowns who just plopped in three seconds ago from some other board.
  19. Sorry...I wont ride without a bike helmet. All I need is for some **** to drift into my lane and take me out.
  20. Only an !@#$ turns down free legal money, regardless of personal philosophies.
  21. Im still trying to figure out how he managed to define paying salaries for basic social services as "pork." If I can figure that one out, the formula for cold fusion cant be far behind!
  22. Okay......someone wanna hit this off? Im way too tired. "redistribution of income works great" Wow.....just.......WOW.
  23. Iraq is being "held up for what it is" because the White house wont release classified information about the future whereabouts of the Secretary of Defense???!!?? Thats a bit of a stretch. Whats your encore? Calling Bush a 'chicken' because he always "hides behind" a security detail? Jeez.............
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