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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Not enough for this to be THE issue Congress concerns itself with and thumps its chest over, thats fer sure. But going for the low hanging fruit those first few days in office seems to be the norm. Makes those new guys and gals look like they are really....ya...know.....going to DO SOMETHING, DAMMIT!!!!! Talk to me in a month when Pelosi cuts a session short for nothing more than so she can jet back to San Fran in time to get up to Lodi and score some good Zin.
  2. Actually, I beg to differ. People like Buchanan and Gingrich are the new stalwarts of the "true" Republican/Conservative movement. Downright scary that yesterday's radicals are today's moderates.
  3. Saw an expose...on Dobbs I think.....that only like 500,000 make minimum wage and of course, most of them are 17 year old burger jocks who still feed off the teet of their parents. So....SURPRISE!!!!!!.....all this Minimum wage nonsense is nothing more than political grandstanding.
  4. Yeah yeah yeah....the US is all dumb and the rest of the world is sooooooooooooo smart. bull sh--. Ill give you an example....Have you seen what most of the rest of the world watches on TV? Basically, its "I Love New York" and goes DOWN from there.
  5. Gee, thats funny...I said JUST THAT. I notice you have a habit of posting a lot of crap, get pounded on it, and then spin away from the debate with one line retorts that more often than not, dont even make sense. Whats your deal?
  6. Terrorism is a myth, Bush is the source of ALL evil, everyone is innocent and nice except for the USA. Nothing to see here....move along. Hey! I got an idear....lets lobb some cruise missles at an Aspirin factory! That worked soooo well last time!
  7. Communists and Capitalists fought a global war hand in hand.
  8. What do you mean "liberating"? Whats with the quotes? I see youve minimized the scenario I spelled out vis a vis Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. Why? Never said I "wished" for was and "loved" war. I dont think anyone short of Colonel Kilgore has shown a "love" and "desire" for war. What I want is protection from madmen who seek world domination through extortion. No, dummy. I do not claim this. The leader of Iran does. Ya know him? The guy with all the oil and soon to have nukes? Yeah....him. And unless Russia goes full-bore to back Iran in any conflict, a nuclear holocaust will not come from this. Thats my POINT. If Iran is emboldened with nukes, this scenario is very possible. If Hussein's agenda was not challenged, this ALL would have taken place by now. "Talk" got us far with Hitler, didnt it? And all those weapons we developed between 1950 and 1985 did NOTHING to keep Stalin and Kruschev et al in check, right? There is a need for diplomacy, sure. But to say its the only way out and "war is not the answer"? Thats such pie in the sky, it makes Betty Crocker blush. Ammenikjhfsfkjh has elected long after Bush saying this. His support is eroding today, as eveidenced by recent elections there. The PEOPLE of Iran are acutally quite moderate. But becuase Bush said something, they ran to the polls to vote for this guy? Give me a break.
  9. I have some knowledge of what took place with the JapANESE Empire prior to WWII, but not enough so Ill leave that to Darin and Tom. But all I DO know is that if it werent for GHWB and the U.S. back in 1989, Iraq quite well would control the ENTIRE Arabian Peninsula, including the Persian Gulf and therefore the vast majority of all the worlds oil and energy source. And worse, he would protect it all with a huge military that would most likely have nukes by now...paid for by all that oil revenue. Today, we face a similiar problem with Iran..where another madman who is speculated to have aspirations to bring about the end of the World for religious reasons and is KNOWN to posses desires to "wipe [whole Countries] off the map" already has a lion's share of the world's oil AND soon, the nukes to protect it and carry out his terrorizing agenda. If youre so mindless and blind to think that such scenarios arent worth fighting against, if not just to protect OUR interests, but those of the entire planet, then youre a !@#$ING DOLT, pure and simple.
  10. So far hes given money away to criminals (phone card thingy) and looking to take it from the innocent. Off to a helluva start, isnt he?
  11. Gee..now how can ANYONE DARE think that leftards like you are elitist? "Independent thought", my ass. My WHOLE point, that seems to have escaped you so far, is that this whole !@#$ing topic is about nothing more than regurgitation of leftard talking points and making ANY article or new item fit into neat categories for each of them.
  12. Remember what happenned in 1989? "Hey!!! The US is NOT ALLOWED to do things to strenghten its position in world markets!!!!" Ya mean trying to wrestle control of a HUGE percentage of the worlds crucial oil supply from a thuggish dictator had something to do with this???!!!???? Ya dont say! A war was started for POLITICAL REASONS????!!!????? Like....NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lemme guess..."Bush did 9/11." Am I close? I havent seen ONE PERSON ALIVE say "Hussein did 9/11." Have you? Ah yes...when all else fails "BLAME THE JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" So lets recap.....Ya got "No Blood for Oil", "Bush did 9/11", "America Bad", and "The Jews did it." Why not just throw in a "Halliburton" and a "racism!!!" and youll have ALL your libitard bases covered!!!!!
  13. Your typical "viewpoint" is the ususal "No blood for oil" bull sh--. So "", yourself. It proves that I can poke holes in your other typical talking point "America bad!!!" can be put down in three seconds flat.
  14. So the US looking to strenghten its postion in the world oil market....BAAAAAAAD. BUT....."New" industrial countries like China have an energy and pollution control policy that comes right out of 1955......NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I wish Bill Belichick coached the Bills.
  16. Unlike that "IN touch, NATIONAL party" that dominates in two states on the EC and two on the WC. And this has WHAT to do with anything? I guess in your drunken haze you consider throwing Oreos at Micheal Steele a show of "how black and white can work together" and referring to Condi Rice as "Aunt Jemima" a term of endearment. And where were LEGAL immigrants are "demonized" and please illustrate how thats different than the lefts plans for them, namely pandering for votes and for union membership. Robert Byrd anyone? Nah. ......
  17. Wrong on WHAT???!!!?? I havent stated an opinion on this topic! Holy sh--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you drunk or something????!!!!?????
  18. Little clue for ya...when even people who AGREE WITH YOUR POSITION take you to the woodshed, youre doing something wrong. Very wrong.
  19. I would pay MONEY to see this guy and BF duke it out. Wait...maybe I wouldnt. I mean...Im no brain surgeon....Tom and Darin make sure to remind me of that regularly...and Im ok with that. But this guy...man...this guy is just too "good" to be true.
  20. Most people arent "more upset" with this becuase regardless of how you feel about the plan, AT LEAST it represents a change in strategy and not the same old "stay the course" bull sh-- thats worked oh-so-well so far. Ya know when youre on a flight thats bumping all over the place and how reassured you feel when the pilot starts to climb up to get out of the chop? Sure...you dont know if things will be better at the new altitude, but at least you know your pilot recognizes the issue and is doing something....anything...to alleviate it.
  21. Paging Mr. AD.....Mr. AD... youre wanted in the They-ALL-Suck Department.
  22. Please add the word "paranoid" to "whining pussies" as stated in this thread. Thanks much, Rich
  23. Wait....I thought it was "the Jews" who "run this Country" and "control information."
  24. The community is/was desperate...they had to do something. I beleive the law was passed more to force the Feds to take up the issue than anything else. Im assuming you live in an area not affected by this issue.
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