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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The third team Parcells up and split on unexpectedly. He quit on the Pats, Jets and now the Cowboys. Im sorry, but Parcells' legacy and reputation MUST MUST MUST take a hit here.
  2. How DARE people predict that a three time SB champ going into a game against a team they have OWNED, and then facing an inferior NFC opponent, would win the SB!!!!! Youre right...we need to get back to 'Steve Tasker is dead to me" posts. Those were fun. And how DARE people have praise for the NFL's best pure passer and for a GM that built TWO tremendous franchises!!!!????!!! I mean, Super Bowl week....the playoffs...we should NOT talk about the teams that are playing! We need to know what Angelo Crowell is up to!
  3. Wait a second....you think a team is going to trade an all-time great player...in his prime....because he lost a playoff game. Wow. Just.......WOW.
  4. Says the guy who wrote the Bills off for 07 in December of 06.
  5. More info on Wacka's point: The Weather Channel Mess January 18, 2007 | James Spann | Op/Ed Well, well. Some “climate expert” on “The Weather Channel” wants to take away AMS certification from those of us who believe the recent “global warming” is a natural process. So much for “tolerance”, huh? I have been in operational meteorology since 1978, and I know dozens and dozens of broadcast meteorologists all over the country. Our big job: look at a large volume of raw data and come up with a public weather forecast for the next seven days. I do not know of a single TV meteorologist who buys into the man-made global warming hype. I know there must be a few out there, but I can’t find them. Here are the basic facts you need to know: *Billions of dollars of grant money is flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story. Even the lady at “The Weather Channel” probably gets paid good money for a prime time show on climate change. No man-made global warming, no show, and no salary. Nothing wrong with making money at all, but when money becomes the motivation for a scientific conclusion, then we have a problem. For many, global warming is a big cash grab. *The climate of this planet has been changing since God put the planet here. It will always change, and the warming in the last 10 years is not much difference than the warming we saw in the 1930s and other decades. And, lets not forget we are at the end of the ice age in which ice covered most of North America and Northern Europe. If you don’t like to listen to me, find another meteorologist with no tie to grant money for research on the subject. I would not listen to anyone that is a politician, a journalist, or someone in science who is generating revenue from this issue. In fact, I encourage you to listen to WeatherBrains episode number 12, featuring Alabama State Climatologist John Christy, and WeatherBrains episode number 17, featuring Dr. William Gray of Colorado State University, one of the most brilliant minds in our science. WeatherBrains, by the way, is our weekly 30 minute netcast. I have nothing against “The Weather Channel”, but they have crossed the line into a political and cultural region where I simply won’t go. http://www.jamesspann.com/blog.htm http://www.abc3340.com/news/talent.hrb?i=188
  6. I love porn as much as the next guy, but I care about Jenna Jameson's life story about as much as I care about the doofus programming a website for me three offices down. I mean....she managed to do just a bit better than "old has-been whore" now that shes done working on her back. THAT deserves a movie and qualifies as "interesting" these days? Hollywood is running out of ideas. Either that, or we are all REALLY bored.
  7. As long as he doesnt put on a headband, I accept his "apology."
  8. Be nice....that dude's just "dissenting"...and is a real "patriot" for doing so!
  9. Iraq will continue to carry out acts of war against the United States and when weve finally had enough and DO something about it besudes bend over and say "Thank you, may I have another?!?" WE will be the ones condemned. I guess I cant be suprised. We could solve world hunger right now and get sh-- for it
  10. Over my dead !@#$ing body Damn you for even MENTIONING it. Id root for the COWBOYS before I'd root for a "shared" Bills team. And I !@#$ing HATE the Cowboys. !@#$ that.
  11. I typicvally dont buy into the "hes not one of 'us'" Stuff. When coaches or players get slammed for being a "california guy" or "not blue collar" or for not having a permanent residence in WNY, I think its BS and has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. A ton of baseball and hockey players arent even from the COUNTRY anymore, so its downright silly for the notion that a "true Bill" has to have grown up in Kenmore to be welcomed to the Bills Community. NOW....with that said, McGahee's comments clearly have other motives. And Sullivan is dead on.
  12. Id rather REAL MEN run this country yelling cuss words, dammit....than some limp wristed San Fran chick with three facelifts who cant even bang the gavel properly.
  13. I shy away from the incoherent rants these days. Besides.....Im not drunk.
  14. Like pitchers, QB's have W/L records associated with them. Sometimes, its not a fair representation of their overall play, but for the most part, they are. I recall a QB who-shall-not-be-named a buncha years back that didnt have all world talent, but "just won." He was considered a successful QB based SOLELY on his W/L record. Bottom line....River's stepped in and wom with this Chargers team. And was playing VERY well up intil yesterday. So to imply that it was "wrong" to look at a QB leading one of the league's best team is silly.
  15. I notice on virtually every board I participate in.....be it for football, cycling, baseball, whatever....there is one guy who day in and day out posts shrill, barely legible, often unreasonable rants about Bush. And the more time goes on, the crazier they get.
  16. I would like to take this opportunity and once again promote the wonderful "I love New York" television program. How can ANY of us not enjoy a program that makes "Flava of Love" look like "Nightline"???!!!!???
  17. How DARE I even THINK about wanting a QB who went 14-2 over one who went 7-9.
  18. Me neither. But Im at the point where I have to start. Tom Brady is proving to be an all time great. Some of those throws yesterday were amazing. Im sorry....I HATE the Pats, but Brady is damn good.
  19. Oh please. I hate the Pats as much as the next guy, but you have to be a complete imbecile to NOT recognize they are on one of the great "runs" in NFL history.
  20. Some data: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Economy/wm1186.cfm Disclaimer: its from the Heratige Foundation, a Conservative "think tank" (hate those).
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