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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. How about the parents? You really mean to tell me that bad social issues and race relations from 40 years ago have an affect on how a five year old child sees herself and relates and understands her race?
  2. Im sure a 5 year old kid has a keen awareness of all that stuff, especially how it relates to themselves. But thanks, anyway for the VERY typical "blame whitey" response.
  3. Another bull sh--, immature tactic of yours and one I refuse to take part in. You write your inane schitt and then when called on it put up your ands and say "who me?"
  4. ROTFL. You gotta LOVE how he espouses the "open mindedness and tolerance" of the left...while implying those with a different POV are dumb and cant think for themselves.
  5. Thats not what I said, dipshit. I said your endless crusade and daily reactionary regurgitation of talking points fed to you by dubious sources, and then distortions and misrepresentastion of people's retorts to your mindless posts are whats annoying. You twist and misrepresnt what is said in any article you trot out, anbd then when people point that out to you, you misrepresent and twist that??!!?? Youre a stupid, immature liar who misrepresents what people say both in whats in print and what people respond to your nonsense and rubbish to fit your own twisted POV on a topic and its getting really old. Cut the BS talking points, the lies, the distortions and the annoying crusade. We are fed up. Even people who frequent this board who loathe the Administration and who generally agree with the anti-war sentiment are tired of your bull sh--.
  6. DUCK, EiN...we've found common ground..... Im going to a "dog friendly" bar and blowing smoke in the little mutts' face. The only thing worse than a dog, itself is the owner who thinks he or she is a "better person" for being a dog owner. As if following around some mutt around with a baggie and mini-shovel at 5AM in the rain provides some kind of wonderful "life experience." Of course, not all dog owners are like this. Most arent. But I know a few who actually look down their noses at people who choose not to enjoy such pleasures like the above.
  7. Come on, Darin...give me a break..... One break, coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously....this MA/Eddie thing is very well known.
  8. Forget about what one thinks of the war. To insinuate that one of the key leaders of a Country, in a time of war or ANY time, should be EXPECTED to do anything LESS than put the best foot forward, and do everything in his or her power to motivate the Country towards the goals of that Country's leadership is the most mindless, comical, ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. A leader who does anything LESS that go full bore towards accomplishing his or her objectives is derelict in her or her duties.
  9. How DARE the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States maintain a positive opinion of the war? Up next? Shock....SHOCK!!! from drunk-boy that Dick Jauron thinks he's going to win the Super Bowl next year! And how DARE Cheney NOT answer a loaded question about his family without so much as a protest!!??!! of course, when Jim Webb took offense to the same tactic, that was A-OK!!!!!! Drink MORE, MG....MORE.
  10. Its alreayd starting.... Michael Anthony was not invited to participate becuase Eddie VH is mad at him for playing with Sammy Hagar the last few years. How DARE Anthony try to make money??!!!?? Eddie is the most egotistical tool, its beyong belief. That said, as a lifelong VH fan who never got to see them with Dave, Im so psyched for this concert!!!! For me, it will be one of those "now I can die in peace" moments.
  11. Id love to have him around just so every once in a while I can yell out "JEEESUUUSSS CHRISTT!!!!!!!", have him get startled and yell "WHAT????!!!???" and then Ill say..."oh.......nothing." Ya know....just to eff with him.
  12. I always watch. Guess I enjoy the pomp and circumstance of the whole affair, seeing our entire government in one place, watching the President carry out his duty, that sort of thing. The speech itself was pretty good, but outside of announcing some new initiatives, its usually mostly rhetoric. Fox News did something interesting. While Bush was walking out, Brit Hume turned off his microphone so we could all hear what all the banter between Bush and the staff members and members of Congress was about. Nothing Earth shattering, but an interesting look behind the curtains, sp to speak. BTW...Jim Webb? Very impressive. Guy was still a jerkoff for threateneing to punch the President, but his "response" was very, very good. It actually had some sobstance behind it instead of the usual "hes wrong, we are right" nonsense that Reid and/or Pelosi puked up year after year.
  13. Ill never forget seeing Showgirls. Everyone in the theater was talking thoughout like we were at a party, not even paying attention. Right as whats her name goes to kiss the other chick, the place goes silent and as soon as the kiss is made, the whole place lets out a YYYEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! like the Bills scored a TD. Then everyone went back to chatting and drinking the booze snuck in.
  14. Just what I thought. If youre going to come here and call people names, ESPECIALLY for just saying "I dont agree with you" then have the balls and common courtesy to say WHY you hold such a point of view, you dolt. You call people names in a debate forum and then when asked to back it up, you puke up this? DICKLESS.
  15. NOWHERE in that article does it state that "Corporations have accepted Global Warming as fact" Nowhere.
  16. Yeah, huh? Okay...please post the published scientific facts (not theories) that have proven global warming caused by human beings is real. This ought to be good................ The funny thing here is that Im not totally against the concept that GM MAY be real. My potision is that until its proven by scientific fact..and not that its warmer....that its warmer BECAUSE OF HUMANS, I remain skeptical. Of course, all those folks so "tolerant of other points of view" have called me every name in the book, as seen here for holding such a position and not marching lockstep with the GC crowd...and worse ( and quite typically) for not saying "its all caused by Bush."
  17. Creeped out becuase someone has a different opinion than you? So "tolerant".....
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