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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. "LEGISLATING COMMON SENSE" I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Count me in as a Newt fan, too. The man has baggage, fer sure. But he's shrewd, strong, has good leadership skills and has some damn fine ideas for both the foreign and domestic agendas. You may not agree with all his opinions, but as X.B pointed out, you know the man's going to shoot straight about the important issues.
  3. I posted this in another thread... That was the biggest piece of garbage ever. I know its chic this days to downplay patriotism and America. But that mambi-pambi, candy ass bull sh-- was so terrible and so out of place it was laughable. Fat men with shirts too short wearing butterfly wings? Are you effing kidding me???!!!!?? THIS IS THE EFFING SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! Give me Red, White and Blue, explosions, raw chopmeat, half-clothed women, and a coked up Hank Williams screaming into the microphone between shots of Jack Daniels. Save the candy ass getting in touch with his "feelings" while prancing around to a harpist playing her politicially correct, gender-neutral, multicultural crapola for the New York Times Arts&Leisure section.
  4. For such a self-proclaimed astute guy, its pretty funny that you miss the BASIC premise that when you lose more than once, you get labeled as "cant win the big game" and when you win, that goes away. Go ask Jim Kelly what all those wonderful post-season stats mean.
  5. Prince Rocks. Anyone with any taste knows that. You dont have to like his music, but even hardcore Metalheads I know can appreciate that as a musician, the man can downright bring it. You know what sucked...that PREgame show. What the !@#$ was that? HELLO...I know as Americans we are all supposed to recognize how much we "suck" and how "bad" we are these days. But this is the damned SUPER BOWL. I want Red White and Blue,explosions, naked women, chopmeat and a half-coked up Hank Williams screaming to get me out of my chair. Take that multicultural, flower power, candy azz bull sh-- out with the trash.
  6. How DARE people say such a thing! Especially while he was getting his azz handed to him year after year after year. Takes a sh---ton of courage to say "I told you so" five seconds after the Super Bowl.
  7. "We dont live in Venezuela" Thats a real enlightened "World View" ya got there, drunky.
  8. That was fugging genius. Those guys absolutely ruled.
  9. The Bushies do so much as tighten their shoes and the usual suspects scream about it and portray it as abuse of power, etc. But things like what is going down in Venezuela raise not even an eyebrow. Typical.
  10. Okay ECZ...tell me about Menino. Opie and Anthony rag on him all the time. The guy sounds like a complete blithering fool. I mean...not everybody can be a great orator, but this guy literally cannot speak! He makes Bush sound like JFK!!! And from what I understand, he administers his government with a manner thats as ham-handed and as sloppy as he looks and sounds. What the hell is going on in Boston to allow such an incompetent (or whats seems like one) to run the City???!!??
  11. How the hell the City of Boston can vote for a guy like Menino is beyond me. The man....LITERALLY....cannot speak.
  12. Now wait one damned second..."The Media" TOLD ME we are drawing up plans to attack Iran!!!!!!!!!!
  13. He said the same thing on WFAN yesterday. The interview is up at wfan.com, I think. FWIW, PFS had some nice things to say about the Bills and Ralph Wilson.
  14. O'Reilly featured the "center" on his show, dummy. More than once when the fundraising was going on. And what does it have to do with THIS topic??!!?? GOOD !@#$ING LORD....can you EVER just stay on point??!!!?? I swear, Im fully expecting somebody to ask you what 2+2 is and have you blurt out "ORANGE!!!!"
  15. Ya know...you MUST stay around. There are sooo many different viewpoints on PPP. And most have us have fought tooth and nail from time to time. Many of us dont see eye to eye and to this day loathe many of the people who come here. I, myself hope to think I have if nothing more, come to accept the differences between me and many people Ive done battle with and we seem to be getting along. But you.......youre are something else. And you have done the impossible. You have managed to bring ALL of us together. The libitards, idiots, novices, right-wing whackos, grizzled vets, self-proclaimed geniuses, on and on. We ALL laugh at you. As one. You entertain ALL of us. As one! Keep it up...its been a fun ride!
  16. Ya know...that Keith Olbermann...he's REAL fair and balanced.
  17. Darin...why bother? A mushroom cloud over Manhattan and a notarized affidavit from Achmeninutjob that he did the deal wouldnt be enough to convince them. And even if it was, their response would be "we had it coming...we provoked him."
  18. Now youre talking in circles again. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200401/pollack Other nations' intelligence services were similarly aligned with U.S. views. Somewhat remarkably, given how adamantly Germany would oppose the war, the German Federal Intelligence Service held the bleakest view of all, arguing that Iraq might be able to build a nuclear weapon within three years. Israel, Russia, Britain, China, and even France held positions similar to that of the United States; France's President Jacques Chirac told Time magazine last February, "There is a problem—the probable possession of weapons of mass destruction by an uncontrollable country, Iraq. The international community is right ... in having decided Iraq should be disarmed." In sum, no one doubted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
  19. No, dummy. Im speaking about the French, the Germans and others who through their OWN assesments believed Iraq possesed WMD and programs for their further development. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200401/pollack Other nations' intelligence services were similarly aligned with U.S. views. Somewhat remarkably, given how adamantly Germany would oppose the war, the German Federal Intelligence Service held the bleakest view of all, arguing that Iraq might be able to build a nuclear weapon within three years. Israel, Russia, Britain, China, and even France held positions similar to that of the United States; France's President Jacques Chirac told Time magazine last February, "There is a problem—the probable possession of weapons of mass destruction by an uncontrollable country, Iraq. The international community is right ... in having decided Iraq should be disarmed." In sum, no one doubted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
  20. Hate to burst your bubble, but we had "independent verification" in regards to WMD exsisting in Iraq pre-2003.
  21. Whats worse? The nutty hawks looking to level Iran at the mere drop of a hat? or The pussies who wouldnt want to take action even if aUS carrier group was attacked, complete with a picture circulated on Al Jazeera with Achmeninutjob pressing the "launch" button with one hand and giving a 'thumbs up' to the camera with the other? Try to find the MIDDLE and THINK, losers.
  22. Personally, Id love a team of top flite corners and safeties. Especially with those stalwarts on the DL and at LB the Bills have right now.
  23. I was in a Cracker Barrel on the way home from a road trip, browsing through their souvenier/ junk section. Came across a "Black Santa Claus." The most REEEEdiculous thing youve ever seen. Even BLACK couples looked at it and said "thats effing stupid!!"
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