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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Fair enough....I can see the distinction. I still think those silly radio station "record smashing" stunts being compared to the book burnings of Nazi Germany is WAY out there. And I agree with you on the Nazi-comparison thing. Its right up there with the race card when debating an issue.
  2. Youre kidding. There have been plenty of times through history where groups of people got together and had demonstrations like that. What the Nazis did was far and above a petty demonstration made-for-tv where a couple of copies of the DCs records were smashed to show how people dont like the DC's music and their politics. To compare some radio station down South doing a publicity stunt to give a proverbial 'middle finger' to the DC, to what the Jews endured in Nazi Germany is beyond stupid. But with you...nothing shocks anymore.
  3. So it seems Maines thinks that by getting a gaggle of Grammys, the American Public was "practicing its rights to Free Speech". But when they did the same a few years ago AGAINST her, the American Public was "practicing censorship." So.....when the "speech" is favorable...its "free speech!!" Bad? its "censorship" or as that wonderful scribe Garafalo described it..."Nazi stuff." Which is exactly my point back on page one of this thread.
  4. For a dude who "smokes and jokes", you sure are uptight.
  5. It was during the time of the war. And I beleive that was the quote, yes. I..me...myself thought what she did was bad. YOUR mileage may vary.
  6. True...and no different than when Wal-Mart wont carry it becuase it doesnt agree with their values. Id rather see a Country where companies can decide what to sell and what not to sell, based on their own values. When the day comes that companies are FORCED into what to sell, then we have a problem.
  7. And who post total is only 300 behind mine! Love the movie, though. At least the sod has some taste, right?
  8. I dont think their actual music has anything to do with it, really. Sure...the fact that they were considered Country musicians probably affected the issue, but others have endured similar criticism for going overseas and bashing the U.S. It was always about what Maines said on that stage in the UK, which I thought was pretty terrible. And FWIW, I dont think criticism for bashing the home Country in a time of war is unwarranted.
  9. Says the guy whose last contribution to a thread on PPP was posting quotes from the movie "Major League."
  10. Did you get the memo? When someone from the left has something to say, they are just "dissenting" and "excersing their patriotic 1st Amendment Rights." They are practicing the rights held near and dear to all of us! But, of course, any "dissent" to their "dissent" is nothing more than blatant "censorship", carried out by fascists.
  11. I !@#$ing KNEW there was some kind of scam behind my SkyMiles program. I !@#$ing calling Delta first thing tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boeing, too!!! Greedy corksuckers.
  12. And people wonder where so many like myself get the "silly" notion that if/when they do get total conrol of power, the Democrats will collectively bend us all right over and HAND the K/Y to the rest of the World.
  13. Gotta love PPP....when not putting down "the media", great outlets like "Buffalo Beast" are being defended.
  14. Yes...its those greedy corporations that REFUSE to build planes that WONT crash. Just like those greedy auto manufacturers who wont build cars that "wont crash." Or those terrible housing builders who WONT build buildings that WONT burn down. Or....eh...why am I even bothering?
  15. The reason WHY those are included on that list is becuase they dont embrace the ultra left-wing agenda. Dont be stupid. Aside from that...yeah...its pretty clear the list is tounge in cheek. Problem is, a lot of people would take it as gospel.
  16. What's the Democrat's plan for getting the United States out of this situation while ensuring the following? 1. Iraq remains stable and its new government maintains control of the Country. 2. Iran doesnt influence the process, nor does it dominate the region either militarily or economically. 3. The state of Israel (yes....THEM....you know..the one TRUE Democracy in the region) can continue to viably exist. 4. The United States can continue to have a presence in the Middle East for its own economic and military interests.
  17. The "people" who wrote that list didnt put Rosie on it, put Pelosi on it becuase she didnt start impeachment hearings NOW!!!!, think capitualting to the Muslim fanatics is ok (Dhimmitude, anyone?) and dig Noam Chomsky. Pretty much sums 'em up right there, doesnt it?
  18. Until planes are perfect we live in a sad state, dont we?
  19. Call me nuts...I just feel so bad about this. Its clear she was a lost soul and it finally caught up to her. I hope shes in a better place.
  20. Becuase according to you, EVERYONE who disagrees with you is a racist or a nazi.
  21. Remember fatty...DONT EVER say your "out of the playoffs" when you ARENT. Go get 'em, Wade.
  22. The need for a "bigger jet" is not the issue. Its the demands for 42 leather seats, staterooms, entertainment centers and a crew of 16, with a total cost of $300,000 PER ROUND TRIP FLIGHT. Thats just plain old obscene. You know it, I know it.
  23. What jet did Hastert have? Even "Next Gen" 737s can fly cross country these days. Personally, I'd love to give Stretch a bombed out Cessna 172 and a few gas cans and send her on her way.
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