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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Lets be honest....which of the candidates "do it" for you? Which ones do you look at and say..."yeah....s/he could be President."
  2. Bush says "hello" and people go nuts. But a guy who controls a huge supply of the Worlds oil and will have nukes in the next ten years can say things like ""The Zionists are the true manifestation of Satan" and it barely...check that DOESNT even merit a mention...from CNN!!!! Im sorry...thats !@#$ing SCARY.
  3. There is some of that, sure. But comparisons MUST be made when we, as a nation are lambasted for actions that would'nt even raise an eyebrow when conducted by rest of the world. We MUST as a Nation point out this hypocrisy.
  4. A bunch of "little Eichmanns", right? Thanks, HBO for my daily dose of American self-loathing and Bush Bashing. Next time an IED kills five soldiers along with 20 innocent Iraqi women and children, Ill remember to REdirect my "outrage" to the fact some Iraqi man had to walk around with a pair of underwear on his head or had to have cold rice pilaf while in GTMO. Yeah, yeah....I know.."we started it." Just like when Achmeninutjob tries to implement a blockade across the Strait of Hormuz THAT will be our fault, too...becuase...ya know..."we provoked him."
  5. Always wondered how the US auto workers got such a bad rep...when whats often referred to as one of the best, most reliable cars, the Accord, is assembled in Ohio. Im assuming the JapANESE process is superior to "ours".
  6. This ranks right up there with the whole "outrage" over referring to computer hard drives as "slaves" or "masters."
  7. Thats becuase all white kids are "spoiled" clowns born with a silver spoon in their mouths and an elephant tatooed on their asses.
  8. I just enjoy red meat, thats all. I admit it. Hey, even bad steak is still steak.
  9. I'll say it...it was dumb there, too.
  10. If we were only "nicer" to them, this stuff wouldnt happen!
  11. Because brilliant, independent black women in postions of leadership who dont toe the Democratic Party line SCARE people like him, thats why. Same thing with men like Michael Steele.
  12. Whats scaring me about all this is that people are so fixated on getting out NOW!!!!!! that possible consequences are being completely ignored? Ethnic cleansing? Al Qaeda getting a foothold? Iran taking over the region? Eh...worry about that later...just get out of Iraq NOW!!!!!! Sorry for the hijack...on THIS issue...its just typical politics. And it makes me laugh (or cry) is that people "voted for change" in November thinking things...ya know...would be *different* in Washington now. But its just more of the same political BS. And whats MORE pathetic is that most people out there see things like this resolution not for the purely political BS they are...but as actual signs of the "change" they so desired! they think this *MEANS SOMETHING!* Pathetic.
  13. Not with bands like Rush and Van Halen coming out...who are BOTH touring THIS Summer.
  14. With the crop of dunderheads out there now, "I" want my 1997 politicians back!
  15. OKay, Im just going to say it...Ive gone from loathing you to being one of your biggest fans. Wow...thats ghey.
  16. Be careful here. The reason why not more DLs and OLs are taken may be because the "stud" ones worthy of a 1st round pick are at a premium. Thats MY theory. If the Bills take a CB in the 1st round, my head may explode.
  17. Okay, thats WAY too deep for my own good. Youre scaring me now. On the topic at hand, the Post is mostly a fish wrap, yes. But as others have stated, they "know" it. Its the "honesty" thing that makes the paper appealing.
  18. Was that THE weirdest time in music hisotry or what????? Everyone from the Stones, to the Dead, to Kiss, to....EVERYONE carried that "disco" beat on their new albums. Conspiracy, I tell ya.
  19. Wow. An interview with two guys who are unabashedly true to their beliefs, but arent afraid to "tell it like it is." I cant wait to see it.
  20. Being DOMINANT in a market and COMPLETELY CONTROLLING it are two very different things.
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