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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. When my mother had work done on her 75 year old house, I did a little test before it started...with my steel toe boots on, I ran up and kicked the wall as HARD as I could. Not-a-mark. Not one. Try that test on a newer house with wallboard and particleboard. Youll be going out to the street to retrieve your boot. And your foot! Silly little test, but I think it illustrated how lousy houses are made today compared to the past. Im in the housing market here on the Island and we are really scaling BACK on what we are willing to pay. Its KILLING me, personally, but my wife is reigning me in to be...gasp!!!...fiscally responsible. Its really sad here on Long Island. All my friends, some blue collar, some white callar, ALL with decent jobs paying good wages and salaries cannot afford a home even like the ones their parents had. Many fell for the smoke and mirrors of these lousy loans to get themselves into a place. $400K gets you a "fixer-upper" on 50x100 on a busy, busy street.
  2. Its always been my understanding that the Feds ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY CANNOT allow 1) Big lenders 2) "National" Air carriers like AA, Delta or United 3) Any of the "Big 3 auto manufacturers" to EVER go out of business, lest the US economy essentially loses ALL credibility. True....or BS?
  3. And when did oil prices REALLY make the huge leap? I remember some chick dancing in the Gulf that had something to do with it.
  4. Then why did liberals take issue with the "props" Bush uses? A speech about the economy in a factory? A speech decalring an end to a military action aboard an aicraft carrier? Why are THOSE "bad", but this usage of such a backdrop "good." Oh, Oh...I know......."BUSH BAD!!!!!!!" Wrong assumption. " And I confess that if all that I knew of Reverend Wright were the snippets of those sermons that have run in an endless loop on the television and You Tube, or if Trinity United Church of Christ conformed to the caricatures being peddled by some commentators, there is no doubt that I would react in much the same way " more "Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism." So I guess making wild conspiracy theories and screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!!" is a legitimate discussion of racial injustice. Way to go, Hussien. Oops ...Im not suppossed to say that. Maybe if I call him Barack Damn Hussein Obama it would be better? No, I WONT let it die that Barack is minimizing this and trying to spin the conversation. I WONT let it die that this congregation and Barack, himself is now being downright indignant over this man who damns this Country. And I like this...I like that Rev. Wrong is elevated to sainthood and his white Grandmother is a racist.
  5. Oh yeah...that site was chosen just by coincidence. Come on. What I found insulting was his effort to place blame on the "media" for drumming up this story.
  6. We share love of cycling and now this. All I need to go is get you to start watching Rock of Love and my mission is complete.
  7. If you think that the RIGHT has the market cornered on hypocrisy in regards to espousing morality and then breaking that code, then there is nothing I can do to help you. The rest of what you wrote....fine by me.
  8. Oh yeah..."great." Its "commentators" fault Wright is portayed like this. And I LOVED the rows and rows of American flags behind him! I thought he was "above" such petty displays of patriotism. I recall a few years ago, the libbys here yelling about the Bushies using "props" as backdrops to his speeches. Such as with one speech on the economy he had crates labeled "Made in America" on them behind him. All the libbys we yelling how shallow and crude that was. Well what the hell do you call this? Oh...I know.....this is "different", right? Jeez....All he needed when the speech was over was for a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner to drop from the !@#$ing ceiling.
  9. Now this is where I split with YOU. Like I said earlier.....Google "Londonistan." Assimilation and coexsistence is fine. Great. Nation of Immigrants and all that. But I will NOT submit to the Muslim/Islamic way of life here in the USA, Im sorry. Sharia law? No !@#$ing way.
  10. First of all, your basing your ridiculous assertion that the US is more violent than the rest of the West on pure speculation now. The second part?....My God...you have GOT to be kidding me. The fact that there was no actual death somehow excuses all that went on? If mayhem, chaos and destruction dont fit under the auspices of "violence", then what are they?
  11. Im just sayin' that the notion that its "easy" to handle and fire a handgun is silly, that's all.
  12. Yeah, huh? Drop a Glock or a .45 in the hands of the 'average joe' and see how far they get hitting their intented target with it. Id bet quite a bit that they wouldnt be able to THROW the damn thing and hit their target, much less hit it by actually pulling the trigger.
  13. Nobody said Europe is "dangerously violent" But neither is the US, as you look down your nose to imply.
  14. Yeah....its "Fox News". They made up all that footage of the riots in France. I have a former employee from France in my office RIGHT NOW and I just got finished having a nice discussion with her, centered around how much a sh---show your Country is right now vis a vis the Muslim ghettos and all the problems with poverty, violence and the culture clashes youve got going on there. I guess she's just a "shill" for Fox News, too....right?
  15. He's questioning the source. Isnt that a tenet of LIBERALISM? And be careful throwing around the term "sheeple", my boy....considering how you and yours march lockstep with Al Gore and treat those who even a BIT skeptical about the snake oil THAT guy is selling.
  16. Tons of bombings by seperatist groups, roving bands of youths burning whole neighborhoods down? Huh??? Wha????? But I guess you cant blame Olivier for thinking this tripe, considering THIS. I love it when tools like olivier look down their nose and bang it agaisnt the window.
  17. "knuckle dragging red necks", huh? There's your liberal/progressive "tolerance" and "understanding" at work, fellas! You just proved one of Rush's main points. Good work.
  18. Thats ok...on O'Reilly last night, some rap apologist said GEORGE WASHINGTON was responsible for the "thug" culture and called Imus a "SUPERracist."
  19. Blah blah blah... Meanwhile...on the VERY OPRAH SHOW WHERE THE RUTGERS GIRLS WERE GUESTS....Oprah maked a crack at how "whitey cant dance." But shes black...so ho harm done.
  20. Meanwhile, Steve Harvey or someone of his genre will have some bit poking fun of "whitey" within a week. Bank it. !@#$ed up world we live in.
  21. Its all good. How how am I a Bills fan you ask? See your avatar!
  22. I wasnt trying to actually describe Harlem. I could have used "Main Street USA", and the point would be the same. That those who are getting on Imus ignore where that word comes from....and the blatant hypocrisy of the whole thing. And Ive lived in NYC my whole life. Ive been to Harlem a few times. And if find it pretty funny that YOU use a stereotype to describe Harlem, but then get on others for when you think "they" are doing it. If its such a great place, as you say here, then why would Imus have a problem going there? What did you mean there?
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