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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. "I know, Mav.....you had a hard time in flight school, bein' Pete Mitchell's kid and all. But evry' time were up there, its like yer flyin' against ghosts." Methinks Goose is looking into this too much.
  2. When Obama wins in his landslide, I heard he's gonna drink some fine Vin, piss crude and sh-- out clean coal. No worries.
  3. EiN is RIGHT!!!!! And I think the fact that McCain is referred to as a "fighter pilot" when the guy was really flying "Scooters" on attack runs is yet ANOTHER sign of deception and twisting of the facts by the McCain Campaign.
  4. Ill take this schmuck's driving tips more seriously than I would his political advice.
  5. Thats not "State Business" being conducted. The "charge" she would face is that if she was conducting actual state business....carrying out her job responsibilities.....in the private account. So far, there is no evidence of that.
  6. What crime did Palin commit? So far the "shes usuing private email for work" thing doesnt have any traction.
  7. But a lot of liberals here (and elsewhere) are LOLing and high-fiving over it. These are the same folks who are up in arms over the current Admin "spying", state that the Patriot Act amounts to "invasion of privacy" and has these claims as one of the pillars of their hatred of the Admin. Thats my problem with this.
  8. Thats like saying its OK to drink and drive on beer but not on vodka. At the end of the day, its an invasion of privacy, no matter who/what/why carried it out. And I dont think either is right.
  9. And normally I agree, but YOU are the folks who are embracing the platform of "CHANGE." What part of the "Obama Doctrine" (lol) of "CHANGE" does hacking into a personal private email account fit into? Seriously, youve pulled your hair out over your accusations of the Bushies playing fast and loose with people's privacy (which, to be fair, I can get my head around), youve whined about our "loss of basic rights".... yet you give a pass to whats going on here? How?
  10. Good to see the libs uphold that "protection of private information" concept, one that is the cornerstone of their hatred of the Bush Administrstion.
  11. Nah...he's too busy paying off the demo guys who did 9/11.
  12. I truly beleive Lance was clean becuase as the leader of the tour for so many stages, he was tested more than anyone. But...with the state of cycling, I wouldnt be shocked to find out he wasnt clean. One guy Id be downright POed to find out was doping would be Jens Voit. He is a true ambassador ofthe sport and knows how to compete. Its weird. On one hand, Im psyched for a LA comeback. OTOH, I could care less and Im so much "over" LA with so many other good racers out there, especially with two good strong American teams out there.
  13. The people advocating for "sucking it up" and "Ill stand if I want to/Bad fans" are the same rubes I see at Shea Stadium trying to get people to "stand up and make noise"....BETWEEN INNINGS. These are also the same maroons who are so drunk by the 8th inning, that are enthralled with doing the wave when the home team is down by a run and has two men on base.
  14. I finally get my revenge for that BS hit on Todd Collins way back when. Eat it, Paytoilets.
  15. Horrible news. Godspeed to one of Buffalo's own.
  16. Did I say it was some "new" phenomenon? No. STFU.
  17. Honestly, I glossed over and didnt catch EXACLTY what he was was saying, becuase I was too busy trying to pick myself off the floor after one of his guests accused Pat Buchanan of being some kind of race hustler three seconds after he accused the US Government of assasinating Dr. King.
  18. Errr...sounds like thats Bill Maher you were watching, not John Adams. Although I did enjoy Billy's rant on Friday night about how Spitzer was a "victim" of Bush's abuse of the Patriot Act. Back on point...last night's episode was kinda dry. Im missing how JA got from being overseas for so, so long, to becoming popular enough to become VP.
  19. Its Dyker Heights. Nothing will EVER change that neighborhood. Italians with money...who dont WANT to move! Its becoming more mixed, but its a closed knit community and they all look out for each other. Brooklyn is fascinating. A whole new wave of immigration has taken hold in the borough again, just like it did 80-100 years ago. Whole neighborhoods are changing from one ethnicity to another veritually overnight. For example, Sheepshead Bay has gone ALL Russian since the Berlin Wall fell. Other nabes are going through the same transformation. Its pretty amazing actually to see the social and ethnic patterns of an area change and done...how do I say this?....properly. That is, these immigrants came through the "system" and are assimilating and are part of society. Amazing how when laws are followed and people participate in society properly things work well, isnt it? Okay...thats a discussion for another day.
  20. On the flip side, my cousin reside in Brooklyn and hasnt moved one INCH, neither has her sister and her extended family. "I was born on 79th Street and Im gonna die on 79th Street" is what she says. Happiest woman and family youve ever met. Everyone sees this sh-- differently.
  21. Some people find proximity to family, especially when their children are just coming into the world, things that make it worth staying "close to home." Is self-sacrifice and desire to keep the extended family together, instead of a bigger house, such a difficult concept for people to understand? See....thats what's critical for ME right now. So Im choosing to live close to my folks and hers. If all I wanted was a bigger house and a nice kitchen, I would go somewhere else. But to ME, a nice® house and a huge yard dont mean ca-ca if my family isnt around to enjoy it with me. So we are buyng down a bit to stay where we are and to get a place we can swing month to month. And honestly....I watch the sun rise over a beach every morning during my Summer bike rides before work and Im a 30 minute drive from [excuse me for the dumb slogan] "The Capital of the World." There is a whole Country west of the Hudson, but this is a pretty good spot to live. Its all about tradeoffs and choices and making them with some forethough and a dose of REALISM. And the problem of lots and lots of people not doing that is the ORIGINAL point of this thread, wasnt it?
  22. While I said above...Long Island is ridiculously overpriced, youd be shocked how many rubes overextended themselves with huge houses they cant afford and with the matching 45K Acura MDX in the driveway. Comical, really. I looked at a house this past week here.....500K...for a 3br cape....CAPE...on a 50X100 lot and bordering a major highway. I almost punched the realtor for wasting my time with something like that. But some !@#$ will overextend himself and buy it....and then guess what....WE ALL will have to bail this shitbag out in a few years.
  23. Which one is more fantasy? "The Earth is 10,000 years old." or "Government can solve all our problems." or even better..... "I never heard Rev. Wright say anything bad."
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