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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. This is only a story because right now the press has a hard on (no pun intended) for anything to do with "gay."
  2. Jim Norton, as in a reference to a bit he did on O&A one AM.
  3. Why meditate when you can get drunk?
  4. Melissa Harris Perry is a c-. And if I ever saw her, Id call her a c-. Right after I kicked her in the c-. !@#$ her and all who think like her.
  5. So before birth, its "my body, hands off", but as soon as that little pup squirts out, it belongs to everyone?
  6. Most air shows in the Country have been cut way back or canceled outright.
  7. You missed the follow up I wrote, YOU IDIOT.....
  8. You asked for him....you got him.
  9. Lets recap the last 24 hours....Obama wants to force banks to lend money for homes to those with poor credit....thinks Pelosi isn't driven by ideology......Also said in his speech that Newtown was committed with a "fully automatic weapon". Whatever little bit of respect I had for this man is just about all gone. http://twitchy.com/2013/04/04/shameless-liar-obama-says-newtown-shooter-used-a-fully-automatic-weapon/
  10. Call me nuts, Im concerned. Not "hide in my basement we area all going to die, invade the DPKR (or whatever)" concerned, mind you. But its NOT they cant carry out some pretty nasty stuff if they really wanted to. They DO have the capability. Im going to ASSUME the Pentagon, behind the scenes is on alert here. Right....RIGHT??????? TOM??!!!??? AHHHH!!! RUN!!!!!!
  11. Dammit, none of you bit on the joke. The coach is a tool. But he DID get punished for his actions by the school. Asking for MORE punishment now, especially if his actions have been clean since his initial punishment, is a silly phony folly. He did his time, paid the fine. And now he, AND his staff, is going to be punished AGAIN? Doesn't seem right to me. And lets not forget the disgruntled employee who released the tape. Hes walking a pretty fine line between whistleblower and extortionist.
  12. What the !@#$ does a comedy guy from the 50s have to do with this?
  13. Im going to rob a bank and call it an undocumented withdrawal.
  14. Calling them names and throwing balls! At a bunch of men over the age of 18 who are getting a free ride to school??!!?? Only a few generations ago, younger men than these were put on unpressured bombers and sent to fight a war, getting shot out of the sky over Bremen. But now a few names and a ball thrown at them is nationwide scandal? Oh, the horror!!!! God, we are getting soft. Grow a sack, f--ts.
  15. Maybe he should have had his minions have some of Obama's records unsealed. School records or something. That's how upstanding men like him win elections.
  16. Not to change the subject but Leno is anything but a liberal. Romney was a fool for not going on the Tonight Show.
  17. Liberals love to say "JESUS WAS A SOCIALIST!!!!" Good luck finding Christ EVER saying that wealth should be "redistributed" or anything of the sort at the tip of a spear.
  18. I don't get it....in one discussion, we want the players to be human...to be like fans...motived by the same things that motivate us. The team. Its past. The city. But now, its "they are professionals"...they "shouldn't need" such motivation....they "don't care." Well which one is it?????
  19. Anybody who has had even a modicum of success in life knows that visualization of your goals is key.
  20. Why should MM actually do some research on a subject or observe and cite his own experiences with homosexuals when he can just put his fingers in his ears and say "Im right and youre a bigot, nanny nanny poo poo?" Frankly I don't know whats right. I go from what Ive seen in my own life with friends and family who are gay. Some of their life experiences back up this post above. Some dont. Im not one to judge. Ill give you credit for at least trying to put some thought into it all. Thats a lot more than Marc and others do. As far as the original topic goes....nope...still don't care. However, it will be interesting to see if lets say this player really wears his sexuality on his sleeve, the media gives him **** the same way they did with Tim Tebow for wearing his faith on his. Anyone wanna take a bet on what happens there?
  21. Oh, Marc. Oh, Marc. What you don't know on the subject is a lot.
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