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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. How dare you speak of such things like this (RACIST) when there are much more important issues (CHANGE!!!) to discuss. Like Sarah Palin's wardrobe.
  2. I think the GOP should ditch the "jesus freaks" when the Dems ditch the "darkies." Two words: GEORGE SOROS.
  3. hmmmm...redneck joke...... I love liberal tolerance.
  4. The old, tired "but when we do its satire" line. Yeah....THAT makes it right. How about those hot "Sarah Palin is a c--nt" shirts?
  5. Lets talk about people who are supporting The One have had to say about Sarah Pailin. Ill start first...the day she got the gig, Bill Maher called her a "waitress".
  6. Uh...hate to break it to ya...but thats the EXACT reason the left hates Palin. She is a feminist who does not fit in to the ideology of the left. Just like the left hates black men who are Republican. Or do they just call folks like them "Uncle Tom" for nothing?
  7. Do you have ANY idea into how much work and effort goes into making sure civilian, innocent Iraqis are NOT harmed during military operations? And read up on CAIR, who they are and who funds them before using THAT group as a source, please.
  8. Items for "personal" use? Lemme get this right.....under tax laws, I can fenagle a way to write off a tooth brush if used during "company time" but a Campaign cant invest in the appearance of its candidate?
  9. How old are YOU, 5? Get out of the coffee shop on the Upper West Side and pull the latte out of your ass and visit a construction site and see who REALLY runs the Unions. CLUE: Its not the Boy Scouts. And for a bonus, go to a Local 3 or Steamfitters Union site, don a helmet, go to the foreman or shop steward and say youre a non-Union guy sent by X Company to do some work and watch what happens.
  10. Someone explain to me how Palin's "Real America" comment is so "bad", yet John that !@#$ing coward douchebag Murtha can call HALF HIS CONSTITUENTS "rednecks" and thats OK.
  11. One of the biggest charges leveled against the Bushies by the BDS libs is how autocratic and "our way or the highway" method in which the Administration carried out itsbusiness. But now....with "their guy" in the WH, this is what they WANT? Oh wait...molson posted this.....nevermind.
  12. You mean he may have wanted to stay with a World Championship team thats deep and well coached and located in a huge market? What a jerk.
  13. You took your talking points from Bill Maher very well, I see. Yup...I saw that ep too, last Friday nioht. The best part was when he slammed the McCain campaign for "hate filled rhetoric" and three seconds later lashed into YET ANOTHER bash-fest of Sarah Palin. Oh...I forgot...when Bill M (and all libs) does it its "satire."
  14. WOW!!! An administration had an "agenda"???!!!????!!! WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE OVER THIS???????????????????????????????????????????????/
  15. Yeah, because the general "explanation" of "I barely know him/them/they and what they "do/did" is just so........detailed.
  16. YES, REALLY. Wake the eff up, moron. http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/15/the-r...our-front-page/ Speaking of “violent escalation of rhetoric” you never hear about: *Obama supporters in Philadelphia sported “Sarah Parah is a [disgusting vulgarism referring to female genitalia]” t-shirts and yelled “Let’s stone her, old school” over the weekend. *An Internet artist has designated Palin an “M.I.L.P” – “Mother I’d Like to Punch” – and published a drawing of a man’s fist knocking a tooth out of the Alaska governor’s mouth and the glasses off her face. *“ABORT Palin” grafitti has sprouted on the sidewalks of Seattle and “Abort Sarah Palin” bumper stickers are spreading on Web stores. *Sarah Palin-bashing Madonna performs before an audience of thousands, screeching and threatening to “kick her a**.” *Getty Images publishes a photo of a man pointing a fake gun at the head of a cardboard cutout of Palin on display at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition building. And no one blinks. Not a peep from the Obamedia. But when Sarah Palin simply spotlights Obama’s longtime relationship with Weather Underground bombing terrorist Bill “We Didn’t Do Enough” Ayers? “Inciting violence,” frets NBC reporter Ron Allen. “Concerned…for Senator Obama’s safety,” agonizes ABC reporter Terry Moran. “Beyond the pale,” cries Obama campaign manager David Plouffe. As if the no-holds-barred Obama campaign has ever had a rhetorical pale to stake. All the world’s a Kabuki stage for the selectively outraged over rage.
  17. PAST candidates who had virtually IDENTICAL policies to Obama lost in absolute landslides. Yet if "The One" loses by even the NARROWEST of margins, according to many it will be due to a "racist America". Bollocks.
  18. Race a factor? Sure is. And it sucks. And Im sorry you and your family had to endure those thing (however, I do NOT subscribe to white guilt) Just wish folks like yourself (Im sorry, is that racist?) would admin the knife cuts BOTH ways. I apologize for using Howard effing' Stern to prove my point, but the proof is there.
  19. Yeah...I heard this "defense" last night. Thats right....by not "allowing" ObamaCorn to break the law, the GOP is "suppressing the vote." And I love the implication of racism with the whole "community organizer" thing. Comical. They way libbys scream "VICTIM!!!!" over and over, I wonder why they get so bent when people refer to them as pussies.
  20. WAS a Terrorist.........And Hitler WAS the Antichrist. But I hear he makes a mean bratwurst. Anyone got his number? Im hungry.
  21. Just as funny as the Left looking the other way. And even more laughable when the beneficiary of such nonsense is a Chicago politician.
  22. The left...the party of Moveon, Media Matters, Daily Kos, etc....now complaining about "surrogates doing dirty work." You CANT make this sh-- up.
  23. Thats a person whose ideas dont match lockstep with those who got all giddy over what took place in the Denver version of the Deutsche Stadion a while back. I find it funny that the same crew who say "DONT LOOK AT HIS PAST!!!!" are rooting for the guy whose got a literal army of lawyers dumpster diving in Wasilla, AK right now.
  24. I just think there are better ways to judge a man's character than by how he operates machinery. But if were going this route, I can argue that McCain's flying style shows he will be a good, strong President. For example, the bomb run he got shot down on, he should have bailed out of. But he kept flying into the AAA and SAMS, refusing to disengage until he dropped his bombs, which most Naval aviators would do. Pretty brave, eh?
  25. I wonder how it would be treated if someone said Obama would govern by "how the watermelon seeds fell out of his mouth" or something similar. Oh, I forgot...when a lib makes such a comment its "in jest" or "satire." On topic....from all accounts, McCain was a stubborn and ham-handed pilot. So what? Judging how he would govern the Nation based on how he flew? Whats next, having a look at how he drives? "Ya know.....that McCain.....he likes to speed in the right lane...how can such a man be President?!!??"
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