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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I wasnt "defending" boomer as much as I was pointing out the idiocy of both sides of this half-assed debate and my abhoration of how race is used in politics and often social issues. And that doesnt make one a racist, either. But nice try.
  2. Dammit, wheres my razor? Whats next? Yer gonna tell me that this is all becuase I rooted for Bo and Luke Duke when I was a kid?
  3. Heres the diasbled voter thingy: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/2...300395/0/NEWS12 http://www.news10.net/news/local/story.asp...914&catid=2
  4. CALLING OUT STEELY DAN: Show me where in this thread I said ANYTHING "racist" or espoused "racist views." GO FOR IT.
  5. He wasnt a "buddy", nor someone I really know. But I like your implication that I really AM a racist becuase I dare not march to the sweet music of the Pied Piper. BTW....at what point in this thread can we discuss Democrats sending disabled folks to the polls to vote for Obama?
  6. Ya know....they run real clean elections in Chicago, where "The One" is from. Always have.
  7. Says the guy whose side thinks that everyone who votes AGAINST The One is a racist. Got it just TODAY from a lib. Told him I was against Obama and when I told him I just dont agree with his policies he winked and said "sure you dont." !@#$.
  8. Whoa, Tom. Show these libs that "their side" is subject to the same total bull sh-- they accuse Republicans of and their heads will explode or something. Hope you got yer mop.
  9. Saw this from the MSNBC article: Over the weekend in Virginia, bogus fliers with an authentic-looking commonwealth seal said fears of high voter turnout had prompted election officials to hold two elections — one on Tuesday for Republicans and another on Wednesday for Democrats. If you fall for that astupid joke, then you dont DESERVE to vote, let alone breed, drive, operate machinery, use money, or pretty much anything else. I told that joke to a lib in my office just today. Whoops...was I "suppressing the vote"? !@#$ing whiners. Oh, and I LOOOOOVE the response "who cares" when I bring up the fraud BS going on FROM THE LEFT SIDE OF THE FENCE. Its like the whole privacy thing I brough up a few days back. Funny how nobody cares about Joe the Plumber's privacy, becuase...now hes a "public figure", but there is ALREADY OUTRAGE (!!!!!) over the "leak" about Obama's aunt's status. A couple of douchebags hand out phony flyers and you get pissy. But a multi-state, fererally funded organization like ACORN does what its doing and youre response is "who cares"? !@#$ing hypocrites. As usual.
  10. Im much more troubled by Obama's plans for the actual military which involves massive spending cuts, especially for weapons R+D. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1981500/posts
  11. Nothing. Just gonna be so much fun watching YOU get all defensive for a change. Looks like the foot's on the other hand now!
  12. Yes A dickhead! Liberal tolerance! Personally I cant WAIT for next week. Now ME AND MY TEAM can go on the OFFENSIVE. Im looking for ard to a good four years of deranged rants, baseless accusation, paranoid premonitions and just genrally blaming EVERYTHING that happens, even BEFORE the Inaguration, on the Chocolate Messiah and his minions. Gonna be GREAT.
  13. Libs spend all day decrying the evangelicals in America, poking fun of religion at every turn, and trying to force any semblence of religion behind closed doors. Yet when they get called on it, they get all pissy. Curious. Maybe Dole should have hung Kay Hagan in effigy. Ya know...as part of the campaign's "satirical" Halloween display outside Campaign Headquarters.
  14. How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset?
  15. The difference that liberals always ignore when trotting this out is that people like Patreaus (and REAGAN!) believe that when you DO sit down, the first thing you do is slap down your Colt .45 on the table. The problem is, you libs dont want to do that, for fear of "offending" the other party and replace that figurative "gun" with a tube of KY.
  16. Im enjoying these a lot: Whole Lotta Angus I give you the mighty VAN HALEN And from the Tobes of Hades
  17. Morris worked for Democrats since he graduated college through the late 90s. You just make sh-- up dont you?
  18. Early in the game, on the road, take the points. Put me in that column, too.
  19. This team need CARL Mauck. LOTSA emotion there.
  20. Ah yeah........in Miami....at the goal line....and "going for it." I recall a game with a similar play a while back. Didnt work out too good for us. Seriously, I have no problem with kicking the ball. There are MANY who feel that you you take the points when they are there. You take the three points, get on the board and go from there.
  21. You flood the baord with your BS 24/7, but when challenged, all of a sudden "you have a job" and cant respond? Coward.
  22. Liberals.......talking about "whining." You cant make it up.
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