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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Hes not smart...he works for the government. Wait....pretty soon we ALL will be working for the gubmint!
  2. Factoring in the cost of a hybrid when you buy it, dontcha have to drive it for like 20 years before you see the cost benefit the extra few MPG gets you? Who the hell keeps cars that long? Same principle, right Tom?
  3. Greatest volunteer job ever. Sad that its looked down upon due tot he audacity of those who serve getting some free beer, a nice TV to watch at Headquarters and a nice dinner once a year.
  4. Here's another thing about completely carbon free. It basically rules OUT the BEST, most efficient source of energy pound for pound......OIL. Youre taking the BEST option for energy completely right off the table, all while ignoring that over time, we have mastered using this resource in a more and more efficient manner. Getting energy from wind, from plants and other "alternative" sources sounds really nice but when put into reality are not very practical (like most lib talking points).
  5. Call me NUTS, but methinks Rush was ranting touge in cheek. But imagine that.....going to a "red meat" type of talk show and hearing the host shovel......"RED MEAT."
  6. There is some delicious irony with supporters of a campaign that collected and spent about half a BILLION dollars and threw huge lavish parties at their convention and acceptance party getting all twisty becuase the "other" side spent 150K on good clothing for their VP pick.
  7. Thats right...Palin, Joe the Plumber....DESTROY anyone who doesnt march lockstep with your ideology. How utterly 1938 Berlin of you. But hey..if these folks are getting under liberal's skin so much NOW, even after its all over, they must be doing SOMETHING RIGHT.
  8. "excess law enforcement"? Are you kidding? Yeah...lets take cops OFF the street...damn crime rate is TOO LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How DARE people feel safe walking in NYC at night and going to Central Park!!!!!
  9. The only paper we get here in Hell is a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer the day before they got LeBron. !@#$ing annoying as......HELL.
  10. I think the little kid in Bad News Bears who spoke of "spics, !@#$s, kikes and now a girl???!!!???" should get some credit. he really loosened us all up. Him and the black bald guy from Sesame Street. He really showed us, by talking with Muppets, that not all black guys are so scary. if it werent for that show, Id NEVER be able to sit on the same train with black guys.
  11. Plenty of papers in my 'nabe. Bunch of racists here.
  12. Meanwhile, this "spoiled brat athlete" cancelled the new kitchen contract in his house, putting TEN craftsmen out of work for the month.
  13. "It was a dream, just a bad dream. I was broke, nobody liked me, Penelope hated me...and it was becuase of an awful negro."
  14. The thing about economics and the celebrations last night...I saw NOTHING but well to do Chicagoans celebrating last night. I didnt see any poor, any unwashed masses, ANYONE who would truly BENEFIT from this event. As if these people's lives have been so bad? Those two attractive bruneete women they kept showing had teeth so white, they should be in toothpaste commercials.
  15. Ah, yes, lets demonize a whole group of people with a set of beliefs, not becuase they are really, physically dangerous, but becuase they dont AGREE with YOUR beliefs. Maybe we can round them all up and send them to a nice camp for "reeducation." Regarding the orginal post, dare I say I agree with it. Bush Jr. and the ne-cons destroyed the GOP. The Conservative movement...the TRUE Conservative movement is alive and well, but the GOP is a freaking mess.
  16. Im going to activate Molson's new Universal Healthcare plan
  17. LOL. Shall I post the picture of Sarah Palin or of John McCain with fangs and blood dripping out of their mouths? You think CONSERVATIVES came up with that imagery? But yeah...your side is "different."
  18. Well said, boy. Im sure Obama's bow-tied "civilian patrol" will pass by your house quietly. Just be sure to have your copy of Mein Kam....er...."The Audacity of Hope" out on the coffee table for all your house guests to see, ok?
  19. I love watching libs get so bent out of shape when someone gets popular opposing their fraudulent line of tripe. The night of the VP debate, I went into a store and some nice little lady who ran the place, sweet as could be said "sorry, Im closing early to watch the debate. We gotta get that B word!!!!" And even better, shes probably one of the same folks who got pissy waaaaaay back when some other lady called Shillary a B word at a McCain rally. LOL. Nice.
  20. I really think all this disparaging of JOHN KERRY'S service to this Country is terrible. Whaaaaaa whaaaaaa WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  21. No, dick. We werent. Sad that she wont live to see this, win or lose. RIP.
  22. I hear all about these long lines and terrible experiences in other parts of the Country...but I live in one of the most populated townships in the Nation, using those old 50's style curtain and lever machines and far as I can tell, there is NEVER an issue. 30 minute wait, AT WORST. In and out....see ya! WTF is going on where there is up to eight hours of waiting and all kinds of issues???!!!???
  23. Youre wrong by casting judgement and throwing around a dangerous label not because you know whats in someone's heart, but because they threw out a quick anectode on an off topic forum on a football message board.
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