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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I REALLY want to make one of my famous snarky half-talking-out-my-ass comments here, using this event to blast the anti-war, anti-military pacifist schmuck libs who think that "we dont need a military (in this case, Navy) anymore", but if I do Tom will slaughter me. So I wont.
  2. Are you thinking about the commercial? Toyota? Then its working.
  3. Mi dispiace. James, Tom....hes an !@#$tard either way.
  4. PLEASE book a flight on an American 767 with a pilot named Atta.
  5. I just realized...you dont understand the point people are trying to make becuase you are a !@#$ing retard of the highest order. I have dust balls under the couch smarter than you. You make BF look like Dick Cavett. Youre such a huge cokcsucker, Jenna Jameson calls you for advice. If a terrorist hijacked your flight, Id feel bad for HIM becuase he devoted all that time and training only to waste his martyrdom on YOU.
  6. It becomes an issue for people like me, not when Happy Holidays is used, or when other holidays that are celebrated are brought to the table, but when the word Christmas and any semblance of the real meaning of Christmas is struck out intentially. When you hear of "Holiday Trees" and the removal of Christian religious tradition, such as displaying of the Nativity. When you banned at work from stringing lights from your desk or saying the word "Christmas." And worse, when these things are done under tha nname of "tolerance and inclusion." That sort of thing is sad, pathetic and offensive.
  7. Diversity is the EMBRACING of other's cultures and traditions, not white-washing them so that they are "inclusive."
  8. Maybe some atheists can bum-rush Dobson's Church next Sunday like those Prop 8 thugs are doing in CA. Disclaimer: I hate Tom Dobson. Gives good, religious people a bad name.
  9. When an organization has been inept for a decade......YES....its the ownership that is responsible.
  10. Come on...give them a break....the Bills, Orchard Park Police, etc. have been dealing with this situation since what? 1972? They are still figuring it all out! Oh....9/11 changed all the rules with security? Well, that was only eight years ago. Give them some time! Totally, totally inexcusable.
  11. Youre right. I DONT know how the world works. Thats why I come to PPP, to get my "info" from the screaming libs, government contractors, techno fans, cross-dressers, and maniacs who have delusions they are one of the Founding Fathers and/or dogs. Im gonna head over to the main board now to join one of the brillant discussions about gloves and beards. Oh, and Kell...my "hole" is loaded with porn and booze. Youre welcome to come over and party anytime, my friend.
  12. Im gonna try this with MY co-workerss who arent cutting it to MY expectations. Ill let you know how far it gets me.
  13. Wow....give a coach a strong, deep team and a solid, well-run organization backing him and all of sudden, HE WINS! Shocker, that.
  14. I have one BiL thats so fiscally conservative, his motto is basically "every man for himself." Another is a classic liberal professor at a Southern U. What do YOU think happens?
  15. I REALLY hope he wears a !@#$ing HEADBAND, just to piss off all the window-lickers in Bills Nation.
  16. Remember all the "concern" over a President's "need" to use e-mail and other modern tools of communication in order to stay "in touch"? Yeah, me neither.
  17. Maybe if Cndy drove her date offa bridge then it would be up to the lib's standards. Id rather "my" politicos play hide the salami with their dates than kill 'em.
  18. She could read from Mein Kampf while I do the deed for all I care.
  19. When you post intolerant and offensive crap like this, you lose ALL AUTHORITY to post about gay rights or whatever YOUR cause du Jour is.
  20. Thank you for pointing out the fact that elliot the retard failed to miss.
  21. Big ideas that mean ca-ca. Why fix it if it isnt broken? BECAUSE IT ISNT BROKEN. I have a BiL in the oil industry. Hes been to countless seminars about the merits of alternative energy. And at the end of each one the consensus is that is just isnt freaking worth it to just up and ditch oil to develop a product or products that produce not even CLOSE to the amount of energy oil does "pound for pound." Its would be like the Air Force ditching jet fighters for biplanes from WWI. We are "addicited to oil" becuase its the best product for energy production out there.
  22. I took the cost of purchase, didnt I? I was just askin...jeez.
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