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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Headsets, gloves, headbands, beards. THIS is what Bills fans focus on. Maybe the SHOULD move out of the city.
  2. Whether or not there was a ring of truth to it, the reason this shitstain put forth that comment was not to legitimately criticise the U.S. Military, but to demean it and sh-- on it and those who serve. !@#$ him.
  3. A website...for internet addiction. Thats like an AA meeting at a bar.
  4. Cat....CONGRATULATIONS! You just firmly RIPPED the title of "Forum Douchebag" RIGHT out of the hands of MG and EEO. Have a look at the link I posted. Thats on the hospital door of a Navy SEAL who downrange took a 7.62mm AK round in the face and arm. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v696/Mul...Lnoteondoor.jpg Cat......You are not worth the ball of sweat hanging from this man's balls.
  5. The ironic thing is...on another sports board I frequent the resident douchebag there is using post counts as a "defense", too. Must be a douchebag inherent trait or something.
  6. Id !@#$ing LOVE to be a fly on the wall during that very first brief where he got the REAL lowdown on whats going on in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. The look on his face must have been priceless.
  7. The last charasmatic "stupid, ignorant, empty suit" that held steadfast to his ideology and that the liberals and Democrats dogpiled at every turn won the Presidential election in one of the biggest landslides the Country every saw and then went on to be one of the greatest Presidents ever. No saying Palin is going to turn into "Dutch"...probably not...but Im just watchin' the trend here.
  8. Another maroon talking about the G-20, who Id LOVE to see play chicken with a GP-20.
  9. Yeah, Im sure you got a REAL firm grip of the "Muslim street" and how they are viewing the US right now.....all from your La-Z-Boy deep inside NEW HAMPSHIRE. Whats next, youre gonna tell us what techno band kids in downtown Brussels are digging these days? How about what type of sake middle aged men in Kyoto are enjoying?
  10. Fair enough, but when the anti-war left calls soldiers "terrorists", blocks supply shipments to Naval bases, drives recruiters off college campuses, vandalizes recruitment offices, protests outside VA hospitals, protests at air shows becuase they "glorify war" and seeks to put off or vastly reduce military spending, it is THEM not ME that's blurring that fine line youre speaking about.
  11. Understand. But Honda's pretty damn good, across the board.
  12. See: Marysville, OH. How is it that AMERICAN workers are building what is considered the BEST car in terms of reliability and have been for some time?
  13. Thanks for the wonderful assesment of the G-20. Now why dont you do us all a favor and go play chicken with a GP-20?
  14. No. Control of energy resources have NEVER been a cause for war. Strap yourself to the tread of a bulldozer.
  15. Start with the rubes outside Whidbey and those like them. Or those who consider soldiers "terrorists." There are also pacifists who feel the Military should be eliminated out of hand. You didnt get that from me. I never said ONCE in this discussion what I think the US' involvement in this affiar should be. Nazi reference. Racism one next? Never said that either. Must be one of the voices in your head saying that. I agree with you, silly. But what does the Iraq wat have to do with the debate about the US involvement in an incident in International Waters? On another continent. The UN also passed 14 resolutions regarding Saddam and his "production" of WMDs. We need to look out for our best interests. This is what every other nation does. And while the US is more powerful than most, the notion that the rules should be vastly different for us is stupid.
  16. Would it shock ANYONE if Iran or even the Saudis were bankrolling these thugs, in hopes of driving up prices? What the heck are lowbrow pirates doing with an OIL TANKER, anyways? Im just askin'
  17. Excuse me, I CLEARY stated that its the ANTI-MILITARY portion of the left that Im speaking about. Those who think the military is "useless" and should be done away with completely. Those who think that our projection of power has NO PURPOSE at all. If you think there are not significant numbers of the anti-war left who not just want to us to "get out of Iraq", but want the military completely done away with, youre sadly mistaken. Its a "problem" becuase whenever thing get nasty, the UN ducks and hides behind our backs and seems to say "DO SOMETHING!!!" Its a "problem" becuase hwnever someone needs help, they look to the US to provide it. You cant have it both ways. The World cant expect the US to just be a "tenant" but then fix the roof of the apartment building when its leaking.
  18. Yas know whats pretty funny? #2 is educated enough to know the meaning of such an obscure and outdated term like "house !@#$", but then rails about "same old same old" in the US, not realizing that Obama isnt sworn in and in power for a good two months.
  19. MORE old Beltway hacks aded to Obama's staff. Can anyone see Shitlery's and Cigar Chomper's hands up the back of the Chocolate Messiah's suit yet?
  20. You mean the selection of The One did ZIPPO to quell the hatred of the Islamic animals? I though his (s)election was going to make "everyone love us again." Um, guess not. Shocker. Die.
  21. Youre not obtuse enough to believe this line of thinking is limited to the US, are you?
  22. Like those Prop 8 thugs in CA, right? Book a flight on a Concorde with Firestone tires.
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