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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Good point! It worked really well to prosecute the criminals who purported the 1993 bombings of a certain NYC building. I think Ill go to Windows on the World for lunch today.
  2. Call me dense, but if an organization's main source of income is from a particular product and they are offering gift cards, then isnt it a safe assumption that they are promoting sale of this product? You think Shell oil is offering gift cards so people buy more washer fluid?
  3. Come on. Telling MG to book travel on a White Star Line cruise ship in April is out of bounds? Geez.
  4. Funny, I feel the same way about Quakers. IMO, thinking the US can lay down its weapons, disband its military and live in peace and free from attack is right up there with the world was created in seven days on the "dangerous idiocy" scale.
  5. No, BAD call. Becuase Im not defending creationism, nor am I advocate FOR this museum. Im pointing out how yet again, we have a "tolerant" liberal bashing other's opinions and at the same time, having the audacity to accuse OTHERS of "hate."
  6. You have the audacity to call other's views and opinions about the origin of the Universe "stupid" and a few sentences later accuse OTHERS of stirring hate? I think you just proved the OP's core point.
  7. Yup..."Killdrive" and "Fat Wade." They havent had any success since us all knowing fans ran them out of Buffalo.
  8. Im not mud. Im a child of the most high God. And I love being one. Happy Holidays!
  9. Ugh. Well, I got dragged into the pig sty. I guess I cant complain I got muddy.
  10. Whether or not there was indeed a "pagan festival" years and decades and centuries ago that led to the Holiday being celebrated at this specific time of year, the fact is that the reason this Holiday is celebrated and the purpose of the season is to commemorate the birth of Christ. Try not to be a moron. Just give it a shot.
  11. Funny, a few posts up, you said it was a "great point." Seriously...do you act this way intentionally?
  12. Funny how they want the benefits of the day and the season. you BETTER invite all these folks to the parties, the parades, givem them the day off, all that stuff. But show them the TRUE REASON for all those good things...show them a few statues of a man, woman and a baby in a straw hut and all of a sudden, then get a little squirmy, like vampires exposed to the sun. I pity them.
  13. The two resident idiots COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT. Shocker.
  14. By AA I meant African American, not Affirmative Action. I thought a bit about this over some dim sum tonight. I think for me it comes down to this....the CONCEPT of "diversity" is a very noble worthwhile endeavor. However, IMHO, the way its being carried out is completely !@#$ed up.
  15. Pretty much every major corporation forces them on their vendors. I know...Im subject to them. I dont hire at least 10% of my suppliers for what my client calls a "diverse vendor", Im automatically removed from their preferred vendor pool. We are on an NFL board, right? Ever hear of the NFL "minority coaching policy."? We see time and time again an analysis of "ratios" and the percentage of diversity in a given field and if it doesnt meet some imaginary number, than whammo....that business.group.institution is criticises for their "lack of diversity." And those same quotas havwe also compromised the talent pool just so the "numbers are met." which is what makes AA programs and forced diversity so evil in my book. Hire on merit. Period. Thats MY "IMO." The example I gave above...my client? Run by ultra rich WHITE MEN. Many companies and other organizations running the diversity programs and enforcing them are also run by these same folks. Voluntarily. Thats right. Lets keep class/race warfare alive and well for some kind of half assed game of "catch up" or to "get revenge." Whats next? Reparations? Are there even minorities in some of these locations and industries that can even FILL those jobs? To spend money on these holiday displays? Or do you plan to "force" minorities to take them? Maybe bus them in? How about this? You hire the best vendor or candidate based on merit. You spend money on the holiday displays based on what kind of people live in your area. And....I just hired an AA assistant. Becuase she was the best qualified. Imagine that.
  16. Mr. Coli can speak for himself but he seems to be pushing that old far left nonsense that any kind of conformation to authority.... in this case, reciting a Pledge to our Nation's Flag, is automatically "bad." Just like that other line of BS, that any kind of "non-diverse" enviornment is also automatically "bad."
  17. You mention diversity, yet fail to note that in most cases its a forced endeavor. Its "you must hire at least XX per cent of your workforce from "diverse" classes of people" or other such nonsense. The practice of encouraging diversity is rarely done without being forced, often by law or loss of business for non compliance. So...to rail against what youre calling coercion to recite a Pledge, yet at the same time embrace the concept of "diversity" is a bit questionable.
  18. Last I checked, the American Flag doesnt represent anarchy.
  19. I dont think its a BS issue at all. There arent enough activities like this. Reciting the Pledge, civics courses, more detailed teaching of American history, etc. Schools are not doing a good job of teaching "the American Experience", IMO. Bu....youre making it sound like the kids are "forced" or "coerced" here. I really doubt thats the case. Can anyone harken back to their days in elementary school and remember feeling "forced" to recite the Pledge? I cant.
  20. If the kid doesnt conform to or participate in "undertaking a jihad" or reading about "my two daddys" does he get in trouble?
  21. I know....terrible thing that students are taught a little love of Country.
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