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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I think today Ive finally figured it out. MG is the other voice in Tom's head. Or vice versa.
  2. HE was convicted of neither in a court of law. YOU, of all people should know better.
  3. Detroit takes all WRs, we take all DBs. I tell ya, if we played Detroit 16 times a year, wed be in great shape.
  4. The team's been mediocre at best for a decade now. Yet, the Stadium, for the most part, remains full and iterest is high. How, again do we then "suck"?
  5. Hazed...take that attitude in YOUR life when facing adversity. Id like to see how far it gets you.
  6. So at a party, family gathering or wedding, if youre in a lousy mood, you just fought with your wife, or you sat in traffic or whatever, you go inside and act like a gisgrunteled tool to the other guests? Maybe Ralph was laughing out of courtesy and to save face? What do we want him to do? Be with his Company and guests and whatever dignitaries, businessmen and people he had around him and start throwing things and yelling like a petulant three year old? Maybe sit there with a scowl on his face the whole time? He SHOULD be pissed, but I cant be mad at him for showing courtesy and taking this like a man.
  7. NO YOU DONT. You wont like 15 Division titles IN A ROW, a few pennants and a World Series in the 90s. Even the last few years, youve been competitive.
  8. You right...should have said empty UNSOLD seat. Unfortunatley, doing so puts the whole organization in peril. For example, Jets fans dont show up and show their disgust and the ownership may "get it" and make changes. But the actual team isnt going anywhere. But for the Bills, if fan interest really dries up, we could be looking at the franchise being moved or dissolved. So in essense, we are in a really tough spot as fans. By turning our backs, we could conceivably be burning down the house we are trying to save!
  9. NOTHING speaks louder than the sound of an empty seat.
  10. Right, becuase atheists dont use the Courts to push THEIR "vision" of what the so-called "public square" should look like in any way shape or form. Nor do they ever try to get others to see their point of view and change public opinion through the media, including movies and other literature. Atheists DEFINTITELY espouse that "live and let live" code by NEVER mocking, putting down or denigrading those who dont follow their same belief system. And most certainly, they ALWAYS keep to themselves and enjoy their "non" beliefs alone and in peace when amongst others who DO happen to follow a different beleif system.
  11. Meh. I dont recall it being that close. But it was what? 14 years ago? I barely recall what I was doing 14 minutes ago.
  12. Id like to think that having Bruce in that game would have changed everything, but in retrospect PGH ran over the Bills so bad that game I dont think five Bruce Smiths would have made a difference. It wasnt even close.
  13. 81% I missed some of the history stuff. I liked this one: "government planners are too cautious in spending taxpayers’ money"
  14. This is why I LOVE PPP. You basically agree with what someone is saying, and do so with humility, but STILL get a pissy answer back. People see who is writing something and they just pop off not becuase of the subject matter of the post, but because of the pre-conditioned pavlov-like response each idjit here has been trained to puke up for each respective poster. Ive never seen such desire for self-flagellation since I attended the AVN Convention in Vegas a few years back. Except instead of a desire to do it to a fine blonde, its done over how "smart" each tool here thinks there are.
  15. Bingo. I agree 100%. Thats why rubes like me think they are not much more than an abortion mill. Maybe if they did some good PR fools like me would be educated about them. A bit extreme. But Im comfortable in my stance that one can be against abortions without wanting them outlawed. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite. I dont know. But Im also against cheap vokda and bad porn, and if Coli and Offen want to down a quart of Georgi while watching that lame movie with that ex wrestler chick and beat each other off, they can have at it.
  16. Gee, I wonder how many libs are going to whine about the "cost" of the Inauguration and how "govt money can/should go to other 'more important things', blah blah blah" like they did over and over in 2004.
  17. Where are you getting your ##s from? I hope youre not pulling them out of the air.
  18. I think youre really splitting hairs on the links issue. We are interpreting it completely differently, which is fine. Will this card "increase abortions", I dont know. Frankly, Id like to see the rsults after six months. There is where the proof wil lie.
  19. No sh--, !@#$. Thats what the whole second half of this thread has been about and I was THE FIRST person to check. Exactly. Thats not the point of the debate. Nobody ever disputed that.
  20. Wal-Mart's product offering is MUCH more diverse than PP. Many dont sell guns at all. Bad example.
  21. I dont have a problem with them doing this, as Ive said several times in this thread. I have a problem with people trying to hide the fact like PJ was doing. I just want people to be !@#$ing honest instead of spinning whats in front of their faces to meet their own needs. They are running an incentive offer. They are trying to promote their product offering, one of the main ones being abortions. So its not making someone a "nutjob" to argue this incentive is making abortions easier to get. Just as it doesnt make someone a "nutjob" for arguing that the midnight regulation is making abortions harder to get. I am against abortions, but also think they should be legal and available.
  22. 1. The action fund link 2. The main nav link 3. The "midnight regulation" link 4. The picture of the woman holding the sign 5. The words "reproductive health" in the top banner. Im not going to comment on how they should run their site or promote this service, as that is not what this discussion is about. I dont care if they run a "Free Abortions Sweeptakes!" All Im doing is stating that this is ONE OF their main service offerings/causes and they promote it as such.
  23. Thats not entirely true. I took a quick gander at their site and abortion is front and center. If its not their main "product", then its pretty damn close to the top of the list.
  24. Youre a lousy landscaper. Most do snow removal in the winter. Personally, I dont care what PP does. Im totally and morally opposed to abortions and think they are murder. But I ALSO think they should be legal and avialable to those whose moral compass is different than mine. Live and let live...what a concept. But y'all in MY territory now. When a company runs a general promotion and offers general, untargeted incentives like gift cards, they arent promoting their LEAST well know product, they are promoting their MOST well known product. So ALL IM SAYING...its not a stretch for one to accuse PP of "promoting abortions" by offering this incentive. NOW...if Im way off base and PP is well known for things OTHERS than abortions, then I stand corrected.
  25. One of Bush's main reasons for invading iraq was to stop terrorism in the United States. Since 9/11 its been pretty quiet here. So you just validated the Iraq War.
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