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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Do you think the "oil" companies arent going to look into alternative energy to sell? Or will that be another "government controlled" entity, like they do in Mexico?
  2. Ralph Kiner goes into his bosses office to demand a salary increase with the Pirates. He says he wants more money or he wont play. His boss told him "I came in last place with you and I can come in last place WITHOUT you." Bye bye Reuben....er....Jason.
  3. Or some Moslem with one of those headscarves on and a bomb strapped around her naked waist.
  4. How much you want to bet that as soon as people stop drinking REGULAR soda and the tax revenues fall, a new tax will be proposed on other drinks such as diet soda, seltzer and fruit drinks?
  5. !@#$ the blind bastard. If he can tax me into oblivion, I can make fun of his cross-eyed ass.
  6. I just got taxed for reading this board. !@#$ you.
  7. My two words are JAY CUTLER. He was out there for us to take, but becuase they had JP, the Bills passed on him. !@#$.
  8. The true Conservative concepts of less government, lower taxes, more of an isolationist foreign policy backed by a astrong military and a strong family-based set of moral ideals is HARDLY disenfranchising the majority of Americans. The very name "neo-con" illustrates that what you see now from the "Republicans" is not true to their roots. The problem is that be going to the center, the current GOP whored itself out, muddled its message and lost its way. TRUE conservatism lives and thats why you still see true Conservative stalwarts like Bobby Jindal getting elected, even in Democratic areas. Thats why Ron Paul was so popular. The muddling of the message is what killed the GOP. McCain FLEW to the "center" and REFUSED to tackle Obama on issues of the economy, taxes, and conservative vs. progressive family values. And even though he didnt, quite a bit of Americans STILL voted for McCain, even though the ticket was highly flawed. Put a TRUE Conservative thats a good communicator against the Obama machine. Someone who expresses the TRUE Conservative ideology clrealy and succinctly up there. Id love to see that result. Obama may still win, but Id bet the results would be much closer. The "insane" religious right is no different than the "insane" progressive left. Soros = Dobson and the minute you relaize that, the minute youd gain some credibility, #1. #2, most Americans may not want to see abortion illegal, but they sure as sh-- dont advocate for them, either. They dont want third term abortions, no parental consent for minors and so no to be put into law. They may support it as a health care issue, but definitely NOT as a moral issue.
  9. IF you would stop taking queues from the likes of Daily Kos, youd see that quite a bit of the true, old mainstays of the Conservative movement such as Gingrich and Buchanan do NOT join ranks with the neo-cons and the current Palin-worshipping turds who pose as "Republicans."
  10. these are better for you: How Can You Say It's A Sacrifice When Your Life's Your Enemy Slave To Your Own Restraint The Obsessions Of Carnal Lust You Want To Close The Circle But The Only Way To Get There Is To Get Out Die You Try To Fight It Year After Year You Know It Was Meant To Be Your Life Is Your Enemy Pull The Trigger Pull The Trigger Pull The Trigger Pull The Trigger
  11. WOW...so you mean the desire to drill for more oil and evne to search for alternative sources of energy has to do with supply and demand and making money? Im SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im glad the article at least nodded to the unspoken part of the oil business. That is, cost. Cost for exploration and extraction isnt exactly cheap.
  12. How the hell is he a homer when he never played for or worked the Jets??!!?? WOW...imagine that...extolling the best player on the field.
  13. This is for pbills: http://laborpains.org/2008/12/12/22-pounds...nd-regulations/
  14. Unless paying through the nose to live in huts, eat your front lawn and wipe your ass with leaves is your thing, the whole effing WORLD is going to suck if that windbag gets his way (Gore, not Adam). Oh...on to the topic...yeah...they need better lines. No sh--. But why work on the lines when there are so many failed receivers AKA "shutdown corners" are avialable to draft!!!??!!
  15. I could care less. Sure, we will have the game on and the usual friendsand family I enjoy Sundays with will be together and watching, but the game will be a backdrop to them and our good times together. Im much more emotional and ticked off about the NFL moving the Giants/Cowboys to Sunday night.
  16. OMFG, to this DAY, when Norton yells "NOW SAY GOODNIGHT!" and smashes that gang-banger's head on the curb...I STILL cant watch it. One of the most violent, gruesome scenes in a movie, period. And the dinner scene with Eliot Gould is just gripping. Other than that, great film. So well done and so well-acted all around. Norton was amazing...and so was pretty much every other actor in it.
  17. Youre right here with me, little man.
  18. Knowing what MOST people who post on these boards look like, not only would you "hit it", youd be lucky to have her want YOU.
  19. Thats not the point. Who cares what you think? Stay on point, stupid.
  20. LOL An editorial in The Nation describes Maddow as "a liberal in the purest, almost mineral sense of the word."[18] Associated Press columnist David Bauder calls her "[Keith] Olbermann's political soul mate" and refers to the Olbermann/Maddow shows as a "liberal two-hour block".[19]
  21. Im very happy I can watch Sean Hannity at the same time. You know...for that important "balance" we strive for.
  22. Amen on that last line. Keep the faith, Tom!
  23. I see today Im at the top of youre "idiot" list today. Thats ok. Let me tell you something Tommy. Just becuause you know a lot of facts fact...and you do, I give you that....it doesnt make you "smart." Youre on the SAME "idiotic" message boards, arguing the SAME idiotic topics as me and everyone else, except you dont even have the balls to start your own threads. So whats that make you? Pretty small. The only thing that's made me an idiot is that I let a small, little man like you, some third rate government clown belittle me. But no more. Youre a small man, Tom. Small.
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