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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Quite a few on this forum that like dick. Most on PPP do. Oh.....JAURON. Sorry.
  2. I actually agree. The song itself and how it pokes fun of the LA Times column is perfectly appropriate and not at all offensive or derogatory. But this nimrod should be smart enough to know to stay away from off color jokes of ANY type while trying to obtain a position such as this. sh--, someone applying to flip !@#$ing burgers should be smart enough to keep away from these. !@#$ing common sense.
  3. I think this song highly insults the office of the Presidency. Now where's my "F the President" bumper sticker?
  4. Rumor has it that the "lucky few" will descend into the caves to carry on the human race and upon finding DCTom, shoot themselves.
  5. The Navy experimented with carrier based B-52s back in '81. Commendant Kleeman of VFMASAC-3.41 had Private Venlet attempt to land one on the Intrepid, while it was parked in the Med. It was called "Operation Good Kill." True story.
  6. Meh. Id rather watch Chloe blow another big O.
  7. Forget this nonsense. Im going to bikini riot. Trying to guess the mass of Tylene Buck's cans is a lot more fun than this.
  8. Am I? "LONDONISTAN" As another "tolerant" leftist who gave the middle finger to "all Republicans" on a Nationally televised charity event said, "Google It."
  9. I see its cool to "root" for your Country while overseas again. And considering how the Brits are letting Muslim Immigrants turn the UK into Englandstan, they really shouldnt be laughing.
  10. Get out of my head. Little trick to out those who do this sham job on Chevelles....look at the front marker lights. TRUE SS's had white ones and regular Chevelles had yellow ones. My buddy had one back in 88. That car was BAD BAD AZZ. An absolute BLAST to drive. Roll out from a light to about 15 MPH and STOMP on the gas. The car slowly lurches forward, the boost gage shoots all the way up and then youre pinned to the seat while the rear wheels break free of the pavement and sends the rear end of the car slightly sideways while you sprint up to 110 MPH. Then shut her down and listen to the waste gate let out the pressure while the front end drops and whatever fool you were racing is firmly in the rear view mirror. Awesome. The only thing that sucked was that you had to let the turbos spin down for a good while after you were done. So after a few runs, we would head back to the nearest parking lot and there would be about three of four various T-Types and GNs all with their hoods open, all idling. I grew up around the glory days of street racing here on Long Island. Routes 231 and 27 were all the rage. GNs and T-types, Vettes, older Camaros and Formulas with custom engines and 200 HP nitrous boosts, lots of Mustang notchbacks with the five-ohs and "world class" T-5s leaving bits of third gear all over the street. Cops would chase us and were more interested in writing tickets for open exhaust or wide tires than they were for actual racing! There would be so many muscle cars idling in parking lots, the rumble and smell of Sunoco Ultra or even actual racing gas made you think you were in the E-Town pits on a Sunday afternoon. Great times.
  11. Dont worry, people...the Bills will pick up a STELLAR DB with that pick in the draft.
  12. I !@#$ing LOVE IT when people who go to the games wearing two base layers, three shirts, a huge parka, a hat, a balaclava, thermal underwear, two pairs of socks, chemical warmers in their gloves AND shoes and for good measure, a fifth of brandy stuffed down the back of that parka have the gall to get on the QB for wearing a glove.
  13. And if you rooted for him or God forbid said a positive word about him, youd be a "licker" or a "Knob" or a "fanboy" or a "Flake."
  14. Thats what I was goin' for. But if I may hijack this thread now thats its gone to hell, answer me this...why is the B-52 airframe still viable and will be for some time, but my beloved Tomcat's not? And it cant be about the airframes being abused. The B-52's havent exactly been babied.
  15. Who gives a flying !@#$? The mighty Tomcat is dead and so is Naval Aviation. Might as well duck and run...here comes the Bears. Can you hear their props chopping up the cold wind over the China Sea?
  16. Thats the liberal mentality right there. Someone has an "out"...a way to better themselves, learn discipline, serve their fellow citizens, and its "bad", "pathetic", leads you to being "stuck" as the Democratic candidate for President John Kerry, who served HIMSELF said. Liberals WANT people to be kept down or subscribe to their way and ONLY their way for their handout, usually at the teet that THEY decide is the one to be fed from. A black man who doesnt go through an Affirmative Action program, thats an "Uncle Tom", a woman who makes it to a CEO position or runs for higher office but doesnt march lockstep with the liberal feminist agenda? Outcast. A Republican homosexual? Cast aside.
  17. First person who finds someone lauding Schlossberg "as a mother" wins a prize.
  18. Some people choose COLLEGE because the way they see it there are "no other options."
  19. Heard a radio spot this AM blabbering about how to get people who make more than 250K to "pay their fair share" of taxes. Comical. And Id like the global warming nuts to answer me this: How come NOT ONE of the proposals you freaks put forth do NOT include some kind of new tax?
  20. THIS IS BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, Id whine about it not being so if, say Sarah Palin's ran for office and didnt vote in half the major elections held in Alaska over the elast decade, but this...this drug thing is a HUGE story! BTW...did the armies of "journalists" start their dumpster diving outside Schlossberg's apartment yet?
  21. Im hearing you......Im just saying that right now the price of oil/bbl is making investment in alternative fuels a big money loser. Read somewhere that oil needs to be somewhere arounf 50/bbl before development of alternative fuels by the energy compainies becomes a worthwhile endeavor.
  22. JA...unless the price of oil about doubles, innovation HAS "screeched to a halt".
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