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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I just watched the real uncles impromptu press conference. It was amazing. This is a good man.
  2. Go to the police and show them Im innocent? I know....crazy talk.
  3. That might all be true, but listening to the police skannah, awe cant ghet phaaast der ahhchsents, ya bahstad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, Alex Jones....whatever you say. They found these two kids on the videos and tracked them down and they just happened to run away AND be armed, ready and willing to get into a skirmish with basically every piece of law enforcement in New England.
  4. Screw the cable news and tv news morons. Who has the best coverage? Opie and Anthony on SiriusXM. They are just simulcasting the Boston police scanner and going over to the TV if anything good pops up.
  5. "Brave" to be a contrarian on a sports message board from an anonymous account? Get over yourself. Ohhh...some people made a few comments about the first practice. How dare they! Those fools! Drinking the Kool-Aid already! Good Lord. Not to nitpick but by its very definition, things will be "different" with a new regime. Better? Who knows. But they will be different.
  6. Bullschtein. The GOP has never been about the under 30 crowd, for the most part.
  7. Someone pointed this out to me about the two guys dressed alike with backpacks...For the record, if you're at a public event and see two or more guys with short haircuts, wearing military type boots, cargo pocket pants, carrying similar backpacks with military type webbing on them, Punisher logo ballcaps and they're spending a lot of time scanning the crowd, they call those "cops".
  8. This thing is DOA. It will be fully repealed by 2016.
  9. Just as they wanted it. !@#$ this !@#$. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  10. Yes, but the point is if a bunch of schmucks on the web can observe that much stuff in a picture, imagine what trained personnel can. And yes...someone pointed out the girl's azz in yoga pants and wrote "da bomb." OK...I hate to admit it, but I chuckled.
  11. It will be some pop tart that will "appeal" to everyone. And suck. Probably Beyoncé. Because we haven't seen enough of Beyoncé.
  12. Gewtting bent out of shape over a tweet from a goofy player...who we KNEW was goofy the whole time. ROTFL.
  13. Yes. And then if guilty...FIRING SQUAD.
  14. The next photo of this event I want to see is the perp in front of a firing squad. But yes, I agree with you 100%.
  15. Possible. Its the Post.
  16. Im going to go out on a limb and say that yea...if the perp is a Saudi National...we have a motive. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.
  17. We have our motive...http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/authorities_under_suspect_guard_y2m8cJO29uC2PDGIjYBalO?utm_source=SFnewyorkpost&utm_medium=SFnewyorkpost
  18. I just read cops are detonating a third device. Doesn't make sense to do so this quick, but there you go. Boston.com News ‏@BostonDotCom 4m Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.
  19. Those who seek to kill the innocent and disrupt society and our way of life, once found guilty in a court of law, are to be dealt with in the harshest way possible. END. OF. STORY.
  20. No..hes right. Even gay men admit gay women are mostly !@#$s. And vice versa. You should get out more and talk to actual people. Youd be amazed at what really happens in life and what people really think about stuff.
  21. I could really not care less about the issue. My bone of contention with you is that the so-called free press has the "duty" to sway public opinion on the issue.
  22. Then you should have said "majority" earlier. You said "citizens", the implication being ALL of them, you pompous twit.
  23. You think the press' hardcore sensationalizing of every single story with the word "gay" in it, often ignoring context completely, and them forwarding their agenda on that issue (and other ones) while also ignoring other stories is "merely servicing the greater good." And *I'm* the mess? And let me remind you that a PORTION of the citizenry is "demanding change" on the issue. You don't have the moral highground here.
  24. So to this !@#$, drinking a large soda is a huge deal, but an elected official getting involved in a sex scandal does not. Douche.
  25. Yea, but...."gay"...."victim"....."bullying"......"George Bush".....or something. You dummy...you cant make SNL skits, sitcoms, or Lady Gaga songs out of such things.
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