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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Thank God Obama is in office and the terorists will leave us alone now. And anyone else want to see that !@#$ing towelhead's wagging finger sawed off and shoved up his azz?
  2. Forgetting looks for a second..... Coulter has a sense of humor, like to antagonize people who dont agree with her and likes to party. Maddow is a bitter, whiny liberal !@#$ who doesnt even like men. Why is this even a question?
  3. I eat at Panetta all the time. Good to see they are expanding to more locations.
  4. You sure? http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_colum...on-already.html
  5. He was invited to come in and watch the swearing in ceremony, just not participate in it. And Al Frankin isn't being sworn in yet, even though he has been certified by his sec. of state as winning his election, while Burris does not yet have the required sign-off from the Illinois sec. of state. Technicalities that virtually nobody will notice. What matters most is whats seen on the TV and Internets. Black man...in the rain, with the press, showing up for work and kept out of the Capitol. With this whole thing Blago went from feeling the cold metal of handcuffs to pulling the strings of the puppets. Brilliance.
  6. So a black man is on the steps of the Capitol, with the press all behind him, in the cold rain, trying to get in and is kept out by the white powers that be? Im telling you.....Blago is brilliant....!@#$ing brilliant.
  7. Ever notice that NOT ONE of these "anti climate change" scams DOES NOT involve some type of new "tax" or "fee"? Madoff would be proud.
  8. By that line of reasoning, the rich are the ones who should be getting a tax break and the middle and lower classes should be paying more. I love how the group of people who contribute the MOST to the tax base liberals always call the ones "not paying their fair share."
  9. And oh so different from the mindless bashing of Bush for everything from Dick Jauron on down. And I was loving the lecture that some liberals were giving conservatives over the "Barack the Magic Negro" thingy....how it..."denigrates the office of the President." Because in between calling him every name in the book, putting "F the President" bumper stickers on their cars, likening him to the Antichrist, and calling for his assasination, liberals have been REAL !@#$ING RESPECTFUL of the office of the President the last eight years, havent they? But this? This is somehow "different"...which is exactly AD's point.
  10. Isnt this the same technique with the Russians in Hunt for Red October? Didnt bother me with Connery, it wont bother me with Cruise.
  11. Funny...I didnt hear your "outrage" when Bill Maher hoped for Dick Cheney to be killed. Until you trot out some proof that in the past you took a LIBERAL'S joke and treated it the same way youre treating this...your words....mean.....NOTHING.
  12. It was "satire." Youre probably the ONE moron who would go to a Don Rickles show be "offended" and storm off. Take the stick out of your ass, you self-righteous nitwit.
  13. There are a lot of Bills fans who fantasize about a team-full of Jim Kellys. And if anything gets in the way of that image, they cant root for the player. Be it a headband, a glove, a haircut, on and on.
  14. Ah yes...those horrible people who want immigration laws enforced and new ones made that properly deal with the issue. Those terrible people. Give me a break. And for the record, the last time I heard someone propose "reconquista" it was at at immigration forum and it was being thrown up by a Mexican national who was in the audience. But I guess the "evil white American man" sitting next to him MADE that Mexican say it.
  15. Stupid for thinking it would may happen, yes. But what he's alluding to, the concept of "reconquista" is a real thing that many Mexicans both here and there pine for.
  16. Of course its not. A Republican wrote it. Now...if a LIBERAL wrote it, youd be puking up some nonsense about it being "satire." And dont be a phucking phony and say you wouldnt.
  17. Did elliot get shitcanned and I missed it? !@#$!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Picking personel and putting a team together Bill Cowher has earned the right to name his own man and his own boss? Id like to know who he had a DIRECT hand in drafting and developing as a player. Give me a few good names and Ill back off my stance that he has not earned the right to name his own personel guy.
  19. Funny how if I say a kid with "two mommies" is going to have issues, Im a homophobe and hater and all that sh--, but you can make such comments free and clear.
  20. What involvement did he have with personell while with PITT?
  21. !@#$ him. Hes not THAT good. And I loved him in PITT. But what !@#$ing egomaniac wants to name his own BOSS? Go beat off next to Boomer (Bruce almost killed me) Esiason for another year.
  22. Here we go again with another version of "Bills Fan's Big rooster Syndrome." Headsets, headbands, gloves, "blue collar", etc. Now its sitting in a box vs. on the field and "braving" the elements. Jim Kelly is not playing any more. Get the !@#$ over it.
  23. Damn, this thread is almost as good as when I convinced a Pentagon scrub that B-52s are deployed in the Navy.
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