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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I think the idea of the everyman covering the war might be a good idea. But really...besides "HOLY sh--, WAR IS FREAKING NUTS!!!!!", what exactly could he add to the discussion?
  2. ANyone ever see Travolta's custom 707? Its unreal. Back to Palin...read today shes warring with bloggers now. I dont understand.....she can go back to Alaska, govern for 4-8 years, learn a few things, refine herself politically and professionally and come back as a conservative stalwart and the leader of the Republican Party. Or....she can go on a petty, unwinnable war with the media and whine herself into obscurity. Sad that she's choosing the latter.
  3. Nor is there one about not making tea. Wait...I should have said "Levy a ridiculous tax on the Google....and your tea." Im sure that would make goosestepping environitwits feel comfy. Heil Gore!
  4. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle5489134.ece I really cant wait until these environazis drill it down to the conclusion that just by LIVING, human beings "give off" CO2 and in an effort to "save the earth", they all drown themselves.
  5. I get it.....thank you for being fair. And balanced
  6. Im not defending Joe, like I said. But I AM wondering why libs hate the opposition not for what they SAY, but for who they are and what they represent. Its like youre threatened by Palin or Wurtzelwhatever.
  7. Honestly, not a big Joe fan. Niether am I a big Palin fan. But its telling....VERY telling that liberals have gotten so freaked out and up in a knot over people such as "Sarah and Joe" gaining positive attention. I remember the night of the VP debate, I went shopping in Kirkland and a big lib who owned the store I was in said "closing early....gotta watch the debate....WE GOTTA GET HER!!!!" Get who? What do you mean "get?"
  8. Youre right...what an idiot. Next thing you know he will run for Senator. Or try to get on Sat. Night live as a C-level comedienne.
  9. And for anybody else thats part of the BS "Waaa Waa, Buffalo Fans always get screwed" brigade.
  10. The guy took the time to find old posts of mine to find out what my posting tendencies are, then PMs me not once but TWICE about it...and then says that I AM the one that needs to lighten up. LMAO.
  11. Loving the comments here about the victim's mentality Just another thing Ann C. was dead on about vis a vis the victims families of 9/11. Maybe thats why people hate on her so much. Becuase she has the NERVE to say out loud what people think to themsevles in their cars and elsewhere.
  12. Go to the school behind the Airpower museum. Good guys there. And good luck! I took an intro lesson there and was amazed at how easy flying is. Not procedurally, of course, but the actual act of flying. Once you trim it out and assuming youre in decent weather, the aircraft is just rock-solid and will stay in the attitude you put it it for a while. Doenst need constant correction like driving or piloting a boat does.
  13. Warms my heart that despite our political differences, we can all agree that those pieces of filth deserve no quarter.
  14. Say that if its your relative. I dont have a problem with it. No expense is too great to a) make the victim's pain less and b) make those towelhead !@#$turds suffer.
  15. I knew all that time in the bathroom wasnt wasted.... ba bum pum......
  16. Feed it to KSM on a plate with bacon. Oh, Im sorry...is that "torture"?
  17. Since the original comparison pitted a TV show anchor vs. a columnist and author, Im confused as to why, NOW, youre saying categorization is important. So man up and show your true colors. Youre banging Malkin or Garafalo?
  18. I actually think Maher is funny, so nice try. But lets take the Pepsi Challenge, shall we? Coulter Ingraham Malkin vs. Maddow O'Donnell Garafalo Its not even !@#$ing CLOSE.
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