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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I really dug the sh-- out of the fact that the first black man (after Obama) to speak after this historic event could do no better than "blame whitey" Everything has changed? NOTHING has changed
  2. Thank God McNabb doesnt play for Buffalo. A "warm weather" guy would be terrible in a cold weather city.
  3. LOLOLOL. You may be a bigot, but at least youre a funny one.
  4. Freedom is debatable and so is God. But I know libs like to whitewash 9/11, like it didnt happen and the ones who think it did, think Bush, ya know the "idiot" who couldnt do anything, masterminded the whole thing. So its no surprise that when Bush mentioned 9/11 and the fact that terrorism IS a threat, you libs recoil.
  5. Yeah...we know your liberals have trouble with that pesky little thing called REALITY.
  6. I heard one pilot onm the news speak to it last night and he really nailed it. Its about measurement of energy when flying. And that practice is honed a lot when teaching dogfighting, but every pilot knows about it. What this pilot did that was so great was not run through the trained procedures that every pilot knows (throttles off, fire bottles on, etc.) or even land it softly tail-first in the water. But correctly see his options for landing, measure how much energy (momentum) he still had available to him and based on his aircraft, its weight, etc, make the correct decision to land where he did. That was the really great, special thing he did, IMO.
  7. And youre still comparing apples to komquats. Try to figure out why.
  8. And not ONE of those photos being the result of a US law or policy like this !@#$ing retarded "green laws" are. Thats why this comparison is !@#$ing STUPID.
  9. So is feeding a terrorist warm (not hot) rice pilaf.
  10. I wouldnt sweat it. Two gay men get busted for relations and they will be out on their asses just like a hetero couple would be.
  11. For Those About to Barack.....WE SALUTE YOU! FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Theres gotta be a way for me to work Whole Lotta Rosie into this discussion. I just dont have the time right now.
  13. I get that, but they DO file a flight plan and follow procedures. Im SURE when AF1 comes to JFK it flies the Canarsie approach or when departing does the Breezy Point climb just like every other departing/arriving aircraft. Id be pretty shocked if it didnt. Also, if AF1 DIDNT file a flight plan and fly it, then how would ATC know to ground all the other A/C in the area?
  14. It took the 9/11 cocksmokers years to plan out the attack, when to hit, handle navigation, etc. And their targets were some of the biggest, most idenfiable buildings in the WORLD. Yet according to you the night before the attack they could have Googled Bush's pending appearance at a school in bum!@#$ USA and hit him with precision the following day. THIS IS WHY NORMAL PEOPLE CANT TAKE YOU TARDS SERIOUSLY.
  15. From the entire security and military staff that accompanied him o nthe trip to the school, right? Good God. And Lemme get this right......you think a 747 carry the PUSA in and out of major airports doesnt file a flight plan and follow basic air traffic protocols? Can I call you "one nut"?
  16. Now Im really going to piss you off...... I dont believe in this "alternative energy" thing either. From what I understand (and I know Ill be shot to sh-- if proven incorrect in this) outside of nuclear power, crude oil is pound for pound the most efficient and effective energy producing substance at our disposal. So until solar or wind or even natural gas becomes as abundant and as cost effective to produce, distribute and consume as crude oil based product, my mantra is.......drill baby, drill.
  17. One day we were all humming along. Next day some bearded ex-politico puts out a book and next thing you know, Im being scoleded for driving to my parents on Xmas and for Googling what kind of stereo to buy becuase such actions mean the end of the Earth. And better....the ONLY solution to this seems to be me forking over both liberty and personal treasure. So yeah....Im a skeptic.
  18. Make sure your copy of "Mein Audacity of Hope" is visible on the coffee table when the "security force" comes around.
  19. I think having to go to the local SS office is punishment enough. I still have flashbacks for when I had to go there to get my kid a SSN.
  20. And a much greater number are not. They are slapping "green" on product labels and using it as a new marketing channel. A term was even coined for it..."Greenwashing."
  21. You didnt hear Flopenstein Kerry say it was just an "honest mistake?"
  22. When the global warming cultists come up with a solution that doesnt involve a new tax or a limit on my freedoms, then I will get on board. When I see corporations going green out of the goodness of their hearts and without a profit center attached to it, Ill get on board. When I see the cultists actually sacrificing without the canard of "carbon credits" to make them feel good, Ill get on board. Until then, I see it as nothing more than a hysterics generating huge scam that would make Bernie Madoff proud.
  23. What, youre not for Ashley and Simpson remaking their hit into "Solid as Barack"? Personally, I like the song we belted out as kids... SOLID!!!!! Solid as my coc....er....nevermind.
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