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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. She puts forth a comedic video of gaffes made over the last eight years as a serious indictment of Bush.....and "WE" are the "nuts." Hysterical. And so was the video. And Im sure in FOUR years when Obama is walking out the door a similar video can be made....and it will be just as funny.
  2. My favorite moment is when he masterminded 9/11
  3. I really disagree that tax cuts arent stimulative, especially shot term. Ive had conversations at beer bashes where people would brainstorm how to spend their extra money that they got from the tax cut they recevied during Bush, let alone serious conversations around the dinner table with my spouse about how to spend it. You give people extra money they will do SOMETHING with it right away. And except for stuffing it under the mattress, that money WILL help the economy through investment, spending it, or just dropping it into a plain old savings account.
  4. If this were Jan 19, youd be whining about the "police state instituted by the fascist Bush regime."
  5. I stayed away from the acid. Dont get me wrong. Lots of good people who are "former" hippies and actually got jobs and have a life, but still enjoy the band. They are fine. Its the other pseudo-vagrant culture that follows this band that is just disgusting and pretty messed up. Were talking BUMS here. Panhandlers. Total BUMS with ho home, no food, no money, no nothing. I dont even think the band likes these people. But there they are. They beg borrow, steal their way from show to show. They are the ones who crash the venue gates when they can, and leave the parking lot looking like WW3 when they leave. One of the reasons I wont go to shows anymore. If I want to see this many !@#$ing bums, Ill go to San Francisco and have a walk around.
  6. You can belabor the details. She hasnt been in office or in the National public eye for long. But still..... She's a !@#$ing STATE GOVERNOR. Governors are often elected to the PRESIDENCY. How the !@#$ is she so "unqualified" that it makes one "disgusted?"
  7. Ive been to a lot of shows. More than 30. Not a huge number, but enough to get an understanding of how the hippie culture works. And GOD.....you !@#$ing NAILED IT.
  8. Hey, at least he not smacking it on concrete outside his apartment and blaming it on a liberal conspiracy.
  9. Im still trying to wrap my head around why people are OUTRAGED(!!!!!) at the fact that a Conservative stalwart is hoping the implication of liberal policies by the President doesnt come to pass. Oh...wait.....I answered my own question (see bolded). On second thought...I know how Rush can get around this "scandal." Just say.....ready.... "IT WAS SATIRE!" After all, libtards get away with hoping the President not fails...but DIES...by using this line. If its good for them, dammit it should work for us.
  10. I got out of the Dead. Now Im into Death Metal. Id listen to some mamby pamby half baked dude whine about the Cold Rain and Snow and Id want to just go to bed. Now I blast out Obituary's Chopped in Half and it makes me want to run through the wall and choke out the !@#$turd in the office next to me who blew the deadline because he was too busy picking his nails. Much better.
  11. You think nine grand is going to really allow people to keep their homes and cars? Where the !@#$ do you live? Tibet?
  12. Right. Thats why about ten seconds after her speech at the RNC, the left went out in full force against her and muttered to themselves how "they HAD TO GET (ie destroy) HER." Be honest with yourself just !@#$ing ONCE.
  13. Stop it. Liberals care about EVERYTHING people do. Thats why they seek to legislate and regulate the sh-- out of EVERYTHING. By your DEFINITION, big government and strong regulation/oversite is your MO.
  14. I am totally offended and outraged at this anti-American BS Rush is spewing!!!! Has ANYBODY found my "F the President" bumper sticker yet, dammit???!!!!???
  15. I dont buy your line beucase when REPUBLICANS win in places like Lousiana (post Katrina), the party will do fine. I have a MUCH bigger issue about them pushing poeple like Palin as the "leader", Joe the Plumber as the spokesman and generally whoring out every basic Conservative principle.
  16. Um....judging by her approval ratings and those of Congress...yeah, youre pretty !@#$ing alone.
  17. I really think the only criteria for these things are, at least for the actor/actress categories: 1. Be a screaming liberal 2. The movie must be about a "protected" class (gay, black, etc.) 3. Die I mean...lets be !@#$ing honest. If Ledger lived and Milk was about.....milk and we'd see kevin James and Mall Cop up for Oscars.
  18. Admit it....every now and again, a fart in an elevator is pretty !@#$ing funny. Which, it seems, if we could stop from happening...would do away with GLOBAL !@#$ING WARMING. So now we gotta sh---can fart jokes, according to the evironazis? You can have my whoopee cushion when you pry it from my cold dead hands. OK, that was lame. Im going home now.
  19. Did any of you TARDS (L and R) think to ask yourselves WHO Emmanuel was gesturing too and WHEN? Was it to a friend or colleague before the events started in jest? Or was it to a Bush Admin person during the ceremony as an insult? Theres a big !@#$ing difference between the two.
  20. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, Gaza residents are trampling pictures of Obama and Hugo Chavez is cussing him. Yep....its a "different world"....EVERYONE LOVES US AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Rev. Lowery's benediction. It was really bad.
  22. Excuse me, nozzlehead. I stood and applauded and was moved at the swearing in. I said to myself "He is my President." then...I gotta hear "blame whitey" and and insult to this Country right there on the stand. Now is the time to "put aside" childing things? I tried. I tried. Heck, I didnt even try...I DID IT. And then was slapped in the face. And I understand that this Reverend has seen racism and bigotry I could never fathom. He has his beef. But still. At this moment. On this stage. With the WHOLE WORLD wanting to forge ahead, this Reverend chose instead to pull us RIGHT BACK DOWN. To look BACK, not forward. To take the hand being reached to him and slap it back in disgust. Terrible.
  23. Yeah, huh? Start with the old man who could do no better than puking up a 1960's vintage "blame whitey" rant when given the honor of speaking after Hussein's (I can use that now...all the libs on TV this morning said I could) swearing in.
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