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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Oh, Im sorry.....next time Ill poke fun of Catholics, white people or someother "acceptable" class to bash. STFU, you oversensive ninny. First you got weepy when people slammed you into next week over the Union thing. Now this. Youre probably the same (*^*&%^$^#that gets offended at Don Rickles. Youre being a !@#$ing fraud, too with your douchy excuses for why its "acceptable" for B. Hussein to use the same tactics that Bush got sh-- for.
  2. The only "a-hole" things being thrown around is the bull sh-- "YOU do it = "BAD", WE do it = "OK"" nonsense youre throwing out. Youre being a !@#$ing fraud. An apparently an oversensitive one at that if a silly off color comment bothers you so much. Man up.
  3. Ah, so when Cheney and Bush warned of an impending threat, it was "doom and gloom scare tactics" But when The Chocolate Wonder does it....oh he's just being "Real Real honest." Good !@#$ing Lord.
  4. This is the same half-assed "argument" you libs used against Rush and his "fail" comments. Its one thing to not "support" something just to be obtuse and obstructionist for no good reason. Its another to not "support" a piece of legilation becuase it's counter to EVERYTHING you believe in. All you libs whing about "The GOP wont support this.....whaaaaaa." Why SHOULD the Republicans just "support" this POS bill if its something they dont beleive in? When was the last time a Democrat crossed the !@#$ing isle to support a Republican President on something thats counter to the policy and ideology of their party? Oh yeah....it was Joe Lieberman. And he was !@#$ing KICKED OUT of the DNC for all intents and purposes for doing that. Despite being hard LEFT on pretty much EVERYTHING he voted on, he was outcast for the ONE THING be sided with Bush on, the war.
  5. Im sorry I cant take finanical advice from some hussy in a $500 blouse with a $400 haircut telling ME to live hand to mouth. !@#$ her.
  6. Every now and again I get something right. Dont worry. Ill miss the mark with something bad probably before lunch.
  7. "Sugar coat"? No. But as the man the Nation looks to, his job is to lead and yes....encourage people. Not to run around going "Were !@#$ed, were !@#$ed!!!" If you look through history, the BEST Presidential speeches and most memorable "lines" came in the WORST of times. And excuse me...the token gesture of briging a Republican to his Cabinet means jack. Not when he's letting Nancy "even LIBERALS hate me" Pelosi and the Democratic Caucus be in charge of whats in this mess of a bill. Yeah, its their job to write it (duh) but Obama's got the political capital right now to make sure what Congress puts on his desk is something he really wants. And hes not doing that. Instead hes demonizing Republicans for their efforts to expose this bill for what it is.
  8. Here Duey.....here is a good comparison from another bird strike. Notice how ATC keeps providing information and more important options to this 757 so the pilot can decide what to do, even down to when he is safely on the ground and stopped.
  9. I read the terrain/water landing checklist for the A320 a while back. It basically goes like this: 1. Shut down everything. 2. Activate fire bottles. 3. Hold on to your azz.
  10. Dont forget winds, too. But I think it was a calm day if I recall. We are talkin' basic energy/momentum measurement here. The basic essence of flying.
  11. "Lost thrust" and "no thrust" are two different things. Again....ATC's job is to keep relaying options to the aircraft so that the pilot could make a decision as to what to do. He might not have been able to make Tererboro becuase he might have had to make a tight turn that would have resulted in too much momentum loss...but if Newarks runways were more aligned with his flight path, would have been more feasible. ATC didnt know that. Didnt know a lot of things that affected what Sullenberger's real options were.
  12. He didnt "get" what was happenning becuase he had very limited info. He knew he had a damanged plane looking for a spot to land and he knew his altitiude and ground speed. Thats all. He didnt know how damaged the engines were, if they were still making thrust at all or anyhthing else. Oh...and despite this flight's emergency call, this controller was still responsible for all the other aircraft in his sector. ATC's job in that situation is to keep providing info to the pilots so that they can continue to weigh their options and make a decision. That controller did EXACTLY what he was supposed to do.
  13. Why are you complaining about lobbyists?
  14. Bet you wish for Gingrich right now. At least he was !@#$ing COMPETENT. Even hard core liberals loathe Pelosi. But you know what.....I DO blame Obama for letting San Fran Nan push him around. Obama is demonizing the GOP for refusing to sign on to this fraud of a "stimulus." He should be on Nancy-po for forcing him to accept such a piece of sh-- bill to begin with.
  15. Biden is just going to annoy people to death. Cheney had to actually kill them. Or have their cars towed.
  16. Thinking this was a GOOD organization and not beleiving the reality that they are rank right next to the Lions and Bengals.
  17. Yeah....freedom fries.....rather eat those than guzzle the Kool Aid the Chocolate Messiah is making you all drink. But hey...he was really charming in the pre-game last night. Wow, is he dreamy. And good luck finding my posts where I said corporations should run roughshod like youre suggesting. Good lord.
  18. Its not mentioned for the same reasons that Hamas attcking Israel and Achmeminutjob pissing in Barry's face isnt mentioned.
  19. Its the SAME simpletons who get mad that Exxon Mobil is doing so well. Becuase US based companies doing really well is a terrible, terrible thing...especially these days. Something needs to be "done" about that.
  20. STFU and move to China if this type of thing bothers you.
  21. Right...becuase John McCain was such an etreme right winger.
  22. OH PLEASE. If Barack was white, he'd still be "Barry the Community Organizer." Even BLACK PEOPLE...the honest opnes...admit that. Race was the one BILLION pound gorilla in the room.
  23. Well....Bush Sr. was fighting the Japs. You, Billy were fighting back coming into Monica's mouth. So yeah....he can get away with it. Seriously...I think Clinton was amused by the whole thing. Bush Sr. is pretty funny. And whatever you think of him politically......the guy is 90, races cigarette boats and skydives. Pretty effin cool. Put aside ideology and what you think of his son. Considering his service to the Country and how he carries himself now, I think the man is a National treasure.
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