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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. How the !@#$ is it "racist" when they arent talking about Obama or ANY black person, you nimrod???!!!??
  2. He calls it troubling, huh? Well considering the monkey was parodying CONGRESS, and not OBAMA, I call Sharpton !@#$ing STUPID. CONGRESS writes bills, not the President you money swindling !@#$tard. And to think he ran for President! Go away, you attention seeking whore. Plus....even if was for Obama...didnt we just go through eight years of the President being called a "chimp"? Oh....NOW thats bad.
  3. But that is COMPLETELY dishonest. Maybe it really had nothing to do with religion. But with the events of the last few years, with the tapings of Berg's killing and others, the stereotype has been set. Wrong? Maybe. But the fact remains that Muslims wolrdwide...maybe a lot...maybe a small group....commit these acts in the name of their God. INDISPUTABLE. So when one went down here, it wasnt really hard to go 2+2=4. Ill say this....if he killed her any other way, I wouldnt have given this story a second thought...or at least not thought about it in a religious sense. Maybe that was the killer's intention? He knew that if he did this act in this manner he would get more "press" out of it? Dont scowl....murderers DO think that way.
  4. Its the same reason why when you call a righty a "conversative" or "right wing", they go "!@#$ YEAH!!" But call a lefty a "liberal" and they get shy and correct you and say "call me progressive" or some other such nonsense. Thye cant even admit what they are. What does that say about them?
  5. Right...and youre a real open minded guy. The difference between me, and you and even Deb girl? At least I realize Im a blind partisan hack. YOU !@#$tards are blind partisan hackhs, but also think youre being real open-minded and objective about the whole thing. So that makes you not only a hack...but also !@#$ing phony as all get out as well. I may be a hack...Ill never dispute that. but at least Im true to my hackdom and know what I am. I dont put on airs or pretend Im something Im NOT. Im real. You, Deb and everyone like you are phony !@#$s.
  6. FIXED Find me a Priest who then ATTACKED the boy and nearly killed him with acid. I know....small differences.
  7. Im going to have some fun with this. If Im going to be a "bigot", I might as well get the full nine: http://www.kashmirobserver.net/index.php?o...ws&Itemid=2 http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=161177 http://vladtepesblog.com/?p=5185 Let me know when you find the Chritistian/Jewish/Buddhist versions of these atrocities.
  8. OK, if this bill was such a big "EMERGENCY!!!!!" to sign, how come we're now told to be "patient" to see results? How come it was intended to "create" 4,000,000 jobs, but now its "create and/or save" 4,000,000 jobs? And finally....why is this bill essentially rolling back the 1996 Welfare Reform Act? And Id like REAL answers, not Pelosi answers.
  9. If Im so far off how come you STILL havent condemned the act? Sure, you called it a "hideous", but only in the prism of other acts, either 40 or 500 years ago. Even when you posted your link, it didnt spell out women's rights directly WRG Islam. Again...stop getting on me. Youre digging your own grave, pal.
  10. Every single time someone trot out a story like this, liberals FLOCK to it and throw out the "other religions do it, too" line. Every Single Time. So bash your head against the wall all you want. Its YOUR behavior thats leading people to believe youre excusing this behavior.
  11. If asking why muslim women rape VICTIMS endure stoning and getting their labias removed by a dull knife...if muslim women getting burned by acid for GOING TO SCHOOL makes me a "bigot", the !@#$ yeah....Im a bigot. WHY ARE LIBERALS AND WOMEN"S RIGHTS GROUPS TURNING A BLIND EYE TO THE ISSUE OF MUSLIM WOMEN'S RIGHTS?
  12. Id like those who are defending this nonsense to tell me why its OK that unlike all previous bills put before Congress for YEARS now, this one was distributed ON PAPER and not on an easily searchable PDF. I heard the copy put on some Congresscritters websites was a barely readable faxed copy, full of cross outs, and redlines. Lets hear it.....
  13. But if the UN didnt "trust" Hamas, they would have been "offended."
  14. Nobody ever said that violence and atrocities in the name of religion is exclusive to Islam. So Im curious why liberals assume those who are concerned about this issue always use the "but other religions are violent, too" line of reasoning to excuse this type of behavior. Its akin to someone in a flooded town saying how bad their situation is and someone sniping back "yeah, but the a town 500 miles away flooded once too. Back in 1971." What does that have to do with whats going on now? Here? And funny how one case of someone committing an "abuse" in a prison is easily taken as an indictment of the whole institution when it fit your needs. But case after case after case.....Story after story after story of events like these taking place and you tacitly choose to bury your head in the sand about it and give that old line of sh-- "everyone does it."
  15. Yeah, but he was on Sean Hannity's show, so that makes him a worthless POS. Now...if he rubbed elbows with that fair-minded guy Olbermann...maybe he can get some of that respect back.
  16. Thats right....deny, deny, deny. http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/behead1.jpg
  17. I hate to take this thread in another direction given its going more towards the human side of things but what youre saying and what your old man is saying is...with all due respect.......and IMO.......crap. Why? Two model numbers for you: C-130 E-2 Those two aircraft are two of the best "all conditions" aicraft flying today and are both....turboprops. And to boot, as military planes they fly in and out of conditions that commercial pilots wouldnt dream of flying in due to the need to keep passengers comfortable.
  18. I hate that approach as well. Youre low and getting bounced all over the place. Thats got nothing to do with the accident, but its just uncomfortable. Coming into JFK for the 31s is like that, too. Youre low, over the water for a while and a lot of times its bumpy as hell.
  19. Easy, easy. They are safe. Those Dash 8s are like the Toyota Corolla of air travel. Very solid aircraft.
  20. Man....we talk about switches and flaps and debate all this technical stuff and then you hear about the human side of it and it just slams you in the face.
  21. Hate to tell you but the Regional Jets are flown by just as inexperienced pilots. Delta has a program where you go from student to twin jet engine certified and then flying for their Regional carriers. And not for nothing...very experienced pilots have made errors, too.
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