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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. Wrong, any real athlete knows he should work out year around. There are times when to turn the intensity up or down but to not work out at all is negligent.


    That is just factually incorrect.


    Rest periods are part of ANY training program. For ANY sport.


    Plusl, he NEVER said he sits on his ass and eats Cheetos and thats OK.


    And neither did I.


    listened to the entire audio.....what a shame.....



    "i usually never work out"


    "only time i worked out was to get ready for the combine"


    "the bills handout a booklet for offseason conditioning....i have to be honest....i just put the booklet in the drawer"


    "imagine how good i could be if i did real football work"


    next time he fumbles.....i'll be thinking, if he only worked out....maybe he'd have the strength to hang on to the ball


    How convenient of you to leave out the quotes where he said he realized he could be better and is going to start an offseason program to see if it makes a difference in his preparation.


    WOW....took THREE SECONDS to Google "workout training rest" to come up with this:




    Long-term recovery techniques refer to those that are built in to a seasonal training program. Most well-designed training schedules will include recovery days and or weeks that are built into an annual training schedule. This is also the reason athletes and coaches change their training program throughout the year, add crosstraining, modify workouts types, and make changes in intensity, time, distance and all the other training variables.

  2. It's not what he's doing in Jan and Feb...for the record, I'm sure most people don't give a s&^%....I love the guy's quirkiness, but this about being a professional...Im not outraged, just disappointed


    Thats what Im saying....AS A PROFESSIONAL he had a plan that worked for him. Unless he is blowing off something that his team demanded he do as part of his job, he did nothing wrong. he said the coaches gave him a workout book. What is an "optional" thing or a "mandatory" one? Im guessing the former.

  3. What's the problem??? Seriously?? The guy said that if he did try harder in the off season he would probably be a better player!! How is that not a bad example for other teammates??? i like Stevie a lot, but this was just an idiotic statement considering he has new bosses.


    But he went on to say he realizes that the workouts might help so hes going to start doing them. And even when he wasnt doing them, he was the top producer for the team at WR. Its a moot point.


    And how each athlete prepares sets NO example. They dont care what the others on the team do when they are not with the team. They care about what they do when they are WITH the team. As long as SJ shows up ready to go at workouts and in the meetings and most important, on Sunday, NOT ONE teammate gives a rats petuty what SJ is doing in January and February.


    You people are !@#$ing funny....when SJ was up for a contract, you all went NUTS about how they HAD TO sign him, DESPITE all his quirks and odd behavior. But now youre all !@#$ing outraged with that behavior?

  4. Good to know he isn't giving 100%. Wouldn't want him to overexert himself, he could injure his Twitter finger.


    Some people are gym rats 24/7. Some use the offseason for rest. Some do a little of both.


    None of the ways in which an athlete approaches "the offseason" means they arent "giving 100%."


    Johnson is a pro and whatever way he takes care of himself works. End of story. Different "thing" but Stevie Van Zandt doesnt LOOK at a guitar between Springsteen tours. Quick...burn your copies of The Sopranos!


    But whats the problem here? He said hes going to start an off season program becuase he wants to do even better than he has been. That even though hes been good doing whats hes doing, he thinks hee can do better and is going to take steps to make that happen.


    Thats a problem?

  5. The team is more than profitable without the moronic toronto series, plain and simple, but like most go ahead and continue to kid yourself.


    Have you seen the books?


    If it was just additional revenue needed, then the "Genius"(laughable) Russ Brandon would have sold the stadium's naming rights for anywhere bewteen 6 and 10 million dollars a year


    How do you come up with this figure?


    . Yep, that's the league average, but the "Genius"(Still hard to even write sarcastically) Russ Brandon is too stupid to tap into that revenue which would exceed this idiotic series.

    How do you know he didnt try? And how do you know that revenue from naming rights would exceed revenue the Toronto series brought in?


    , it's to butter up the franchise for an easy move out of town.


    Opening up new local revenue streams locally is a ploy to help move the team away from those streams? Huh?




    So why then are they robbing WNY of revenue and shipping a game off to Canada? Regionalization? Naahhh, only the simplest of minds could believe that


    Bills season ticket subscruptions from CA are UP from 11% to 20% of total since the series started.


    It has already been rumored that this new deal does not even bring in more money than if the games were to be played in Orchard Park


    Theres also a "rumor" that Rob Johnson is coming back to the Bills. I read it!


    , and the net loss for local businesses alone adds additional tax revenue losses to Erie county that if factored into the deal would be a net loss to the team,


    Figures, please.


    but lets not get too logical about this blasphemous "toronto series"


    So "blasphemous" that the NFL team considered the crown jewel of the league had an out of town home game played for over 60 years, INCLUDING playoff games.


    Russ says "We need this to stay viable in WNY" What a joke.


    So the team DOESNT need to remain viable?





    OK, Chuck.

  6. No offense, but this thread is a waste of time as nothing will change until ownership changes.


    Ralph Wilson has his man trained to a tee, money first, and wins...if they happen to win all the better.. if not, C'est la vie.


    Yeah.....good luck finding an ownership group looking to shell out a billion dollars for an NFL team and then run it as a non-profit.

  7. The difference is, it is a money grab when you put your team at a disadvantage that no other team has on an annual basis for the sake of money. That my friend is a money grab. Plain and simple.


    Pure opinion...plain and simple...


    Some FACTS, please.....pulled from Wiki....


    The National Football League's Green Bay Packers played two or three home games per year at Milwaukee County Stadium from 1953 to 1994, after using Wisconsin State Fair Park in nearby West Allis and also Marquette Stadium. The Packers compiled a 76–47–3 (.617) mark in 126 regular-season County Stadium contests over 42 seasons. County Stadium hosted at least one pre-season game annually during this time as well (except 1983), including the Upper Midwest Shrine Game. Financial considerations prompted the Packers to move some of their games to Milwaukee starting with the 1933 season. However, by 1995, multiple renovations to Lambeau Field made it more lucrative for the Packers to play their full home slate in Green Bay again for the first time since 1932.[30] Former Milwaukee ticket holders were offered tickets at Lambeau to one pre-season game and games 2 and 5 of the regular season schedule, in what is referred to as the "Gold package."



    The Minnesota Vikings (15 times) were the Packers' most frequent foe at County Stadium, as the Packers would traditionally host at least one divisional rival from the NFC Central in Milwaukee each season. Only once, however, did the Packers play their ancient arch-rivals, the Chicago Bears, in Milwaukee, defeating the Bears 20–3 in 1974. On November 26, 1989, a County Stadium record crowd of 55,892 saw the Packers beat the Vikings, 20–19.[31] The Packers' final game at County Stadium was a 21–17 victory over the Atlanta Falcons on December 18, 1994; with fourteen seconds left, the winning 9-yard touchdown run was scored by quarterback Brett Favre. Coincidentally, Atlanta was Favre's first NFL address in 1991, and the city to which the baseball Braves moved almost three decades earlier.


    The Packers also hosted one NFL playoff game at County Stadium, the December 23, 1967 Western Conference Championship against the Los Angeles Rams.[32] By beating the Rams 28–7, the Packers would face the Dallas Cowboys in the famed Ice Bowl at Lambeau 8 days later.

  8. sarah is rush limbaugh with breasts and a hundred less iq points


    biden isnt going to be hosting any mensa conventions but to put him in the same class as the great northern bimbo is absurdity cubed


    *better breasts


    Ill remember this post when I call some left wing hole a foul name and you run here to scold me on use of "tone" or you chime in on the fake "war on women."


    !@#$ing hypocrite.

  9. Not to interrupt everyone's pity-party "Bills Suck" circle-jerk, but none other than the "Gold Standard" of NFL teams, the Green Bay Packers, split games with Milwaukee for oh....sixty years or so, including their most storied time period, the entire Vince Lombardi era.


    Im not a big fan of the series either, but stop with this "its indicative of a loser franchise" rubbish.

  10. I have two "warning" points, but considering my chosen persona here is one of antagonistic jackass, I consider them medals of accomplishment.


    But being an inquisitive chap, I looked at my "warning" points history and on Aug 22, Simon "warned" me for bringing my "political garbage outside of PPP." Yet, when searching for the offending post, I find none. In fact, the only posts I made at that time outside of PPP was a comment about how Russell Brand sucks and a second about Derek Jeter and PEDs.


    Simon...could you please clarify what post I was "warned" about political stuff outside of PPP for? With all seriousness, Id really like to know. Youve "warned" me for this and now publicly used it as an example to refute an assertion I made abour moderation work. So please provide the backup evidence so the record can be set straight.



  11. You've been given points three different times for spreading your political garbage to other boards because you wouldn't stop doing it.

    And three different moderators have given you warnings for flaming and insulting other posters.

    The only thing certain here is that you're completely full of shlt.


    "my political garbage"


    "completely full of ****"


    Aaaaand......Thank you for confirming my point (and Tom's)!


    Your biases and temper are well known. Its OK. We all have biases. But with all due respect, youre fooling noone.


    Hey, isnt getting around the language filter against board rules?

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