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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I could be wrong, but hasnt this been alleged in the past? I recall seeing statements to this affect "out there" in the past.
  2. OK, then pull the statement about him doing it on a Zoom call out. Still doesnt wash for me. The claim is just counter to EVERYTHING with regard to Pegula's track record on this issue. Appreciate the clarification.
  3. Money talks...BS Walks. And everything in the Buffalo Bills' body of work with regard to social justice initiatives and what they did as an organization after the Topps tragedy has been outstanding under current ownership. So with that in the backdrop Im to beleive that a mainly soft spoken Pegula...the guy who shed tears when mentioning the Topps victims just a few months ago...would just blurt something like this out? And on a companywide Zoom call to boot? Yeah...put me in the "skeptical" column on this claim.
  4. So basically, everything is bullying now. Good work, morons.
  5. Your therapist is correct...they are hard to figure out. But a good PT is supposed to encourage healing and tell you youre gonna be OK, NOT tell you its hopeless! Id find a new PT!!!!!
  6. You cant make headlines out of married people having sex. Nor can you claim victim status. DUH!!!! Of COURSE its "not OK."
  7. "Simply cheated?" What you know about love and marriage is very little.
  8. Not to burst your working man BS pity party, but management staff and "suits" get laid off, too. A lot, actually.
  9. There are lots of different knee braces on the market that are supposed to help keep your kneecap in line. As mentioned above, its often an issue of stretching out the surrounding muscles and doing exercises to take care of muscle imbalances around the knee. I feel for you.,..these hokey knee issues like a bad tracking kneecap or IT band issues can be a PITA to figure out.
  10. The real one makes the movie one (Cannonball Run) look like childs play. Cool stuff.
  11. Excuse me...Im a marketer and PR guy. If I "lie", both me and my company are breaking the law. Ever hear of truth in advertising laws? Puffery laws? Go learn something.
  12. Final Spire piece being fitted to One World Trade.....
  13. Even WITH the Holocaust, in WW2 the Japs made the Nazis look !@#$ing civilized in comparison.
  14. If I were the Republicans, assuming Hillary gets the nomination, I would just run that "What difference does it make?" clip in context for every issue they run a spot against her on. Over and over again. Its damning. But they wont...because the GOP are !@#$ing morons.
  15. To be fair the spider bite really did mess up Hanneman and he was in dire straits because of it. Sad time. He was a true pioneer. Your first slayer show, when they came out on stage and started playing and you honestly questioned if you were gonna make it out alive was always a seminal moment in a young mans life.
  16. Name me a HC hire that would have been a sure thing. Ill wait.
  17. Doing a massive home renovation right now. One part of the project is going to take three months. The other part is going to take a year. Guess which is which.
  18. Only in your twisted liberal world would saying "you get what you asked for" qualify as "hate."
  19. Yes, Im well aware. I doubt either of the two good people who committed suicide...RIP.....did so because their unemployment checks ran out.
  20. All part of your liberal utopia, NYC. You voted for it...now eat it.
  21. If you're "depressed" because you can't get gubmint bennies or even swing a job at the local Pizza Hut, please off yourself.
  22. Fair enough...but by coming out how did Collins advance the "cause" of allowing equal benefits for gay couples (something I support)? And every athelete is heckled for things. Every single one. For everything under the sun, some things personal and private and that are every bit on par wth a person's sexuality. But somehow when it happens to gay atheletes its "bad" and they should be exempt from being subject to such behavior? Mind you Im talking about the typical level of fan-based commentary that athletes endure. Nonsense. If anything, getting the same treatment from fans that other players get (and his ability to handle it) shows he is living his live on a socially equal level.
  23. WAIT.....did someone above really use getting heckled in NEW YORK CITY as an example of UNIQUE mistreatment? Come on. There was a "ban" on gay players before today? Please help me understand what rights Collins was denied before today. {writer's note: this is the THIRD time Im posting my comments on the subject. Im not being offensive at all or joking about the story, so Im unclear as to why they are getting removed. If you delete the comments this time pony up an explanation as to why.}
  24. Trying to care.....trying to care....Nope. Don't care.
  25. I don't care where your ideology lies, and even if you don't love his record as President, you GOTTA love Bush Sr. the man. A record of service to the Country a mile long, then he retires and jumps out of planes, races cigarette boats and takes his wife to ball games. And by all accounts, one of the nicest, most genuine men you could ever hope to come across.
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