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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Not for nothing, but I would think those who have devoted their lives to its teachings and content and spend a good portion of their time studying it do have a bit more "inside information" or understanding than someone who never cracked the thing opened. And Im not saying you have to "bleive" in the Bible to get that understanding either. Plently of scholars and religious have an understanding of their's and other religions. But I wouldnt put someone like conner in this class....someone who "left the Church" not so much for what it taught, but because going meant he had to wake up before noon. And not for nothing, I dont understand this "all or none" mentaility that non-believers have about those who are believers. If every beleiver took everything said in the Bible/Koran/Talmud, etc. at its face value, there would be ONE sect of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. Difference of opinion and interpretations of the Books are one of the primary keys to religion. Case in point for a religious holiday coming up.....You think Jews will spend all night....literally......arguing and interpreting and debating the meaning of the story of Passover for thier health? If they all beleived in the "all or none" mentaility you folks THINK they do...they would say...hers the story...good night...lets drink some wine. Another one....why do you thing Catholic Mass has a huge portion of the Mass smack dab in the middle of it devoted to the Priest discussing and debating and interpreting the meaning of the Gospel that was just read? You people should really LEARN about what you spend so much time mocking and showing disdain for. You call beleivers "ignorant" yet most non-believers are just as much so about what really goes on. Religion is not a zero sum game. Stop saying it is.
  2. I sincerely hope you have read it and understand its principles.
  3. Here, Ill save ya the time.... "Womens rights, Christians are dumb intolerant hicks but I think religion is a sham and anyone who is reglious should be rounded up and sent to Dachau, a fetus doesnt think/read the New York Times so its not a person, Im "intelectual", etc. etc. etc."
  4. I tend to agree, but these type of things have diminishing returns and there has been some backlash that Obama's still in "campaign mode" which IMO is FAR more dangerous than a flubbed joke, becuase activites like this affects the publics true perception of the man as a leader. Hes GOT TO make the transition from the the roll up yer sleeves candidate on the talk shows to the strong Presidental figure. Doing Leno and using outlets like that show retards that process.
  5. Same here. It was the LIBERALS who preach hate. I dont HATE Obama the man. The left HATED Bush not just for his policies, but for who he was/is. Even the evil "Rush Limbaugh" said he doesnt HATE Obama, he just wants his polices to turn America into France West to fail miserably. But thats the core issue with liberals. So much of what they think is not tied up in rational thought, but in "feelings" they cant tell the difference between actual disdain for a person and just for his opinions on something.
  6. http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/200...20/1844071.aspx Look at the pic and re-watch the original vid and go to 1:12.
  7. Im sure if the McDonalds you work at started going under you would just hand over part of the minimum wage youre making becuase hey....you "dont deserve" that money anymore.
  8. No kidding. This is the FUNNY stuff that ALL PRESIDENTS From Washington through Obama got mocked for. And it IS FUNNY. One of the funniest bits in this regard was Lettermans "Great moments in PResident speeches" that got on Bush hard for his speaking flubs. It was hyterical. So lighten up. Its not like Obama's being accused of tacitly approving the mass murder of 3,000 of his own people or WILLFULLY ignoring the plight of a devested region of the Country that just faced a disaster.
  9. You know what would be great? Obama does his thing on Leno. Then takes the next chair over for the next guest who is....Don Rickles.....who walks up, sits down, takes one look at Obama, turns to Leno and goes "what is he here to clean up or something??!!??"
  10. No. Spilled his chai mocha double grande latte limp wrist lib drink on me, which caused me to then spill my manly meat eating double black coffee on him.
  11. Today a hard core lib was rumbling on in the coffee room about how all these new taxes are sapping his motivation and he has "no motivation" to suceed anymore knowing that his hard-earned bucks will go to someone "undeserving" who hasnt lifted a finger, etc, etc. Made me all warm inside.
  12. Talking and schmoozing is one of his strengths......why shouldnt he play to it?
  13. Its why Liddy CANT speak up and has to just ist there and be party to this charade today. This is just disgraceful. And they !@#$ing get away with it.
  14. Ya know...with all this righteous indignation coming from those turds in DC, Im ROOTING HARD for that AIG CEO today. I hope he steps before Congress and calls those azzes on their bull sh-- so bad, he makes them all look worse than Frankie Pantangeli did. Congress.....only such a group of azzes can force you to root for the "bad guy." Unreal.
  15. And even better is when the same lying POS politico that is going on about "taking back these bonuses for the taxpayers" is the SAME !@#$TURD who a few weeks ago was minimizing GOVERNMENT spending on pork in the Omnibus and calling those who were concerned about the pork the "chattering classes." These people are !@#$ed up.
  16. Who are they kidding....who the !@#$ ARE THEY KIDDING????!!!!!!????? http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/17/aig...uses/index.html And then theres this..... http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2009/03/be...payouts-we.html And here is the cherry on the !@#$ing sundae... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/15/business/15AIG.html On edit...PLEASE dont puke up some bull sh-- that Im just "attacking democrats." Im not. And if you cant figure out that is not what this post is about, you have a few windows waiting for you to lick.
  17. Ive had enough of this AIG nonsense. I guess I missed the part where they held a gun to our collective heads and DEMANDED that they be given the bailout money. Same goes for the auto makers and everyone else. The FEDS ponied up this money unconditionally. Now they (and we) are all OUTRAGED(!!!!) when we find out its going to go to waste becuase AIG is a bunch of !@#$ups? Its like giving money free and clear to a gambling addict and acting pissed and worse....surprised...when he books a flight to Vegas.
  18. Oh, goody...now we have the person responsible for all this mess....the media's got its whipping boy/poster child/target so we can turn attention AWAY from Congress, AWAY from every other predatory lender and firm that was run worse than a hot dog stand outside a PETA convention and mostly AWAY from OURSELVES. Cassano bad!!!!! Cassano bad!!!!!
  19. And then dipped in the fat, dammit! [i think Im going to vomit]
  20. Mambi pambi losers looking to lose weight use honey mustard sauce. The rest of us use hot fatback.
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