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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I hate hockey so much, I'd drive Hitler's Mercedes to the bunker instead of going to a game. Good?
  2. "Get the !@#$ out of here, you !@#$ing cracker." Yeah....my wife thought that was a real hoot when some of her black students said that to her.
  3. I am, and I know where youre gonna go....headhunting. I understand the physicality of Hockey, I do. But the "cheap shots" just killed it for me. The CONSTANT fighting is a bit much but tolerable. But the "cheap shots" kill me. When you got players looking to take down and take OUT the stars on the other team, thats just bad. Ill never forget Dale Hunter taking out Pierre Turgeon. That turned me off to the sport right there. Yeah, you see that in other sports, but nowhere NEAR as much as you do in Hockey.
  4. Oh....thought you meant that old HBO show, before Delta Burke got fat.
  5. Its used by a race of folks to demean another race of folks. End of story.
  6. They dont cover that becuase it ruins their headlines. Doesnt MATTER whether or not these folks "deserved" or are "owed" this money as part of their compensation package. All that matters to the media is the headline "RICH GUYS GETTING YOUR MONEY!!!!!"
  7. No it doesnt...becuase the complaints lodged werent even based in reality. Case in point, the AF1 "incident."
  8. And technically NOT the Fed's responsibility. Its barely the LOCAL Govt's responsibility. But the left got in such a tizzy becuase AF1 didnt LAND in New Orleans in the days following. THAT is what they focused on, of all the things. BUSH's Fed Response. Not Governor Blanco's ignoring the problem or Nagin hiding under his desk. BUSH. They focused on BUSH and his one soundbyte. Meanwhile, next door, Mississippi was back up and running while those in Louisiana were still whining about......BUSH. And "Chocolate."
  9. Hockey's "goon" mentality is the primary reason why the sport is about three feet above Wrestling. Check that...wrestling gets BETTER ratings and attendance. "We're losing three to one....send someone out there to "take out" the other team's best player." !@#$ing DUMB sport.
  10. You know who Twitter is GREAT for? Watching celebrities. For example, Lance Armstrong has been "twittering" his experience in the Spring Classics he's been racing in and following him along the way has been great.
  11. Which is the same stance as others that you disagree and whine about , but becuase baboo was "nice" in his delivery, youre OK with it? What are you? 4?
  12. Youre right..its not about abortion per se. Its about liberal's attempt to steal parental rights. How on one hand they want children to get sex ed in grammar school and be able to have abortions and access to child birth without parental consent, yet on an issue they dont like...all of a suddent "rights of the parents!!!" get thrown out there.
  13. How much per "new or saved job" was spent? THAT was Jindal's point. Shut up.
  14. Dont worry...the Germans are waaaaaaaaaaaaay over there in Germany....err....Poland....err...France.
  15. Im actually against the strip search. This is about rights of children and libs cherry picking what issues they want a child to be qa child and a child to be an adult.
  16. You need to bone up on the social agenda for a lot of progressives out there vis a vis children and sexuality. I do undertstand the Plan B thingy. But if it can be dispensed without a scrip, you mean to tell me PLanned Parenthood wont be using it as a loophole and pushing it onto kids? "Oh...Suzy has a cheerleading competition this weekend....thats an 'emergency!!'." Come on.
  17. Not at all, really. I just dont need to wade through a gaggle of people, 80% of which I really dont care about, mentally masturbate their until now deep rooted narcissistic tendencies. And the other 20% I DO care about...I am in contact with and know what they are up to. Hey, look...if you enjoy your time there, have at it. It just wasnt for me.
  18. People on FB are full of sh--. I GUARANTEE 90% of people on it are 100% more miserable than they let on with thier little "updates" and pictures. "Johnny says TGIF!!!" Spare me...what youre leaving out is "Johnny says TGIF...now he can go home and babysit his heroin addicted 14 year old all weekend!!!" And I really dont need to be "friended" by some old HS clowns. I hated your guts and didnt say three words to you in High School. What makes you think I want to talk to you NOW???!!?? I quit that nonsense a few months back. Dont miss it a bit.
  19. Sorry libs...you cannot advocate "morning after" pills and abortions without consent, sex ed for very young children and abolishment of parental rights on one hand and then get all indignant about this issue. They are either minors or adults. Not both. You cannot cherry pick the issues with which you decide how they are to be classified.
  20. Why didnt you say this in the first !@#$ing place? I expect this kind of nonsense from a lot of people, but not you.
  21. More intolerance and bigotry from those of the ideology of "enlightenment & understanding."
  22. Who said the Bible was "written by God?" Its the word of God, but not written by Him. God's word is what is divine.
  23. I look forward to the next time you lecture someone on intolerance and ignorance. Shame....you seemed like a pretty fart smella.
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