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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Ya know.....on second thought...call them "tea bagging" or whatever offensive term you want to. Label everyone who attended as "racist rednecks'. Becuase by doing so, youve LOST ALL MORAL HIGHGROUND to say WORD ONE next time a conservative pundit comes to clean your clocks. As so... Every host on Air America and every unbathed, basement-dwelling loser on the left wing blogosphere has spent the last week making jokes about tea bagging, a practice they show a surprising degree of familiarity with. But if the Republicans were calling them "tea-bagging parties," the MSNBC hosts would have a fantastically hilarious segment for viewers in San Francisco and the West Village and not anyplace else in the rest of the country. On the other hand, they're not called "tea-bagging parties." (That, of course refers to the cocktail hour at Barney Frank's condo in Georgetown.) LOLOLOLOL. Classic. http://www.anncoulter.com/
  2. So liberal's wont "stomp and cry" over their taxes being raised and the size of the US Gubmint or other issues that affect them, but they will "stomp and cry" over a war that unless they have a family member serving in combat, wont even alter their TV watching schedule?
  3. "Its just a few bad apples" "It doesnt represent everyone protesting" "These people dont share our beleifs" "Please dont lump all XXX in with these whackos"
  4. Looks like ieatcrayonz has a new handle. Holy sh--.
  5. I would think that any self-respecting liberal would repudiate the comments of Garafalo, the offensive terms used to describe the people who attended these rallies and most of all the really shoddy reporting on the events. My biggest gripe there was all this sudden needs to find out who was "behind" the events, meanwhile known Communist fronts were throwing huge anti-war protests a few years ago without a word about it. Like I said earlier, I didnt take much stock in these things, but I learned one thing...its amusing as hell to see how people act when IN power and then when OUT of power. How those evil protesters suddenly become grassroots, concerned citizens voicing their opposition. And visssa versa! The rhetoric is the same....the actions are the same, the only difference is that all the "actors" (that's us) on the stage just switched roles. Its like how you feel about TO when hes on the Cowboys.....and then when hes on the Bills. And whats pathetic is that 95% of people out there dont even realize their own hypocrisy.
  6. Good God. But three seconds after he starts cutting the ex checks with this brush in the background bitching to him in Sputnik, hes going to regret it.
  7. From now on, all liberal protests will be referred to as Cleveland Steamers. Something about liberals and a big pile of sh-- sounds so.......right.
  8. I watched a bunch of coverage on this last night after getting home from the ballgame. A few comments: 1. Media people using an offensive name to describe these things and all of sudden the "exposure" of who is behind these events PROVES WITHOUT A DOUBT that the media is biased. Where was the media when ANSWER, a !@#$ing Communist front...admitted by THEM on THEIR website....was throwing war protests? 2. Its clear without a doubt that compared to LIBERAL protesters, Republican ones are.......just as !@#$ing creepy.
  9. NICE! "UGH...somebody put me back in the 'fridge"
  10. Considering you are of the ideology of "One World" and differences between people is at best "tolerated" and at worst eliminated, I find your commentary quite curious.
  11. Well according to the liar in chief (that's Biden) being "liked" equals being "safer."
  12. I love interrupting threads about nice music with pure brutality.
  13. Yeah...Angela Gossow. Just got into these guys....really good band thats more along the lines of 80s and 90s Metal....not that Gridcore insanity you hear these days.
  14. Up the intensity a bit, shall we? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4vWubiA5kM
  15. "You can like the man and disagree with his policies, " No...you CANT. Becuase Rush Limbaugh said exactly this...that he disagrees with his policies and hopes he is unsuccessful in implementing them and Obama, or should I say puppetmaster Rham unleased his thugs on the guy. We have already see how this Administration takes critique. Get out of lockstep and youll be labeled as a heretic before you can mutter "Robert Gibbs."
  16. Sounds like a lot of "grass is greener" syndrome to me. Becuase even I admit....on its face, socialism can sound very appealing. You mean I just pay more taxes and Im "covered" for everything, cradle to grave? GREAT! As they say...the devil is in the details. And not many people understand the details.
  17. Well, according to Hairplug boy....whats most important is that "everyone likes us again." So it really doesnt matter.
  18. New technology installed in every GM vehicle: The Obamameter
  19. WHO is the moron? The guy telling an OBVIOUS joke or the dim bulb who missed that fact and instead is focused on the spelling....of SLANG.
  20. Yes. Obama hates Jews. He's a Muslim for chrissakes!
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