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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Damn right we will. And EVERY time I hear some self-loathing nitwit whine about what we did to those animals, I just say "That was for Bataan." KFBD cant figure out the meaning of a sentence and Im the dumbass. Check the timestamp, dummy....how did I accuse Mr. Perfect of doing something BEFORE he said a word? God, if I were a Jap soldier Id PASS on eating your brain or liver for fear Id catch your disease of "stupid." You !@#$ing moron.
  2. Thats a weird scenario that ANOTHER Airbus broke apart due to G-Force loading, especially if due to some kind of pilot error.
  3. Ive been on Ugly Truth over and over in the car for about a week now. The bass drum in that song bloody near breaks out the windshield. And Chris Cornell is just flat out an amazing vocalist and songwriter. THIS is grunge....right here..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oW-jKaOioE Gotta give respeck to Layne, too. You are so special...you have the talent, to make me feel like Dirt. And you...you use that talent, to dig me under and cover me with Dirt. Whats my drug of choice? Well, what have ya got? My God............
  4. Same thing here. IMO, it would have been Russert.
  5. Are you asking ME to review her positions and make a decision? Thanks for the links, but thats what the Senators are going to do, not me. Duh.
  6. This is ****ing ridiculous.....all ANY sane person wants is a fair review of her work, her positions on issues and yes....clarification on the CA La Raza speech and her position on the role of judges, issues that SHE raised while an Appellate Judge. So funny. Bush couldnt appoint a new janitor to clean the Oval Office toilet without the leftards and Dems going batschitt. But now, even the standard process of Advise and Consent for a SCOTUS justice nominee is being minimized and redefined as some kind of unnecessary half-assed witch hunt.
  7. Different than Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a "waitress" three days after the RNC how?
  8. "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" Let me know if any of the other "groups" listed here have a similar motto.
  9. Tolerance, as practiced in REAL LIFE, is whole helluva lot different (and better) than how its practiced by blowhard professors in acedemia (and their students), on message boards, and on bumper stickers. Try it sometime.
  10. Leave him be. Being judge and jury just makes him feel good. Amazing how someone who jerks himself off over how "open minded" he is can be judge and jury over your ability to be so...from a message board. I have a funny feeling us "traditionalists" are a lot more comfortable in our stance on this issue and the homosexuals close to us, friends and/or family are as well. For me...they KNOW my stance. But they dont care...because I love them and accept them for who THEY are and what THEY want to do and we all know MY opinion means bupkus when they walk out my door after dinner. In fact, we all have a good laugh about it quite often. They call me a right wing loon...I call them fags. And then we laugh and enjoy good wine. Imagine that....Its that crazy "live and let live" thing again!
  11. Thats not whats coming out of a lot of pundits defending this pick. Look...Im not even sure if I personally like the pick or not. I have reservations with her "brown people can make decisions better" nonsense and tacit approval of judicial activism. But shes a liberal....and replacing another liberal. Whats she going to do? Be MORE liberal? Whatever. But the die has been cast...youre hearing already how this pick is "ironclad" and "above critque" and some comments about the pick are already been called "sexist" or "anti-Latino." Thats crazy. Its crazy.....where the !@#$ were these people when Clarence Thomas or Atty. Gen. Gonzalez were getting ass raped by those who wanted to bring them down? She should be grilled and questioned properly. She has made some questionable statement and they need to be clarified.
  12. Give it a rest......if we try to "think critically" about Obama's justice pick, we will automatically be called racists, sexists....even showing bigotry against those with diabetes, which she has. I heard shes a cyclist...I wonder if I critique her choice of Assos bibs over Pearls, the "illuminated" elites will get on me for THAT, too.
  13. Thats becuase to the media and elites, they are liberal and therefore, "real". To the elites and the left, Powell, Rice and Clarence Thomas were nothing more than a buncha sellout House Niggas.
  14. "I wouldn't !@#$ Sandra Bernhardt with Bea Arthur's dick." --Jeffrey Ross
  15. Im sure you will then accept today's ruling by the CA SC WRT gay marriage without issue. Or, like MOST nimrods, do you define "prevailing" as "my"?
  16. Um...hate to burst your bubble, but right now the Bills are subletting an apartment from DET in the "NFL Building."
  17. Shes going to be asked in the hearings. Her answers will tell the tale.
  18. So becuase she has the "balls" to ADMIT and EMBRACE her bias, that makes her a better judge? Are drug addicts, racists and other wonderful cretins that have the "balls" to admit and embrace their feelings also "illuminating and refreshing" to you?
  19. Unless she was talking about a decision that involved a latino person, thats a blatantly biased statement she made. And frankly, I dont care "my guy" lost. I EXPECTED a liberal to be nominated. "My guy" got to put in two conservative justices, so I expect a liberal President to now put in a liberal justice when given the opportunity.
  20. Someone who is in a certain class steps before the SCOTUS and has one stike against him before a word is uttered. Just as John Adams and the rest of the Founding Fathers intended.
  21. But shes a latina, so she's really "struggled" and is "down" with the stuggles of minorites. As Dear Leader demands, Ms. Sotamayor wants to make her decisions through the prism and her evaluation of the so-called "stuggles" of those who stand before her. Basically, if youre not in a certain "class", youve got one strike before you before you utter a word in her court. Nice, huh?
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