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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The HUGE flaw in that thought process is that your counting on Palin remaining as she was at the RNC. The one even the GOP wasnt sure about...making gaffess, struggling to find her voice, whining about being a "mahhhhhvrik." But liberals dont get that the more she is in the spotlight...then the more attention she gets....the more she finds her voice....the more she comes a "national" politician and not just a governor from a small state....the more of a real viable candidate and valid voice she becomes. Shes already stopped talking about "lipstick" and is solidifying her POV on the issues. And you better hope to the Flying Schincter Muscle that shes doesnt get her message and POV to really gain traction. Becuase if it does, the left is !@#$ed becuase calling her a "dumb waitress" wont fly anymore with voters, the same way trying to portray Ronald Reagan as a jelly bean popping empty headed actor didnt.
  2. Yes...and damn her for coming to NY to attend multiple fundraising events for disabled children and adults and autism awareness, which led to her being invited to a Yankee game....which led to this whole Letterman fiasco. [let me know if you need help getting your foot out of your mouth. maybe PJ and conner can help]
  3. Barney Frank is detestable. I mean....I hate Keith Olbermann because of his views on things...but I dont know if hes a bad person, so I really dont hate him as a person. Probably a fine guy. Frank? Hes a bad man. The things he says he wants to do as a legislator, the latest being this bonus giveback thing is just...awful. The way he berated that kid who asked him a question. His lying and spinning of what he's said, I could go on.
  4. In the interest of fairness, Im still vomiting. Im flat out against US criminal law being applied to foreign enemy combatants.
  5. Always wondered if people can get drunk on that watered down panther piss they serve in Utah. Now I know.
  6. "Admit" he raised it? Reagan's deficit spending is a hallmark of his Presidency. My 13 month old knows that. And running a budget in a deficit is not a "liberal" or "conservative" principle What the !@#$ is wrong with you?
  7. Im not a Palin fan, but if she continues to A) bone up on her National issues and B) make liberals crazy, she has a shot down the road.
  8. You dont want her to be tasered becuase its cruel, but you want him to physically subdue her? Yeah, that makes sense.
  9. Im not disputing the worth of this new "comfort" postion....for novice riders tooling around on a Sunday afternoon. If youre doing anything close to serious riding its not going to work. This geometry goes against pretty much everything learned over the years vis a vis efficiency and comfort. Everything. These bikes are cruisers and great for that. But thats it. And Im sorry...a house brand REI bike put togehter by some pimple-face with a monkey wrench is not the same as a good bike put together by a pro mechanic at good bike shop. Period. End of story. You guys can argue all you want with me on this. I only ride 3-5 thousand miles a year...what do I know?
  10. Youre really off on your choices here. First off, Id stay away from the Electras. They are beach cruisers, as are most of the bikes youre looking at.. So unless your plan is to just have her mosey around at 5 MPH on a beach boardwalk..like the name implies, then you need to go in another direction. http://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/bikes/bike_path/ Look under their "urban" or "bike path" categories. http://www.specialized.com/us/en/bc/SBCBkS...n.jsp?ssid=09MS Their Vita and Sirrus lines look good. Again...head to a REAL bike shop and tell them EXACTLY where and when and how much you plan to ride. Throw out all your notions about fat seats, straight upright riding positions with huge handlebars, chainguards and coaster brakes. ALL of those things IMPEDE performance and comfort. NONE help.
  11. Youre going to have to do A LOT of riding in really BAD conditions to affect the rims. I wore through a few pairs of rims, but thats on a mountain bike I raced and trained on which had a few thousand miles of HARD, fast riding on them. Disc brakes are THE way to go. For OFFROAD riding. Forget hydraulics, though. Too pricey. But many bikes are coming with mechanical discs which work VERY well and arent too expensive. But its not a decision driver for the casual rider. All in all, dont sweat the brakes...like I said....you got to ride a lot under really adverse conditions before brake performance becomes an issue. To illustrate this, pro roadies still use plain-old rim brakes.
  12. Collect those SUVs and bigger cars and ship them to China...just like the Russian Mob does. The 'Bama's goin' Gangsta!
  13. Hes really not invoking Jesus, hes just screaming His name. A lot of black men do that. Jesus Christ, Rham...DO SOMETHING!!!! Jesus Christ, will somebody get this Limbaugh off my ass????!!! JESUS CHRIST, Michelle......meatloaf AGAIN???!!!????
  14. Tom? You want to handle? I got work to do. And Tom....did you watch NatGeo's documentary on Robert Ballard's working with the Pentagon and the "deal" he made to find the Thresher and Scorpion before he set out for Titanic? Good stuff. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/epis...nal-secret-3570
  15. Yes...LA has clued us in to his life. And it sounds nice. Many other people have, too, including many liberals here and their stories also sounds nice. Then, theres you. Typical internet kitty who will make fun of others but wont man up about his own life.
  16. +1 Go to your LBS (local bike shop) and talk to a sales rep. Tell them your needs, what youre going to use the bike for, etc. STAY AWAY from chain stores, Target and the like, for bicycles.
  17. I hate to tell you, but companies DO work like that. Maybe not every time they grow, but quite often, a new product launch, new project initiative, etc. results in a mass hiring.
  18. If youre a former vollie, it makes your original statement even more assinine. Because you KNOW how non-profits that serve the community operate. You know how they spend their money, raise funds, "compensate" their members that volunteer, not through a paycheck but through other means. Yet you STILL wrote that judgemental post. That was very ignorant of you. And if its not Gold Creek, then which one? All I did was google "Church $4 Million Seattle" and got a church in a Seattle suburb thats trying to raise $4 Million for a new facility. Isnt this what you described?
  19. You sound just like the idiots here on Long Island who get on the vounteer firemen. How becuase they get free beer and a big TV in the rec room, they are "spoiled" and "dont need to do fundraising." Gold Creek HAD the funds, but the bank pulled out due to the economy. So now they are doing this. BTW...they already have FOUR services on Sunday. Anybody else want to punch holes in her nonsense, feel free: Google: Gold Creek Community Church
  20. Oh yes. I work with an older Chinese woman and weve had long conversations about her disdain for the Japanese. Good stuff here. I think Ill need to dream up some nonsensical right wing hysteria to get this place back on track.
  21. Ok, but it seems this sort of stuff, even in much less brutal examples does NOW fall under the 'responsibility' of the State and the State gets a lot of heat for these things, no matter how small. For example, Abu Gharib. Of course, Abu Gharib was carried out by soldiers smack dab in the middle of the "front" and not marooned and even forgotton on some far off island. But it seems like every soldier these days who even kicks a dog is front page news. Maybe its due to the changing times. I think if YouTube exsisted in WWII, people would be pretty shocked.
  22. Yes, I do. But seriously....what the Japanese did during WWII goes VASTLY unnoticed.
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