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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Oh one time when Allen threw another horrid INT his coach yelled a little bit? HORRORS!!!!! The only HC Im familiar with who does this sort of thing regularly is the man most people here have a man-crush on and would like to see replace McDermott....Brian Daboll. That guy waves his arms and rolls his eyes more than a bobblehead doll.
  2. This is really starting to go into a dark territory with the 9/11 stuff. Not due to what McD said with his dopey story but with the fact that its now being picked up in the national press and misconstrued. Say what you will about McD's game management and whether or not hes a lousy head coach. There has been nothing to indicate that hes a bad man. And thats how hes being portrayed in the national media now and for what? He told a weird, awkward story to try and motivate his football team? Its just so wrong.
  3. Lets be honest....a three part series about how the head coach is a socially awkward maniac can be written for every single NFL team. We know Belichick is one. Payton definitely is one. And have you seen Mike McDaniel's pants? Its basically a pre-requisite for the job.
  4. Some good content here but no "Why did he do this when he should be busy rehabbing and prepping to get back on the field" posts??!!!?? Man, y'all slipping.
  5. Dude you literally just proved my point. And really no reason for the insults.
  6. "Cut him, hes just the punter." This was THE talking point with regard to the Araiza situation among the majority of Bills Mafia, uttered by fans everywhere, by WGR hosts and even by some prominient Twitter personalities who like to profess that women's rights is one of their priorities. People want to pretend stature on the team doesnt matter. But it does and Bills Mafia, with all its self-righeousness, proved that last Spring every time they uttered that phrase. "Hes just the punter." WHO the player is matters a lot. Like it or not.
  7. Im not so sure about that. Remember...rationale from the VAST majority of Bills Mafia AND a lot of well-known popular Bills pundits with regard to cutting Araiza was "hes just a punter." Based on that statement, a lot of Bills Mafia is very comfortable having a very big criterion determining whether to cut a player for bad behavior is what his production/contribution is to the team on the field.
  8. This is the type of mindset that drives me nuts. We need to tank to get the HC fired. For who? WHO KNOWS! But ANYBODY has to be better, right? Right. I mean...IF IF IF Andy Reid or Vince Lombardi was sitting out there waiting for a HC job, then at least I could wrap my head around this thought process. But....hes not. So please stop. I read a comment on Twitter...X...whatever...last week that...get this....even if the Bills WIN THE SUPER BOWL they should fire McDermott. Some of you need to go outside more.
  9. According to many, only a win of 75 - 0 would "bring them back." Then again, this is the same fanbase that is currently saying things like "Even if they win the Super Bowl, they should fire Sean McDermott."
  10. Not LITERALLY covering his eyes. Jeez. You never heard that expresson?
  11. Grounded and embarrassed? To me, he looked aloof and dissinterested. Hat down over glazed eyes, snickering at some of the questions. Something isnt "right" with him.
  12. This. Overall, WGR is good, even if they can be homerish, as I laid out in another post. Down here in NYC area, the "gold standard" of sports radio, WFAN has become a convoluted mess of Howard Stern/Mad Dog Russo wannabes who justy spit out ridiculous "hot takes" and yell all day long like banshees. Its "sports shock radio" and its gross. At least on WGR there are adults on the air.
  13. I do like Sal a lot but like virtually ALL Buffalo media types, they are way too friendly with the teams they cover and that comes out on the air and in print. Even this AM, one caller asked Sal why the media doesnt push back on McD or ask for more info on his answers and Sal got VERY upset at that. And this is definitely true. Someone will ask McD a question, get some sort of vaugue nonanswer and there is NEVER any pushback or follow up question. Ever. Just a meek "ok" from the person asking the question. And the few that do ask more pointed questions...including a few that visit this board from time to time...lets just say they dont seem to hold "favored" status with PSE, at least as far as I can tell. Contrast that to what you see here. You may not love Russo and Francesa, but this interview where MMD went after the Met's owner and GM was done on the Mets' flagship radio station at the time! Would you ever see this sort of pushback from any member of WNY sports media on a player, a coach or even an an owner? No way. Too many special dinners and golf outings to get invited to at for this sort of thing to happen!
  14. Down here on Long Island, I got strangers seeing my flag and coming up to me while Im mowing the lawn and going "yo, whats up with your team?" I admit I call for this a lot...as lets just say I make it pretty clear to anyone who will listen (and many who wont) which football team I love. But....still. And the catastrophes ALWAYS happen on national TV games. ALWAYS. Its so painful.
  15. NOT wanting to fire the HC and burn the whole program to the ground right now is a "coward mentality?" Have fun when a Rex Ryan or Chip Kelly type is the next HC here when your "big balls bravado" gets to pick the next HC.
  16. The NY Giants are a complete dumpster fire and the HC is a huge reason why. No. Just no.
  17. Ever notice that every thread about a new "hot" place has to somehow dump on the old one? Its weird.
  18. On behalf of all Mets fans...Garret Stubbs and the rest of the Red Tide,or Red Army or Hunt for Red Submarine, or whatever their fans call themselves, can goooooooooo pound it. Im sure Gugny agrees. With that out of my system...both Championship Series were good. Phillies have a good cohesive team, overall. But thats a brutal loss. Harper in that spot late with two runners on...cant miss there.
  19. My answer is "depends." How did they "not get there?" Did they play in the Divisional and play a tough-hard fought game and just lost? Then no. Or...do they show up unprepared with this ragtag no identity offense still misfiring and get outcoached? Then probably yes or it should at least be discussed if a move is necessary.
  20. Living in the NYC area, I can say that WGR is about a billion times better than WFAN. That used to not be the case, of course. But these days, the full lineup is full of unqiue personalities who all know their stuff, unlike WFAN, which is full of Mad Dog/Stern wannabes. My only overall gripe with WGR is that most of the hosts seem to make it a point to constantly brag about how awesome their jobs are. We all get it...youre all awesome and go to all the games and all the events and all the dinners and insider parties and all the rest of us are just working class slobs.
  21. Right now hes MUCH more in Rex Ryan territory...also a good coordinator who was a lousy HC....than he is Bill Parcells. Parcells was also a yeller..and he gave Phil Simms hell all the time. But it was measured. Contrast that with Daboll's CONSTANT histrionics and ranting and arm-waving and eye-rolling like a child. Plus dressing down his team in public like he always does, which will not help him win loyalty in the locker room, is a clown show.
  22. On Sunday night, Muki Hawkins was part of a Twitter space, which he does often, and strongly implied that it was attitude based. He wouldnt say, becuase he cant violate privacy as someone who has lockerroom access, but he basically said "read between the lines." Take that for what you will......
  23. She writes all these songs about relationships and then goes out and dates the absolute biggest meathead alive. Makes sense.
  24. I like the Warehouse. Its close to the Stadium, its big, nice bar, food is pretty good, usually some live music and theres an arcade with games and stuff. It definitely checks the boxes.
  25. The Bills putting him in the furthest corner suite: Bush. Spikes going on Twitter and blasting the Bills like Aunt Karen would blast Delta for loosing her makeup bag: Also Bush.
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