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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Did he blow a kiss and take a short bow....or pull a Deon Sanders? Big diff between the two.
  2. Did the Shiek from Cannonball Run deliver them? "Zee Cannonball will fall to ze forces of ISLAM!!!!!!"
  3. And, right on time, the crooked finger of power points WEST. Shocked they didnt blame "the Jews" along with America.
  4. DING! You win! Most people are so "outraged" and "offended" by the taser for how it looks on grainy videos. Ya know...the person dropping to the ground and going "ow, ow, ow." People see that and they think how awful it must be. These are the same folks who watch a TV show about Alaskan crab fishing and suddenly think they, too can handle 40 foot seas working 20 hours at a clip.
  5. Sounds like a coupla hundred hours of programming time/QA, etc. About $20K if you have an interactive shop do the work. But thats off the top of my head. Who is doing your creative? Add another $5K to your costs if your having someone else do it. Dont forget your monthly hosting nut, too.
  6. Problem is, too many people take what he says as Gospel. "Bill told me to be outraged at XXXXX. So I am." I like his show. Sometimes I nod in agreement at his "talking points." Sometimes I laugh at them.
  7. Word is, a lot of fans are outraged and feel he is not a "True Bill" becuase he want with granite for the kitchen countertops. A real "blue collar" Buffalo Bill would have went with the Corian.
  8. WHAT people???!!!??? Morons like that loon? I cant accept that, no.
  9. Strawman. Bill O never said "all abortionists" are baby killers.
  10. Agreed. I just wanted to use this example to lend some perspective. In my own moronic, ranting way of course.
  11. See, you dumb !@#$ing liberals.... THIS is what REAL oppresssion looks like. Not having to wait an extra ten minutes to board a flight Not having the FBI assign an extra desk jockey to check the status of Saudi nationals coming to the States. Not disturbing the peace with your "protest" and having to "endure" being cordoned off in an area designated for your little "look at me" parade. And CERTAINLY NOT making a KNOWN terrorist sit in a cell at 68 degress with lukewarm rice. THIS.....what is going on right now in Iran. THIS is oppression. Not the bull sh-- you got spoon fed to be "outraged" about and whined your little sissy asses off for the last eight years while you sat cross legged and sipped your lattes. THIS.
  12. Fox News makes you kill, Candies makes you !@#$. Didnt you get the message?
  13. Joe's railing against fanatics who are easy to manipulate and believe anything their masters tell them, yet here he is using that exact type of behavior to further his argument. He has become what he fears and what he rails against, and he doesnt even realize it. Sad, actually. Even MORE sad is that if the tables were turned...and lets say some left wing loon heard one of Keith Olbermann's "pro gay marriage rants" and killed a conservative judge or something.....its 10000% safe to say we wouldnt be having this discussion.
  14. Joe's gone from "stupid" to "batschtt crazy." If I didnt know any better, from his irrational obsession and blaming Rush for stuff, Id think Joe wants to grab a gun, head down to Rush's place and..........
  15. Says the guy who if you even say the word "UNION" to he goes batschitt.
  16. And rule #2, which also pertains here....What a joke is made about a Republican its "satire." When one is made about a Democrat, you must book your flight to Mars. Now.
  17. I recall another politician who at the time was really shallow on substance and experience, making a rousing speech at his party's Convention which "introduced" him to the Country. Today we call him President Obama. Im just sayin'
  18. I acknowledge that. Like I said...IF she pulls it off. She very well may not. But either way, liberals are COUNTING on getting the "2008" Palin in 2012. EVERY politician refines and adjusts his or her message and voice and they step from one level of government to the next. Liberals are counting on the fact Palin will be the ONE politician who does not.
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