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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. What she said. But Im much more in the "heroic" camp. My only fear is that this will be one of those lynchpins/examples that will be used as "proof" that the team needs to be moved.
  2. Hate to break it to all the libs, but you might as well give up on being fans of the NFL RIGHT NOW, becuase as a whole, the NFL's ownership structure is DOMINATED by rich, white "old money" males and therefore, by extension, most likely Conservative/Republican. Thats right, the ownership of the league RIGHT NOW is made up of a bunch of Limbaughs, but without the microphones and painkillers. Well...maybe without the microphones. So buh-bye, libs....go have fun watching the "knitting and navel gazing" extravaganza on MSNBC next week, which youre more suited to anyway.
  3. Care to pull out the line in ANY one of these health care bills being floated that says "Any and all claims submitted will be honored without dispute"?
  4. I dont buy this premise at all. Edwards isnt getting killed back there and the running game has been faily effective. Wilson gave the "line play" excuse the other day too. It doesnt wash, not this year.
  5. Im sorry. Youre right. Its only been a decade of futility. We should be more patient.
  6. Ralph is pissed. Whoopee. Whats he going to do? Fire Brandon and hire the Concession mananger to run the club?
  7. Cut the crap...politics talk begins and ends at the dinner table. Then we break bread, open the wine and enjoy each others company. Wish I could be there.
  8. Dont sweat it, Tom. We tossed batteries at Kevin McReynolds back in the day at Shea. OK, I didnt...but some people did.
  9. Big body of work to judge Lynch on so far this year.
  10. Almost drove off a bridge when I heard this news. Wow.
  11. The Iraq and Al Queda issues didnt pre-date Bush's Presidency? And youre calling Tom the moron?
  12. Not for nothing, but Obama had his Sect. of State gave a long time US rival a plastic "reset button" as a way to start negotiations. Its not like people of our "ilk" are getting our opinions just out of thin air.
  13. Esxcuse me.......one of President Obama's "strenghts" is supposed to be his communication skills...he has even been compared to Reagan in this regard. So asking if he is going to use this skill to diffuse the situation properly is a completely legit, unbiased question. And what the !@#$ does BUSH had to do with it? You !@#$ing retard.
  14. Yep...all Obama's problems are Bush's fault. You never fail to disappoint
  15. I like the subtle ones...like when the dispatcher is on the phone and he says "OK, Keep 'em at 24 thousand.......no, feet."
  16. Are you kidding? People in Belgium know how to party.
  17. There is a way to get the message out that we are not trying to instigate, we do not want war, leave us alone, etc....but do anything we see as an act of war and we will flatten you so quick, you wont know what hit you. Reagan was a master at this. I believe Kennedy was, too (but not sure..before my time). Lets see if "the new great Communicator" knows how to handle.
  18. Joey : I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defence. And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try . . . except during the playoffs. Murdock : The hell I don't!! LISTEN KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes.
  19. And she says it to a !@#$ing GENERAL! GUARANTEED to be one of the FEW people in DC who worked HARDER than her to get where he is.
  20. So I gess the pilot had the fish for dinner. Too soon?
  21. Says the guy who supports organizations whose MAIN job is to demonize management at every turn and ENSURE that their ranks are united agaisnt them. Orgganizations that label ANYONE that doesnt join as "rats" and "scabs." Organizations that use strongarm tactics, threats and harrassment to swell their member rolls whenever possible.
  22. Ah, infidelity. So glamourous on the front end and for those peering in from the outside. Tabloit and gossip fodder for dinner convos, while everyone giggles...but nothing less than a living hell for those who actually go through it. Im sure we all know someone who has.
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