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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah, having an indoor facility really hurt the Giants....AND the Steelers.....AND the Patriots...... Andf that Brett Favre...whos from the hottest part of the Country and HATES the cold...hes a "soft player, too.
  2. Becuase there are no "links" that means it doesnt happen???!!?? Good lord, get off the Internets. Theres a whole world outside your basement window.
  3. "So, other than that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”
  4. This hasnt happenned in Buffalo and every other city in the NFL? Cut the self-righteous BS...you sound like Belichick HIMSELF pulled the alarm.
  5. No, becuase his replacement was a fine GM in his own right.
  6. And people whining how the Bills got "jobbed"...which they didnt...but whatever. Of course, Reed's foot was NOT out of bounds in the Houston comeback game, though.
  7. Even if Mr. Wilson offered them a wheelbarrow of money and control of the whole thing....which of these guys in their right minds, KNOWING there will be HUGE competition for their services in the offseason, would sign with a team NOW? Youre getting mad at Ralph for not doing something thats virtually impossible to do. Coaches dont get hired mid season. Ever.
  8. That, people is what you call a "Hail Mary". That is, a completely outlandish idea, with no basis in reality that if in the one if a zillion chance it works out, makes the writer look like a genius. And of course, if it doesnt, everybody forgets about. Good drugs whereever this guy is. He's obviously the "junior" Senator. Good Lord...this organization is in shambles and you want to take a chance on a college coach....after a DECADE of taking chances on non-proven coaches? Mindless. Absolutely mindless.
  9. Says the doosh who labels someone "smug" becuase he doesnt follow the rules as HE sees how they should be enforced and wants to run somebody over with his car becuase of it. God, youre pathetic.
  10. http://www.velonews.com/article/99813/road...t-victims-speak
  11. Yet, youre the dude behind me pulling your hair out because an itty bitty bicycle ridden by a "spandex clad mary" is getting between you and your NAMBLA meeting. Oh.....I forgot...youre gonna "run me over." Again....no, youre not.
  12. Yeah, then I turned the tables, pushed HIS buttons and next thing you know, hes making internet threats. Whatever...time to move on.
  13. I never thought I was, either. Nor did I ever say that traffic laws dont apply to cyclists. All I ever said was there were were certain and specific instances where they might be ignored. Such as making full stops at stop signs on a stone cold empty road in the early morning hours. Even DRIVERS dont do that. And if you go read what I wrote before Jim got all kinds of crazy and tough-guy, youd see that. To be serious for a second, Im shocked neither you nor Jim can figure out my position on this. I kept saying I dont tolerate nor condone wreckless or inconsiderate behavior on the road and that traffic rules apply in full in virtually all conditions. I AGREED with you idiots, except with a small caveat that there may be times where traffic laws for cars dont logically work for cyclists, and that is dicated not by the cyclist's "attitude", but by traffic conditions.
  14. Agreed. I usually just give 'em the finger and watch them get all huffy and pissy and keep driving becuase.....as much as ya like to say you would....YA WONT GET OUT OF YOUR CARS.
  15. Ive read enough of your posts over the years to know....ya really would NOT. I do have to say, though Ive pleasantly enjoyed this discussion today and bringing out the worst in you. Holy hell...internet physical threats. The absolute BOTTOM of the discussion board barrel.
  16. Just want you all to know I mapped my ride for the bike commute home to include a few trips down some one way streets going the wrong way and a few sidewalk runs, too. Should be fun.
  17. Nah, those are hipsters in their knickers with their fixies riding around Williamsburg. We make fun of them, too.
  18. Thats very funny..but the thing is....you know deep down youre a coward and wont come near me with your car. So make fun all you want. "Youll be dead", "Im gonna run you over". LOL...yeah, right.
  19. Pissing drivers like you off gives me the utmost in pleasure. Both in this thread and on the road. Come on...try to hit me. Ill come visit you in the County that night.
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