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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Congratulations...you just described about 95% of football fans, in general.
  2. I think Ill sit here behind my computer from the comfort of my warm office and throw up some self-righteousness and judgement on somebody who died that I didnt even know. Maybe when somebody I DO know gets a hangnail, I can lean on a LAMP post and ask for prayers...to ya know...show how "sympathetic" I am! Or maybe when get they forget the toy in my happy meal, I can whine about the "injustice" I endured. Yeah...thats the ticket!!!!!!!!!
  3. Kinda like positng phony articles about a blue collar guy who may DIE becuase he's being "denied" health care under the current system. Which he WASNT.
  4. I dont think most college kids are interested in 40 year old cokehead waitresses.
  5. Add me to this list. We used to have friggin wrestling parties every Monday night at my pal's place, when WCW was at its peak. The NWO story line was really great. We didnt evewn go near MNF unless it was a Bills game or a real big one like Dallas/San Fran or something like that. I dont mind admitting that Ive put on TNA a few times on Thurs nights and its acutally not bad. If you liked WCW and in the mood for some guilty pleasure nostalgia TV, put it on. VERY WCW-like. On a somewhat seperate note, I FINALLY saw The Wrestler and LOVED the wrestling specific parts (and Marissa Tomei, but I digress). Reminded me of the "old" ECW matches.
  6. Good God....saying practicing outside would have prepped them better for that Cleveland game is like saying practicing in the rain would have prepped them for playing during Katrina.
  7. The guys at the front have the primary responsibility but youve got a good point and YES...the groups sometimes split. Also depends on the size of the group...if its less than five, youre all making the light. More than that and yes, it often splits.
  8. Ill say it again... We NEVER just plow right on through a red light like we own the road. EVER. PERIOD. Ill add some more....EVERY traffic light approached regardless of its state, the leader of the group (or me, if solo) has the responsibility of evaluating the intersection sitation and judging whether to proceed at speed or prepare the group to stop/yield. If clear, s/he informs the group to proceed wit ha loud shout of "clear!" or tells the group to stop with a warning such as "car left, car right, car back or car forward."
  9. Hey Jim......for the most part, I agree with you. The only place where we part company is the fact that you STILL, for some idiotic reason....think I condone and agree with the practice of blowing through lights and stop signs with no sense of safety or courtesy. I do not now, nor EVER say that I condone cyclists emplying such behavior. The only time I said I did, was as a completely sarcastic response to this thread going south. So, for some crazy reason, Im going to try and restate my postion here again. I hope maybe THIS TIME, youll read and understand. Here goes...... Approaching the red light: Regarding lights and stop signs, it goes like this....You come to a light. You stop or slow to a standing roll. If there is traffic at the light, you 100% stop, unclip and even move to the side of the road so that traffic that might be making a right turn can do so. This is how its done. ALL THE TIME. NOW....if there is no traffic at light, such as early in the AM...or if there was traffic and and ALL of it passes and there is CLEARLY no more in sight approaching the intersection....and it is 100% safe to proceed, then we typically will make the judgement that its safe to move forward and proceed before the light turns green for car traffic. If there is ANY indication that traffic will approach or that proceed through a light could cause ANY problem for either us or car traffic, we will wait out the light until it is green. But what if the light turns red right as we approach it? If thats the case, then we will make our presense known to whatever traffic is in the intersection, most likely by making eye contact with the driver, and make the call to proceed on through or stop, depending on whether or not the traffic is going to allow us to proceed or not. 90% of the time the car traffic will wave us on by....just like a driver might pause at a green light to allow a pedestrian to finish crossing the street, or maybe allow someone to pull out of a driveway. We NEVER just plow right on through a red light like we own the road. EVER. PERIOD. Clear? So your other talk about mindlesly blowing lights rergardless of the traffic conditions, riding the wrong way down streets and on sidewalks? There is no place for that. Ever. Period. I dont know how I could be clearer on that. If these idiotic types are the ONLY cyclists you EVER come across, Im sorry. They piss me off as much as they do you. My original point....waaaaaay back in this thread, was to try and point out that we arent all like this and although our opinions on what traffic rules cyclists are beholden to differ a bit, most, myself included operate with both safety and courtesy to others as a primary concern. We LIVE by the creed of "Share the Road" and are WELL aware that its a two-way street, no pun intended. Look, man...Im well aware that one wrong move and Im dead. All that talk about outrunning cars was just bravado. Ive gone down and have had more than one friend go down and wind up close to dead due to being being drilled by a car. Want to know what crashing on a bike is like? Seriously? Get in your casr, strip down to your underwear, get up to about 35 MPH, open your car door...and jump out. Thats what its like. And it !@#$ing suuuuuuuucks. You reallllly think I want to risk my safety and that of others? Seriously? You think Im so "smug" that Id operate in a dangerous way and risk eating my meals through a straw or worse, leaving my kid fatherless? Come on now. Be serious. And the fact that lots of people in this thread are having a ball stating they would ENJOY taking a cyclist down.....Im sorry, thats !@#$ing scary. Even if you come across some moronic hipster acting like an ass, the answer is drilling him with your car? What the !@#$ is wrong with you people? Finally, regarding whats going on in Brooklyn, I think the whole thing is sad. Sad that the Hipsters and Hasidm are acting so self-important and sad that the City is being so hamfisted about a solution. Here is some good persepctive from a great blogger. And yes, his name is......SNOB: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/ I hope this clears it up once and for all.
  10. You think a cyclist coming to a traffic light, looking both ways, then rolling through it at five in the morning with no vehicular traffic within a fifteen mile radius is an example of "smugness," so who are YOU to comment?
  11. I cant wait for the first time Tony Stewart decides to trade paint with her. If she thinks she can jump out of the car and act like she has during previous clashes in Indy racing, shes got another thing coming.
  12. Fix the program first, then the players will come.
  13. Id argue that the "mouth breathers" are the people who see ONE WIN and are considering hiring that guy over the one who took a team to the playoffs 10 out of 14 years he coached it and has TWO Rings on his resume. But Id be open to the second approach, too (Fewell/New Front office). Either way, be it at coach or in the Front Office, this team must SOMEWHERE bring in PROVEN NFL-level ability. This team cannot right now afford to bring in unknowns. So if its Fewel for HC, then you MUST bring in PROVEN talent for the Front Office.
  14. "Ya know...this desert sure seems better now that the water truck pulled up."
  15. Even if Fewell wins out, how are a few wins going to POSSIBLY match up again men who are going to showcase resumes with fifteen year long track records of success and Super Bowl Rings??!!??
  16. Cant waiyt for the follow up to this thread... "such and such coach works the players too hard!!!! They are all fatigued!!!"
  17. Think....youre looking for a job and you know in three months FIVE different companies will be bidding HIGH for your services. Assuming youre financially set....even if offered a lucrative salary, would you take a job today? I sure as hell wouldnt.
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