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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Yeah...like when the throttles are advanced to takeoff power. But according to folks, they should do that at the gate!!!!
  2. Ya know....youre right.....and to make sure this happens, the airlines will have, like what someone mentioned earlier, "ready to go" spares at every airport, more maintainence personel and FULL aircraft checks before every flight. Oh by the way....the $150 fare you just paid will now be $450 AND youll now have ONE option to fly to your destination per day, not three. This is to make sure there is plenty of time for the full pre-flight check for every departure you demand. I assume youre OK with that.
  3. Not for nothing, but he keeps the stands full for a lousy product....as a marketing guy, his #1 job is to sell the product. Id say hes doing a pretty good job.
  4. Oh yeah...its a simple feat really....launching a fifty ton combination of metal, jet fuel and human beings into the air, up to about eight miles up, with tens of thousands of other similar devices up there at the same time, travelling thousands of miles to a destination, and then bringing it back to the ground with barely more than some noise and a rush of reverse thrust. Thats the point...Im not "defending" the airlines as much as Im mocking the completely UNREALISTIC and downright laughable expectations of folks like yourself. The airlines could certainly do a better job. There is no excuse for the sitation like what happenned with some of those ten hour horror stories. But in general, people need to realize aviation is bloody complicated and downright dangerous, and the amount of effort to make the system work properly on a daily basis is tremendous. So yeah....every now and then...you have a wait a few hours for situations to be resolved and things to work out. And when youre stuck in those sitations, realize whats really going on and stop with your holier than thou bull ****.
  5. Oh yes, there will. Hope the cockroach motel you wind up at becuase your flight was cancelled is comfortable.
  6. Then youre stupid. Plain and simple. Youre one of those mindless twits who think that air travel is some kind of game. Do the world a favor and walk next time you have to go across the Country. See you next Spring.
  7. There are planes like that at some airports. Hangar Queens they are called. Usually used for spare parts. Much more of a practice in the military than in commercial aviation, though.
  8. I know yer kidding, but seriously, an aircraft is making money when its flying. The SECOND it touches the ground, it is no longer. So spares are a no-no. Most pilots outside of those working for major carriers, like the ones who fly lears and King Airs and what not get paid for "wheels up" only. All their flight prep and planning time is on their own dime. Unless youre a big time pilot flying for a major carrier, its not as glamorous as it seems.
  9. Kind of on a seperate note...its kinda funny that the close-minded right wing redneck evangelical hotbed of Houston Texas elected a lesbian mayor...yet liberal, open minded, tolerant New York defeated gay marriage.
  10. I think were agreeing. This wont be hard to comply with....as long as you allow people off while the doors are open. Once they close and the flight puses back, its a different stroy.
  11. Actually, yes. Tires (but not often), marker and nav lights, small engine parts, anything INSIDE the aircraft like a broken seat rail, bin, air conditioning, you name it. Maybe the pilot is getting a warning light of some sort and s/he asks for a crew to come to the aircraft and check it out. ****, Ive seen maintainence pull hydraulic lines and inspect them, right at the gate.
  12. You dismember fetuses, so Im confused by your "outrage" here.
  13. But thats the problem with the law! It doesnt take into account that funny little thing called "the real world." I dont mean to be a doosh...let me explain... Once an airliner pushes back...ESPECIALLY once its out on the taxiways in line for takeoff, there IS NO OPTION to just up and "go back to the terminal", especially at major airports like Logan, JFK, LGA, Dulles, LAX, MCO, etc. There isnt even the possibility of just "sending busses out to the taxiway" like you propose. Its WAY too dangerous. The decision must be made AT THE GATE to either move forward, or give people the option to leave. Once an airplane leaves the gate, even before it leaves the tarmac area and goes out to the taxiway, its bloody difficult to get it back to the gate, sometimes impossible....which is why this situation often occurs in the first place.
  14. Well, roo late. Ive been on PLENTY of fligts where I was stuck for three-four hours waiting for depature due to weather/mechanical or....both! Let me ask you this...if you have a two and a HALF hour delay you just endured......you want to wait a bit longer and depart? Or you want to be pulled off and told "go home or back to your hotel and come back tomorrow?" Guess which option this dumb new law FORCES you to take?
  15. Exactly...there are so many unique sitations and loopholes. If people have been waiting for two hours, but they have a takeoff window in 45 minutes..or if its mechanical related, the part they waited for its literally "on its way" from another airline its borrowed from or in the process of being installed, THEN what happens? I mean on arrivals, sure.....you find a !@#$ing gate and if no gate is available, you send a bus out to the tarmac and get the passengers in that way. Its fairly easy to take care of. But with departures...this is going to be a B word. People piss me off when it comes to air travel....even on a weather weekend like we just had, they act like they are ENTITLED to be taken sometimes THOUSANDS of miles without ONE OUNCE of heavy breathing. On a different, yet kinda related note, the 787 is amazing and if really as efficient and as passenger comfortable as Boeing claims, may put Airbus right out of business. And even WORSE for Airbus, the two best features of the Dreamliner, the wing and new cabin interior, is being carried over to the 747 and later, 737.
  16. Dumb law. I know a buncha people who work for ATC, airport ops, etc. Its borderline unenforceable. And for the few times that it will be enforced, its going to result in even MORE inconvenience and cause delays and cancellations. But like MOST laws written these days...."sounds good." So "yay."
  17. Right, becuase Trent Edwards was this great player, got to that "cesspool" in Buffalo and WHAMMMO!!!!!!!!....now he sucks. Im sure its the FANS that took his Marino-like abilities to stand tall in the pocket and turned him into Captian Checkdown. Is the FANS who took Mcelvin's brains from his head and put them in his ass...and took Maybin's away all togehter. Its the FANS saying "Van Pelt!!!!! Dont throw it to TO!!!!" Yep....its all OUR FAULT. Give me a break. Funny...I dont recall the situation like you spelled out above taking place with a certain crop of a few hundred players in the late 80s/early 90s.
  18. As the same old tired "Buffalo Excuses"...its always SOMEBODY ELSE'S fault....its always "the circumstances." QB played bad? Its the OL's fault. OL played bad? Its the QB's fault. Whole Offense played bad? Its the OC's fault. OC didnt call good plays, its the HC's fault. HC stinks? Its the GM's fault. If its not the OL, its a headband...or a glove...or the weather......or an injury...or a coach who yells too much (or not enough) or doesnt have a headset on. And, of course....its ALWAYS "those referees who have it out for the entire WNY region!!!!!" Can we, as Bills fans, STOP THE !@#$ING EXCUSES? As if the Bills have all these "gems" on the field who are being "held back" by all those "circumstances" around them. Maybe the players just arent that good? Could it be? Nah.
  19. Heard "85" on ESPN once and he is a lot more serious and on the ball than his "Ochocinco" personna lets on.
  20. Someone should thrrow their shoe at Fewell during the presser. I dont care if he "doesnt deserve that." Hes a Bill. The !@#$ing Bills JANITOR deserves that.
  21. And this is why Bill B. needs to die. Going LONg in this situation? !@#$ YOU, Bill. DIE.
  22. I dont mean, you personally are pathetic, Tom. WQell, at least not for yoyur football opinions
  23. Andhow !@#$ing pathetic is it,that as a fan the best you can say is "atleastthey went for it" UGH.
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