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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. knockout punch by LAB. Well played. Oh...and Dave.. Its teabagger , BIRTHER, RACIST. If you going to throw ignorant intolerant put downs at us...at least use the correct vernacular.
  2. If the NFL has the ability to trace PMs on football message boards, then they should take over the TSA.
  3. Im stuck at home with a wife on her deathbed. Well..not literally. Shes got pneumonia. Can someone hook me up?
  4. You wait Tom...some moron raghead will somehow make an explosive that he inhales and those !@#$turds at the TSA will pass a rule "No breathing the last two hours of a flight."
  5. Im assuming game is on at the usual spot? Geez..I love me some cowboy boots.
  6. Well...RW IS still the owner and as such has to approve any reccomendation brought before him. Nothing weird here.
  7. The moves were more or less a re-org. But that might be enough. At the very LEAST now the Bills got the right guys doing the jobs they have the skill sets to perform. No more business guys running the football side of things.
  8. Like saying how we are all gonna die if we dont pass cap and trade....the Country will go bankrupt if we dont pass health reform NOW.....shall I go on? Im not sayin' the right doesnt play the same game, but can you at least nut up and admit the left plays it, too?
  9. OK, he was doing your dog. Im still trying to figure out how certain topics of discussion can be "intellectual" and others cannot. For example....I see Al Gore, discussing climatology, clearly a science topic, screaming "WE ARE ALL GONNNNA DIE!!!!!!" Doesnt sound very "intellectual" to me. Dat word, Gene....I dont think it means what ju think it mean.
  10. 70 isnt old anymore. Some people dont become lead men until they are in their 70s...like Supreme Court Justices...Popes....and Presidents.
  11. A topic isnt defined by it be "intellectual" or not, you dumbass.
  12. Sully is Coach Dickinhishand but with a little less fat around the waist. Total hack.
  13. I agree with that, 8 and 8. The ownership thing must be settled. The rumor of that happenning had me really excited.
  14. I like the moves, which amount to little more than a re-org of the management structure. We got a good GM with a very nice resume running the football side of things, and as Dick Drawn said above, Russ Brandon seems like a very solid businessman. So as we wake today to greet 2010, the Bills have a strong football man running the football side of the operation and a strong businessman running the business side of it. Thas something we didnt have yesterday and is a VERY nice improvment.
  15. Actually, I could care LESS about Barry vacationing. I was pointing out how stupid the whole pet goat thing was. Way to miss the point, bozo.
  16. Even I have to lol at Jim's comment. Wow. If this were a real functioning govt (on both sides) they would review the Act as a whole, revise as necessary, and pass a new version of it that law enforcement is comfortable with, yet doesnt get the ACLU-types all pissy. But cant have THAT....mkaes too much sense.
  17. Blz...there is some corrobrating stories about people trying to help this douche board the plane, as he didnt have a passport.So...he was NOT alone in any way. Nice to see that it took Barry's minions three hours to let him know about this. Yet, they woke him up FIFTEEN MINUTES after he won his NPP. "My Pet Goat", indeed. Napolitano is hack...oh...this is written by a liberal NYC columnist: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2...f_security.html
  18. Im actually GLAD hes not gonna. "WE" now have our "heckuva job, Brownie" quote to throw in your pathetic faces at will.
  19. Obama's gotta fire that broad over that comment. I mean...he HAS TO. Right?
  20. This illustrates why I reallly think the rule is a bad idea. I think more oftne than not, they wont go, but cancel the flight all together....which is EXACTLY what the airlines mean here. More cancelations, not less. I do almost feel bad for the airlines. Name me one other industry where people DEMAND top shelf service and REFUSE to pay more thasn $5 over bargain basement prices for it.
  21. If given the chance, 3/4 of BILLS FANS would rather coach in Dallas or Washington over Buffalo. Cant blame Shanny at all.
  22. No, actually the point of the whole thead is that 95% of the flying public are douchebag "me first" loudmouths without an ant's dick of understanding of how airline operations really work. By the way...last time I go caught in the sitatuation described above....they pulled us back to the gates, opened all the doors, loaded food and water, gave us a good estimate of when the plane would be ready to go...and gave us the option to leave, if we wanted to.
  23. No, actually...we ARE talking about aborted takeoffs. What do you think happens when a 757 taxis into position, the pilot flicks on the strobes, brings the throttles up to 92% N1...but then the EGT or N2 gauge doesnt play along? Hes pulling off the runway, parking on the taxiway and going to run some checks, thats what. And then...proably going to pull up to the company tarmac where a repair crew will check over the bird right then and there with the passengers still on board. And after two hours or so, the ground crew will give him the go ahead or they will cancel the flight depending on what they find. Again...repairs are dont on the fly MOST of the time...beucase an airline's planes have to do that funny thing called "generate revenue." And do do that, they have to do what they are built to do...fly. A lot. Almost constantly. To illustrate how much work an airliner gets further...next time you fly, when the engines are started if you DONT smell a whiff of kerosene (Jet A, more or less), the plane youre on was in the air probably not even an hour or two ago. And Id guarantee you wont experience this on 90% of the flights you fly.
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