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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Billick and Tice. I want the previous HC experience.
  2. Its not about the "ring" as its about "history." Whats attractive about "name" coaches, as opposed to "prospects" like college guys or coordinators is that they have proven that if NOTHING else, they can create and run a sucessful football program. This team has been so bad and lacking that for so long, thats what's paramount. For me, the ring is SO far down the road....I just want a guy brought in who has proven he can build a good program. Winning will come out of that.
  3. Ownership change or redirection that will guarantee the team stays put in WNY.
  4. So its the players who have to execute the system put in place and inversely, the system has to have the proper personel to work properly. Some deep thinking going on at TBD these days.
  5. Liberals love to use the line "its an isolated incident/extremist" as an excuse/defense EXCEPT when it comes to Christianity, where "isolated incidents/extremists" suddenly represent the mainstream. REALLY funny.
  6. Wow, really? You mean good players lead to a championship? Like...wow...thats some deep insight there.
  7. Bills fans are !@#$ing morons. They focus on ONE THING with a player or coach and can NEVER can get past it. Lemme run the list... swizzle sticks height headbands headsets passing on third and short cover 2 not showing emotion not being from buffalo What other stupid, nonsensical things that mean absolutely NOTHING have Bills fans passed as legitimate criteria for why a player or coach has to be fired..or in this case...not hired?
  8. "Rage induced spit fits"???!!!??? Excuse me, but Carl Mauck is here and gone. And the type of person you describe is not how Jim Kelly carries himself, anyway.
  9. People really need to get over their mancrushes on Jim Kelly.
  10. Liberals love to mock Christianity and think that being a NON believer is OK...but when someone exposes the opinion that its better to be a believer, thats suddenly a problem. FWIW, I think Hume's opinion was a bit odd....but you can bet your ass, that if Hume said the opposite....that if Tiger was a Christian and that he should temper his faith and look more to mankind for help, the liberals would love it. But someone says turn TO Christ and suddenly thats "bad." Pretty funny.
  11. Yeah, Im sure Baltimore fans are looking to 'give back' that SB Championship becuase Trent Dilfer was under center.
  12. What a dumb statement......talk about "smarmy" Excuse me, what makes you think a "marketing guy"cant be a CEO? How many people running a sports organization, not on the pure personel level, but the entrie organization, have actual experience in the game, itself?
  13. fifteen games over 500, four playoff appearances, and a ring. Yeah..."suspect." And who the hell wants THAT???!!!??? Good luck finding a coach who has won with lousy players. Ill wait for you to do that. Ill go get my masters degree while Im waiting.
  14. The Bills dont need "something special"....they need a competent HC who has the ability to run a successful football program day to day. Billick can do that. Whats this obsession with hiring the "perfect coach????" There was ONE "perfect coach"....but he !@#$ing dropped dead and now the NFL Championship Trophy is named after him.
  15. My condolences to Woody...but this proves money doesnt buy happiness.
  16. A new coach has to be able to bring in his own staff. Period. April's a casualty in that, but you MUST allow a new HC to name his own staff.
  17. Buh Buh Buh...in Madden 07 I have my team assembled in a few hours!
  18. Vic Carruci is FROM Buffalo, he is far from some independent "neutral" observer of the Bills who writes for a National media source. Saying Carucci is part of a neutral "National Media" is like saying Jim Kelly is part of a corps of neutral "former players."
  19. Man Id love to post a list of HOFers who could have been considered "busts" after their first year. But youre not worth my time.
  20. Yeah...thats a real "who's who" of coaches and coordinators there. What a terrible loss......NOT.
  21. April is a good coach, but this HAD to be done. Enough with the holdoverers. New coach, he gets to come in and pick his staff...his ENTIRE staff. Yeah,. it suchs that some good coaches might be casualties in that, but thats the way it works. And it makes the Bills job MORE attractive becuase the new coach doesnt have to worry about old regime holdovers possibly undermining him before he even holds his first practice. I love it..as fans of bad teams love to say "BACK UP THE TRUCK!!!" Well, the Bills just did that.
  22. I also "root" for Dallas, just to see Wade succeed.
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